
2021‒08‒01 is our two hundred and thirty-fifth issue.

It is preceeded by 2021–07–25. It is succeeded by 2021–08–08.

We have eighty-one reports on this issue.

bims-malgli Biology of malignant gliomas, Oltea Sampetrean, Keio University, on 2021‒08‒01 at 10:12:37, 10 records
bims-senagi Senescence and aging, Maria Grazia Vizioli, Mayo Clinic, on 2021‒08‒01 at 00:35:24, 39 records, 20 seen
bims-moremu Molecular regulators of muscle mass, Anna Vainshtein, Craft Science Inc., on 2021‒08‒01 at 02:28:18, 41 records, 1 seen
bims-mibica Mitochondrial bioenergetics in cancer, Kelsey Fisher-Wellman, East Carolina University, on 2021‒08‒01 at 01:55:25, 37 records, 2 seen
bims-unfpre Unfolded protein response, Susan Logue, University of Manitoba, on 2021‒08‒01 at 01:59:25, 7 records, 7 seen
bims-nastce NASH and T cells, Petra Hirsova, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, on 2021‒08‒01 at 03:04:55, 6 records
bims-mitran Mitochondrial translation, Andreas Kohler, Stockholm University, on 2021‒08‒01 at 08:38:09, 10 records, 4 seen
bims-imseme Immunosenescence and T cell metabolism, Pierpaolo Ginefra, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, on 2021‒08‒01 at 06:06:08, 13 records, 3 seen
bims-camemi Mitochondrial metabolism in cancer, Christian Frezza, , University of Cambridge, MRC Cancer Unit, on 2021‒08‒01 at 06:07:19, 39 records, 35 seen
bims-librar Biomedical librarianship, Thomas Krichel, Open Library Society, on 2021‒08‒01 at 06:27:53, 17 records
bims-instec Intestinal stem cells and chemoresistance in colon cancer and intestinal regeneration, Maria-Virginia Giolito, IRFAC/UMR-S1113 INSERM, on 2021‒08‒01 at 09:48:29, 29 records
bims-glucam Glutamine cancer metabolism, Sreeparna Banerjee, Middle East Technical University, on 2021‒08‒01 at 09:01:07, 9 records, 3 seen
bims-auttor Autophagy and mTOR, Viktor Korolchuk, Newcastle University, on 2021‒08‒01 at 09:15:57, 55 records, 10 seen
bims-orenst Organs-on-chips and engineered stem cell models, Joram Mooiweer, University of Groningen, on 2021‒08‒01 at 09:17:16, 13 records, 1 seen
bims-tubesc Molecular mechanisms in tuberous sclerosis, , on 2021‒08‒01 at 10:49:16, 14 records, 6 seen
bims-hypoxi Hypoxia and HIF1-alpha, , on 2021‒08‒01 at 10:54:00, 25 records, 4 seen
bims-pimaco PI3K and MAPK signalling in colorectal cancer, Lucas B. Zeiger, CRUK Scotland Institute, Beatson Institute for Cancer Research, on 2021‒08‒01 at 11:21:12, 11 records, 3 seen
bims-tremyl Therapy resistance biology in myeloid leukemia, Paolo Gallipoli, Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London, on 2021‒08‒01 at 11:30:35, 36 records, 2 seen
bims-mecosi Membrane contact sites, Verena Kohler, Stockholm University, on 2021‒08‒01 at 16:33:40, 8 records, 4 seen
bims-mitdyn Mitochondrial dynamics: mechanisms, Edmond Chan, Queen’s University, School of Medicine, on 2021‒08‒01 at 18:56:22, 12 records, 12 seen
bims-midmar Mitochondrial DNA maintenance and replication, Flavia Söllner, Ludwig-Maximilians University, on 2021‒08‒02 at 06:57:18, 20 records, 10 seen
bims-pideca Class IA PI3K signalling in development and cancer, Ralitsa Radostinova Madsen, University College London, on 2021‒08‒01 at 21:20:48, 20 records, 12 seen
bims-mikwok Mitochondrial quality control, Avinash N. Mukkala, University of Toronto, on 2021‒08‒01 at 23:44:34, 12 records, 8 seen
bims-apauto Apoptosis and autophagy, Su Hyun Lee, Seoul National University, on 2021‒08‒02 at 04:26:06, 10 records, 9 seen
bims-myxlip Myxoid liposarcoma, Laura Mannarino, Humanitas Research, on 2021‒08‒02 at 07:24:50, 5 records, 1 seen
bims-mesote Mesothelioma, Laura Mannarino, Humanitas Research, on 2021‒08‒02 at 07:25:50, 8 records
bims-novged Non-viral vectors for gene delivery, the Merkel lab and Benjamin Winkeljann, on 2021‒08‒02 at 07:35:02, 13 records
bims-mosdis Mosquito distribution and disease, Richard Halfpenny, Staffordshire University, on 2021‒08‒02 at 09:01:00, 24 records
bims-mricoa MRI contrast agents, Merve Yavuz, Bilkent University, on 2021‒08‒02 at 10:27:39, 4 records
bims-nutges Nucleolar transcription and genomic stability, Kanwal Tariq, Stockholm University, on 2021‒08‒02 at 11:54:35, 13 records
bims-hafaim Heart failure metabolism, Kyle McCommis, Saint Louis University, on 2021‒08‒02 at 14:08:52, 8 records, 4 seen
bims-madeba Mal de débarquement syndrome, Jun Maruta, Mount Sinai Health System, on 2021‒08‒02 at 15:01:44
bims-climfi Cerebellar cortical circuitry, Jun Maruta, Mount Sinai Health System, on 2021‒08‒02 at 15:02:39
bims-rehoca Redox homeostasis in cancer, Vittoria Raimondi, Veneto Institute of Oncology, on 2021‒08‒02 at 19:59:22, 22 records, 3 seen
bims-skolko Scholarly communication, Thomas Krichel, Open Library Society, on 2021‒08‒03 at 01:53:45, 22 records
bims-proarb Proteostasis in aging and regenerative biology, Rich Giadone, Harvard University, on 2021‒08‒03 at 13:56:49, 40 records, 23 seen
bims-bicyki Bicaudal-C1 and interactors in cystic kidney disease, Céline Gagnieux, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, on 2021‒08‒03 at 14:45:02, 16 records, 3 seen
bims-mireme Mitochondria in regenerative medicine, Brian Spurlock, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, on 2021‒08‒03 at 19:24:44, 8 records, 6 seen
bims-nucpor Nuclear pore complex and nucleoporins in stress, aging and disease, Sara Mingu, Johannes Gutenberg University, on 2021‒08‒04 at 22:19:07, 8 records
bims-evares Evaluation of research, Thomas Krichel, Open Library Society, on 2021‒08‒04 at 23:32:57, 44 records, 4 seen
bims-minimp Mitochondria, innate immunity, proteostasis, Hanna Salmonowicz, International Institute of Molecular Mechanisms and Machines of the Polish Academy of Sciences, on 2021‒08‒05 at 06:18:05, 19 records, 15 seen
bims-reprim Reproductive immunology, Iva Filipovic, Karolinska Institutet, on 2021‒08‒05 at 08:44:14, 1 record
bims-almceb Acute Leukemia Metabolism and Cell Biology, Camila Kehl Dias, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, on 2021‒08‒06 at 19:59:47, 11 records, 8 seen
bims-kracam K-Ras in cancer metabolism, Yasmin Elkabani, Egyptian Foundation for Research and Community Development, on 2021‒08‒07 at 01:19:44, 22 records, 11 seen
bims-mitdis Mitochondrial disorders, Catalina Vasilescu, University of Helsinki, on 2021‒08‒07 at 10:40:35, 60 records, 31 seen
bims-micpro Discovery and characterization of microproteins, Thomas Farid Martínez, University of California, Irvine, on 2021‒08‒07 at 17:19:27, 3 records, 1 seen
bims-metlip Methods and protocols in metabolomics and lipidomics, Sofia Costa, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, on 2021‒08‒08 at 01:22:52, 16 records
bims-cytox1 Cytochrome oxidase subunit 1, Gavin McStay, Staffordshire University, on 2021‒08‒08 at 06:40:46, 6 records, 6 seen
bims-rimeca RNA methylation in cancer, Sk Ramiz Islam, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, on 2021‒08‒08 at 08:31:00, 16 records, 3 seen
bims-noxint NADPH oxidases in tumorigenesis, Laia Caja Puigsubira, Uppsala University, on 2021‒08‒08 at 09:12:20, 5 records, 1 seen
bims-epilep Epilepsy, Bindi Kannan, Pondicherry University, on 2021‒08‒08 at 11:32:27, 1 record, 1 seen
bims-meladi Melanocytes in development and disease, Farah Jaber-Hijazi, University of the West of Scotland, on 2021‒08‒08 at 13:17:59, 60 records, 3 seen
bims-lysosi Lysosomes and signaling, Stephanie Fernandes, Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, on 2021‒08‒08 at 14:28:26, 34 records, 24 seen
bims-ershed ER Stress in Health and Diseases, Matías Eduardo González Quiroz, Worker’s Hospital, on 2021‒08‒09 at 03:28:44, 7 records, 5 seen
bims-plasge Plastid genes, Vera S. Bogdanova, ИЦиГ СО РАН, on 2021‒08‒09 at 05:20:10, 4 records
bims-drudre Targeted drug delivery and programmed release mechanisms, Ceren Kimna, Technical University of Munich, on 2021‒08‒09 at 08:52:46, 11 records, 2 seen
bims-crepig Chromatin regulation and epigenetics in cell fate and cancer, Connor Rogerson, University of Cambridge, MRC Cancer Unit, on 2021‒08‒11 at 13:22:55, 22 records, 4 seen
bims-tuchim Tumor-on-chip models, Philipp Albrecht, Friedrich Schiller University, on 2021‒08‒13 at 10:42:20, 6 records, 2 seen
bims-meprid Metabolic-dependent epigenetic reprogramming in differentiation and disease, Alessandro Carrer, Veneto Institute of Molecular Medicine, on 2021‒08‒15 at 01:20:51, 4 records, 1 seen
bims-ectoca Epigenetic control of tolerance in cancer, Ankita Daiya, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, on 2021‒08‒15 at 06:46:39, 13 records, 3 seen
bims-proteo Proteostasis, Eric Chevet, INSERM, on 2021‒08‒15 at 07:15:01, 45 records, 28 seen
bims-tucedo Tumor cell dormancy, Isabel Puig Borreil, Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology, on 2021‒08‒15 at 11:51:55, 19 records, 8 seen
bims-mascan Mass spectrometry in cancer research, Giovanny Rodríguez Blanco, University of Edinburgh, on 2021‒08‒17 at 08:12:40, 27 records, 14 seen
bims-resufa Respiratory supercomplex factors, Vera Strogolova, Strong Microbials, Inc, on 2021‒08‒22 at 04:16:38, 1 record, 1 seen
bims-ovdlit Ovarian cancer: early diagnosis, liquid biopsy and therapy, Lara Paracchini, Humanitas Research, on 2021‒08‒23 at 05:49:50, 5 records, 1 seen
bims-lorfki Long non-coding RNA functions in the kidney, Nikita Dewani, Max Delbrück Centre for Molecular Medicine, on 2021‒08‒23 at 07:58:22, 4 records, 1 seen
bims-exemet Exercise metabolism, Javier Botella Ruiz, Victoria University, on 2021‒08‒24 at 07:35:54, 4 records, 2 seen
bims-cagime Cancer, aging and metabolism, Kıvanç Görgülü, Technical University of Munich, on 2021‒08‒25 at 10:39:31, 37 records, 23 seen
bims-dresag DNA damage and repair, cellular senescence and aging, gene therapy, Pengyi Yan, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, on 2021‒08‒29 at 00:58:16, 11 records, 6 seen
bims-stacyt Metabolism and the paracrine crosstalk between cancer and the organism, Cristina Muñoz Pinedo, L’Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge, on 2021‒08‒29 at 11:45:36, 8 records, 2 seen
bims-meluca Metabolism of non-small cell lung carcinoma, the Muñoz-Pinedo/Nadal (PReTT) lab and Cristina Muñoz Pinedo, on 2021‒08‒29 at 20:12:19, 8 records, 5 seen
bims-covirf COVID19 risk factors, Catherine Rycroft, BresMed, on 2021‒08‒30 at 13:22:43, 3 records
bims-mitlys Mitochondria and Lysosomes, Nicoletta Plotegher, University of Padova, on 2021‒08‒30 at 13:37:35, 6 records, 6 seen
bims-heshmo Trauma hemorrhagic shock — molecular basis, Andreia Luís, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, on 2021‒08‒31 at 23:07:42, 12 records, 3 seen
bims-misrem Mitochondria and sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle mass, Rafael Antonio Casuso Pérez, University of Granada, on 2021‒09‒10 at 21:00:39, 4 records, 4 seen
bims-numges Nucleotide metabolism and genome stability, Sean Rudd, Karolinska Institutet, on 2021‒09‒26 at 10:47:31, 46 records, 13 seen
bims-tumhet Tumor Heterogeneity, Sergio Marchini, Humanitas Research, on 2021‒09‒27 at 07:46:01, 9 records, 4 seen
bims-minfam Inflammation and metabolism in ageing and cancer, Ayesh Seneviratne, University of Toronto, on 2021‒09‒29 at 12:03:48, 19 records, 7 seen
bims-polyam Polyamines, Sebastian J. Hofer, University of Graz, on 2022‒10‒23 at 06:54:06, 5 records, 1 seen
bims-lifras Li-Fraumeni syndrome, Joanna Zawacka-Pankau, Karolinska Institutet, on 2025‒01‒05 at 12:01:22, 7 records, 1 seen
bims-ciryme Circadian rhythms and metabolism, Gabriela Da Silva Xavier, University of Birmingham, on 2025‒01‒06 at 10:53:38

Of the 28887 PubMed records in the issue, 878 were shown in the reports 1329 times. Our coverage ratio is 3.04%.