bims-actimu Biomed News
on Actinopathies in inborn errors of immunity
Issue of 2024‒04‒14
two papers selected by
Elodie Busch, University of Strasbourg

  1. Clin Immunol. 2024 Apr 04. pii: S1521-6616(24)00095-0. [Epub ahead of print] 110204
      BACKGROUND: T-ALL is an aggressive hematological tumor that develops as the result of a multi-step oncogenic process which causes expansion of hematopoietic progenitors that are primed for T cell development to undergo malignant transformation and growth. Even though first-line therapy has a significant response rate, 40% of adult patients and 20% of pediatric patients will relapse. Therefore, there is an unmet need for treatment for relapsed/refractory T-ALL to develop potential targeted therapies.METHODS: Pediatric T-ALL patient derived T cells were grown under either nonskewingTh0 or Th1-skewing conditions to further process for ChIP-qPCR, RDIP-qPCR and other RT-PCR assays. Endogenous WASp was knocked out using CRISPR-Cas9 and was confirmed using flow cytometry and western blotting. LC-MS/MS was performed to find out proteomic dataset of WASp-interactors generated from Th1-skewed, human primary Th-cells. DNA-damage was assessed by immunofluorescence confocal-imaging and single-cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay). Overexpression of RNaseH1 was also done to restore normal Th1-transcription in WASp-deficient Th1-skewed cells.
    RESULTS: We discovered that nuclear-WASp is required for suppressing R-loop production (RNA/DNA-hybrids) at Th1-network genes by ribonucleaseH2 (RNH2) and topoisomerase1. Nuclear-WASp is associated with the factors involved in preventing and dissolving R-loops in Th1 cells. In nuclear- WASp-reduced malignant Th1-cells, R-loops accumulate in vivo and are processed into DNA-breaks by transcription-coupled-nucleotide-excision repair (TC-NER). Several epigenetic modifications were also found to be involved at Th1 gene locus which are responsible for active/repressive marks of particular genes. By demonstrating WASp as a physiologic regulator of programmed versus unprogrammed R-loops, we suggest that the transcriptional role of WASp in vivo extends also to prevent transcription-linked DNA damage during malignancy and through modification of epigenetic dysregulations.
    CONCLUSION: Our findings present a provocative possibility of resetting R-loops as a therapeutic intervention to correct both immune deficiency and malignancy in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients and a novel role of WASp in the epigenetic regulation of T helper cell differentiation in T-ALL patients, anticipating WASp's requirement for the suppression of T-ALL progression.
    Keywords:  R-loop; T-ALL; TC-NER; Th cells; WASp
  2. Sci Rep. 2024 04 06. 14(1): 8109
      Bone resorption is highly dependent on the dynamic rearrangement of the osteoclast actin cytoskeleton to allow formation of actin rings and a functional ruffled border. Hem1 is a hematopoietic-specific subunit of the WAVE-complex which regulates actin polymerization and is crucial for lamellipodia formation in hematopoietic cell types. However, its role in osteoclast differentiation and function is still unknown. Here, we show that although the absence of Hem1 promotes osteoclastogenesis, the ability of Hem1-/- osteoclasts to degrade bone was severely impaired. Global as well as osteoclast-specific deletion of Hem1 in vivo revealed increased femoral trabecular bone mass despite elevated numbers of osteoclasts in vivo. We found that the resorption defect derived from the morphological distortion of the actin-rich sealing zone and ruffled border deformation in Hem1-deficient osteoclasts leading to impaired vesicle transport and increased intracellular acidification. Collectively, our data identify Hem1 as a yet unknown key player in bone remodeling by regulating ruffled border formation and consequently the resorptive capacity of osteoclasts.
    Keywords:  Hem1; Osteoclast; Ruffled border; Wave