bims-celmim Biomed News
on Cellular and mitochondrial metabolism
Issue of 2024‒07‒07
thirty papers selected by
Marc Segarra Mondejar

  1. J Biol Chem. 2024 Jun 27. pii: S0021-9258(24)01999-9. [Epub ahead of print] 107498
      Mitochondria are the nexus of cellular energy metabolism and major signaling hubs that integrate information from within and without the cell to implement cell function. Mitochondria harbor a distinct polyploid genome, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), that encodes respiratory chain components required for energy production. MtDNA mutation and depletion have been linked to obesity and metabolic syndrome in humans. At the cellular and subcellular levels, mtDNA synthesis is coordinated by membrane contact sites implicated in lipid transfer from the endoplasmic reticulum, tying genome maintenance to lipid storage and homeostasis. Here, we examine the relationship between mtDNA and lipid trafficking, the influence of lipotoxicity on mtDNA integrity, and how lipid metabolism may be disrupted in primary mtDNA disease.
    Keywords:  Mitochondria; lipid metabolism; lipotoxicity; mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA); mitochondrial metabolism
  2. Mol Metab. 2024 Jul 01. pii: S2212-8778(24)00113-3. [Epub ahead of print] 101982
      OBJECTIVE: Hepatic Ca2+ signaling has been identified as a crucial key factor in driving gluconeogenesis. The involvement of mitochondria in hormone-induced Ca2+ signaling and their contribution to metabolic activity remain, however, poorly understood. Moreover, the molecular mechanism governing the mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux signaling remains unresolved. This study investigates the role of the Na+ /Ca2+ exchanger, NCLX, in modulating hepatic mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux, and examines its physiological significance in hormonal hepatic Ca2+ signaling, gluconeogenesis, and mitochondrial bioenergetics.METHODS: Primary mouse hepatocytes from both an AAV-mediated conditional hepatic-specific and a total mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchanger, NCLX, knock-out (KO) mouse models were employed for fluorescent monitoring of purinergic and glucagon/vasopressin-dependent mitochondrial and cytosolic hepatic Ca2+ responses in cultured hepatocytes. Isolated liver mitochondria and permeabilized primary hepatocytes were utilized to analyze the ion-dependence of Ca2+ efflux. Utilizing the conditional hepatic-specific NCLX KO model, the rate of gluconeogenesis was assessed first through the monitoring of glucose levels in fasted mice in vivo and by subjecting the fasted mice to a pyruvate tolerance test while monitoring blood glucose. Additionally, cultured primary hepatocytes from both genotypes were assessed in vitro for glucagon-dependent glucose production and cellular bioenergetics through glucose oxidase assay and Seahorse respirometry, respectively.
    RESULTS: Analysis of Ca2+ responses in isolated liver mitochondria and cultured primary hepatocytes from NCLX KO versus WT mice showed that NCLX serves as the principal mechanism for mitochondrial calcium extrusion in hepatocytes. We then determined the role of NCLX in glucagon and vasopressin-induced Ca2+ oscillations. Consistent with previous studies, glucagon and vasopressin triggered Ca2+ oscillations in WT hepatocytes, however, the deletion of NCLX resulted in selective elimination of mitochondrial, but not cytosolic, Ca2+ oscillations or level of IP3R1 expression, underscoring NCLX's pivotal role in mitochondrial Ca2+ regulation. Subsequent in vivo investigation for hepatic NCLX role in gluconeogenesis revealed that, as opposed to WT mice which maintained normoglycemic blood glucose levels when fasted, conditional hepatic-specific NCLX KO mice exhibited a faster drop in glucose levels, becoming hypoglycemic, and with a compromised conversion of pyruvate to glucose when provided challenged under fasting conditions. Concurrent in vitro assessments showed impaired glucagon-dependent glucose production and compromised bioenergetics in KO hepatocytes, thereby underscoring NCLX's significant contribution to hepatic glucose metabolism.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study findings demonstrate that NCLX acts as the primary Ca2+ efflux mechanism in hepatocytes. NCLX is indispensable for the regulation of hormone-induced mitochondrial Ca2+ oscillations, mitochondrial metabolism and sustenance of hepatic gluconeogenesis.
    Keywords:  Calcium signaling; Mitocondrial calcium; NCLX; gluconeogenesis; hepatic calcium signaling
  3. Exp Mol Med. 2024 Jul 02.
      It has long been postulated that dietary restriction is beneficial for ensuring longevity and extending the health span of mammals, including humans. In particular, a reduction in protein consumption has been shown to be specifically linked to the beneficial effect of dietary restriction on metabolic disorders, presumably by reducing the activity of the mechanistic target of rapamycin complex (mTORC) 1 and the reciprocal activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and sirtuin pathways. Although it is widely used as a dietary supplement to delay the aging process in humans, recent evidence suggests that branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) might be a major cause of the deteriorating effect of a protein diet on aging and related disorders. In this review, we delineate the regulation of metabolic pathways for BCAAs at the tissue-specific level and summarize recent findings regarding the role of BCAAs in the control of metabolic health and disease in mammals.
  4. PLoS Biol. 2024 Jul;22(7): e3002671
      Mitochondrial shape and network formation have been primarily associated with the well-established processes of fission and fusion. However, recent research has unveiled an intricate and multifaceted landscape of mitochondrial morphology that extends far beyond the conventional fission-fusion paradigm. These less-explored dimensions harbor numerous unresolved mysteries. This review navigates through diverse processes influencing mitochondrial shape and network formation, highlighting the intriguing complexities and gaps in our understanding of mitochondrial architecture. The exploration encompasses various scales, from biophysical principles governing membrane dynamics to molecular machineries shaping mitochondria, presenting a roadmap for future research in this evolving field.
  5. Front Mol Biosci. 2024 ;11 1402910
      The study of energy transduction in eukaryotic cells has been divided between Bioenergetics and Physiology, reflecting and contributing to a variety of Bioenergetic myths considered here: 1) ATP production = energy production, 2) energy transduction is confined to mitochondria (plus glycolysis and chloroplasts), 3) mitochondria only produce heat when required, 4) glycolysis is inefficient compared to mitochondria, and 5) mitochondria are the main source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cells. These myths constitute a 'mitocentric' view of the cell that is wrong or unbalanced. In reality, mitochondria are the main site of energy dissipation and heat production in cells, and this is an essential function of mitochondria in mammals. Energy transduction and ROS production occur throughout the cell, particularly the cytosol and plasma membrane, and all cell membranes act as two-dimensional energy conduits. Glycolysis is efficient, and produces less heat per ATP than mitochondria, which might explain its increased use in muscle and cancer cells.
    Keywords:  Warburg effect; bioenergetics; cancer; cell metabolism; energetics; glycolysis; mitochondria; oxidative stress
  6. bioRxiv. 2024 Jun 22. pii: 2024.06.18.599628. [Epub ahead of print]
      Mitochondria are central to cellular metabolism; hence, their dysfunction contributes to a wide array of human diseases including cancer, cardiopathy, neurodegeneration, and heritable pathologies such as Barth syndrome. Cardiolipin, the signature phospholipid of the mitochondrion promotes proper cristae morphology, bioenergetic functions, and directly affects metabolic reactions carried out in mitochondrial membranes. To match tissue-specific metabolic demands, cardiolipin typically undergoes an acyl tail remodeling process with the final step carried out by the phospholipid-lysophospholipid transacylase tafazzin. Mutations in the tafazzin gene are the primary cause of Barth syndrome. Here, we investigated how defects in cardiolipin biosynthesis and remodeling impact metabolic flux through the tricarboxylic acid cycle and associated pathways in yeast. Nuclear magnetic resonance was used to monitor in real-time the metabolic fate of 13 C 3 -pyruvate in isolated mitochondria from three isogenic yeast strains. We compared mitochondria from a wild-type strain to mitochondria from a Δ taz1 strain that lacks tafazzin and contains lower amounts of unremodeled cardiolipin, and mitochondria from a Δ crd1 strain that lacks cardiolipin synthase and cannot synthesize cardiolipin. We found that the 13 C-label from the pyruvate substrate was distributed through about twelve metabolites. Several of the identified metabolites were specific to yeast pathways, including branched chain amino acids and fusel alcohol synthesis. Most metabolites showed similar kinetics amongst the different strains but mevalonate and α-ketoglutarate, as well as the NAD+/NADH couple measured in separate nuclear magnetic resonance experiments, showed pronounced differences. Taken together, the results show that cardiolipin remodeling influences pyruvate metabolism, tricarboxylic acid cycle flux, and the levels of mitochondrial nucleotides.
  7. bioRxiv. 2024 Jun 21. pii: 2024.06.21.600105. [Epub ahead of print]
      Local metabolic demand within cells varies widely and the extent to which individual mitochondria can be specialized to meet these functional needs is unclear. We examined the subcellular distribution of MICOS, a spatial and functional organizer of mitochondria, and discovered that it dynamically enriches at the tip of a minor population of mitochondria in the cell periphery that we term METEORs. METEORs have a unique composition; MICOS enrichment sites are depleted of mtDNA and matrix proteins and contain high levels of the Ca2+ uniporter MCU, suggesting a functional specialization. METEORs are also enriched for the myosin MYO19, which promotes their trafficking to a small subset of filopodia. We identify a positive correlation between the length of filopodia and the presence of METEORs and show that elimination of mitochondria from filopodia impairs cellular motility. Our data reveal a novel type of mitochondrial heterogeneity and suggest compositionally specialized mitochondria support cell migration.
  8. Aging Cell. 2024 Jul 02. e14262
      The dynamicity of the mitochondrial network is crucial for meeting the ever-changing metabolic and energy needs of the cell. Mitochondrial fission promotes the degradation and distribution of mitochondria, while mitochondrial fusion maintains mitochondrial function through the complementation of mitochondrial components. Previously, we have reported that mitochondrial networks are tubular, interconnected, and well-organized in young, healthy C. elegans, but become fragmented and disorganized with advancing age and in models of age-associated neurodegenerative disease. In this work, we examine the effects of increasing mitochondrial fission or mitochondrial fusion capacity by ubiquitously overexpressing the mitochondrial fission gene drp-1 or the mitochondrial fusion genes fzo-1 and eat-3, individually or in combination. We then measured mitochondrial function, mitochondrial network morphology, physiologic rates, stress resistance, and lifespan. Surprisingly, we found that overexpression of either mitochondrial fission or fusion machinery both resulted in an increase in mitochondrial fragmentation. Similarly, both mitochondrial fission and mitochondrial fusion overexpression strains have extended lifespans and increased stress resistance, which in the case of the mitochondrial fusion overexpression strains appears to be at least partially due to the upregulation of multiple pathways of cellular resilience in these strains. Overall, our work demonstrates that increasing the expression of mitochondrial fission or fusion genes extends lifespan and improves biological resilience without promoting the maintenance of a youthful mitochondrial network morphology. This work highlights the importance of the mitochondria for both resilience and longevity.
    Keywords:   C. elegans ; aging; biological resilience; genetics; lifespan; mitochondria; mitochondrial fission; mitochondrial fusion
  9. J Cell Biol. 2024 Sep 02. pii: e202311126. [Epub ahead of print]223(9):
      Contact sites between lipid droplets and other organelles are essential for cellular lipid and energy homeostasis upon metabolic demands. Detection of these contact sites at the nanometer scale over time in living cells is challenging. We developed a tool kit for detecting contact sites based on fluorogen-activated bimolecular complementation at CONtact sites, FABCON, using a reversible, low-affinity split fluorescent protein, splitFAST. FABCON labels contact sites with minimal perturbation to organelle interaction. Via FABCON, we quantitatively demonstrated that endoplasmic reticulum (ER)- and mitochondria (mito)-lipid droplet contact sites are dynamic foci in distinct metabolic conditions, such as during lipid droplet biogenesis and consumption. An automated analysis pipeline further classified individual contact sites into distinct subgroups based on size, likely reflecting differential regulation and function. Moreover, FABCON is generalizable to visualize a repertoire of organelle contact sites including ER-mito. Altogether, FABCON reveals insights into the dynamic regulation of lipid droplet-organelle contact sites and generates new hypotheses for further mechanistical interrogation during metabolic regulation.
  10. bioRxiv. 2024 Jun 21. pii: 2024.06.21.600099. [Epub ahead of print]
      Background: Metabolic remodeling is a hallmark of the failing heart. Oncometabolic stress during cancer increases the activity and abundance of the ATP-dependent citrate lyase (ACL, Acly ), which promotes histone acetylation and cardiac adaptation. ACL is critical for the de novo synthesis of lipids, but how these metabolic alterations contribute to cardiac structural and functional changes remains unclear.Methods: We utilized human heart tissue samples from healthy donor hearts and patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Further, we used CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing to inactivate Acly in cardiomyocytes of MyH6-Cas9 mice. In vivo, positron emission tomography and ex vivo stable isotope tracer labeling were used to quantify metabolic flux changes in response to the loss of ACL. We conducted a multi-omics analysis using RNA-sequencing and mass spectrometry-based metabolomics and proteomics. Experimental data were integrated into computational modeling using the metabolic network CardioNet to identify significantly dysregulated metabolic processes at a systems level.
    Results: Here, we show that in mice, ACL drives metabolic adaptation in the heart to sustain contractile function, histone acetylation, and lipid modulation. Notably, we show that loss of ACL increases glucose oxidation while maintaining fatty acid oxidation. Ex vivo isotope tracing experiments revealed a reduced efflux of glucose-derived citrate from the mitochondria into the cytosol, confirming that citrate is required for reductive metabolism in the heart. We demonstrate that YAP inactivation facilitates ACL deficiency. Computational flux analysis and integrative multi-omics analysis indicate that loss of ACL induces alternative isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 flux to compensate.
    Conclusions: This study mechanistically delineates how cardiac metabolism compensates for suppressed citrate metabolism in response to ACL loss and uncovers metabolic vulnerabilities in the heart.
  11. Nat Cell Biol. 2024 Jul 05.
      Eukaryotic cells contain several membrane-separated organelles to compartmentalize distinct metabolic reactions. However, it has remained unclear how these organelle systems are coordinated when cells adapt metabolic pathways to support their development, survival or effector functions. Here we present OrgaPlexing, a multi-spectral organelle imaging approach for the comprehensive mapping of six key metabolic organelles and their interactions. We use this analysis on macrophages, immune cells that undergo rapid metabolic switches upon sensing bacterial and inflammatory stimuli. Our results identify lipid droplets (LDs) as primary inflammatory responder organelle, which forms three- and four-way interactions with other organelles. While clusters with endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria (mitochondria-ER-LD unit) help supply fatty acids for LD growth, the additional recruitment of peroxisomes (mitochondria-ER-peroxisome-LD unit) supports fatty acid efflux from LDs. Interference with individual components of these units has direct functional consequences for inflammatory lipid mediator synthesis. Together, we show that macrophages form functional multi-organellar units to support metabolic adaptation and provide an experimental strategy to identify organelle-metabolic signalling hubs.
  12. BMC Biol. 2024 Jul 02. 22(1): 146
      BACKGROUND: Metabolic associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD), a prevalent liver disorder affecting one-third of the global population, encompasses a spectrum ranging from fatty liver to severe hepatic steatosis. Both genetic and lifestyle factors, particularly diet and nutrition, contribute to its etiology. Folate deficiency, a frequently encountered type of malnutrition, has been associated with the pathogenesis of MAFLD and shown to impact lipid deposition. However, the underlying mechanisms of this relationship remain incompletely understood. We investigated the impact of disturbed folate-mediated one-carbon metabolism (OCM) on hepatic lipid metabolism both in vitro using human hepatoma cells and in vivo using transgenic fluorescent zebrafish displaying extent-, stage-, and duration-controllable folate deficiency upon induction.RESULTS: Disturbed folate-mediated one-carbon metabolism, either by inducing folate deficiency or adding anti-folate drug, compromises autophagy and causes lipid accumulation in liver cells. Disturbed folate status down-regulates cathepsin L, a key enzyme involved in autophagy, through inhibiting mTOR signaling. Interfered mitochondrial biology, including mitochondria relocation and increased fusion-fission dynamics, also occurs in folate-deficient hepatocytes. Folate supplementation effectively mitigated the impaired autophagy and lipid accumulation caused by the inhibition of cathepsin L activity, even when the inhibition was not directly related to folate deficiency.
    CONCLUSIONS: Disruption of folate-mediated OCM diminishes cathepsin L expression and impedes autophagy via mTOR signaling, leading to lipid accumulation within hepatocytes. These findings underscore the crucial role of folate in modulating autophagic processes and regulating lipid metabolism in the liver.
    Keywords:  Autophagy; Cathepsin L; Folate deficiency; Lipid metabolism
  13. Autophagy. 2024 Jul 02.
      Co-occurring mutations in KEAP1 in STK11/LKB1-mutant NSCLC activate NFE2L2/NRF2 to compensate for the loss of STK11-AMPK activity during metabolic adaptation. Characterizing the regulatory crosstalk between the STK11-AMPK and KEAP1-NFE2L2 pathways during metabolic stress is crucial for understanding the implications of co-occurring mutations. Here, we found that metabolic stress increased the expression and phosphorylation of SQSTM1/p62, which is essential for the activation of NFE2L2 and AMPK, synergizing antioxidant defense and tumor growth. The SQSTM1-driven dual activation of NFE2L2 and AMPK was achieved by inducing macroautophagic/autophagic degradation of KEAP1 and facilitating the AXIN-STK11-AMPK complex formation on the lysosomal membrane, respectively. In contrast, the STK11-AMPK activity was also required for metabolic stress-induced expression and phosphorylation of SQSTM1, suggesting a double-positive feedback loop between AMPK and SQSTM1. Mechanistically, SQSTM1 expression was increased by the PPP2/PP2A-dependent dephosphorylation of TFEB and TFE3, which was induced by the lysosomal deacidification caused by low glucose metabolism and AMPK-dependent proton reduction. Furthermore, SQSTM1 phosphorylation was increased by MAP3K7/TAK1, which was activated by ROS and pH-dependent secretion of lysosomal Ca2+. Importantly, phosphorylation of SQSTM1 at S24 and S226 was critical for the activation of AMPK and NFE2L2. Notably, the effects caused by metabolic stress were abrogated by the protons provided by lactic acid. Collectively, our data reveal a novel double-positive feedback loop between AMPK and SQSTM1 leading to the dual activation of AMPK and NFE2L2, potentially explaining why co-occurring mutations in STK11 and KEAP1 happen and providing promising therapeutic strategies for lung cancer.
    Keywords:  AXIN; KEAP1; STK11/LKB1; lysosomal stress; metabolic stress; oxidative stress
  14. Elife. 2024 Jul 02. pii: RP87561. [Epub ahead of print]12
      We studied lysosomal Ca2+ in inflammasome. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) + palmitic acid (PA) decreased lysosomal Ca2+ ([Ca2+]Lys) and increased [Ca2+]i through mitochondrial ROS, which was suppressed in Trpm2-KO macrophages. Inflammasome activation and metabolic inflammation in adipose tissue of high-fat diet (HFD)-fed mice were ameliorated by Trpm2 KO. ER→lysosome Ca2+ refilling occurred after lysosomal Ca2+ release whose blockade attenuated LPS + PA-induced inflammasome. Subsequently, store-operated Ca2+entry (SOCE) was activated whose inhibition suppressed inflammasome. SOCE was coupled with K+ efflux whose inhibition reduced ER Ca2+ content ([Ca2+]ER) and impaired [Ca2+]Lys recovery. LPS + PA activated KCa3.1 channel, a Ca2+-activated K+ channel. Inhibitors of KCa3.1 channel or Kcnn4 KO reduced [Ca2+]ER, attenuated increase of [Ca2+]i or inflammasome activation by LPS + PA, and ameliorated HFD-induced inflammasome or metabolic inflammation. Lysosomal Ca2+ release induced delayed JNK and ASC phosphorylation through CAMKII-ASK1. These results suggest a novel role of lysosomal Ca2+ release sustained by ER→lysosome Ca2+ refilling and K+ efflux through KCa3.1 channel in inflammasome activation and metabolic inflammation.
    Keywords:  diabetes; immunology; inflammation; lipid; lysosome; mouse
  15. Cell Death Dis. 2024 Jul 02. 15(7): 473
      Damage to renal tubular epithelial cells (RTECs) signaled the onset and progression of sepsis-associated acute kidney injury (SA-AKI). Recent research on mitochondria has revealed that mitophagy plays a crucial physiological role in alleviating injury to RTECs and it is suppressed progressively by the inflammation response in SA-AKI. However, the mechanism by which inflammation influences mitophagy remains poorly understood. We examined how macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), a pro-inflammatory protein, influences the PINK1-Parkin pathway of mitophagy by studying protein-protein interactions when MIF was inhibited or overexpressed. Surprisingly, elevated levels of MIF were found to directly bind to PINK1, disrupting its interaction with Parkin. This interference hindered the recruitment of Parkin to mitochondria and impeded the initiation of mitophagy. Furthermore, this outcome led to significant apoptosis of RTECs, which could, however, be reversed by an MIF inhibitor ISO-1 and/or a new mitophagy activator T0467. These findings highlight the detrimental impact of MIF on renal damage through its disruption of the interaction between PINK1 and Parkin, and the therapeutic potential of ISO-1 and T0467 in mitigating SA-AKI. This study offers a fresh perspective on treating SA-AKI by targeting MIF and mitophagy.
  16. Cell Signal. 2024 Jul 02. pii: S0898-6568(24)00252-3. [Epub ahead of print] 111284
      The mitochondrial calcium uniporter complex (MCUc), serving as the specific channel for calcium influx into the mitochondrial matrix, is integral to calcium homeostasis and cellular integrity. Given its importance, ongoing research spans various disease models to understand the properties of the MCUc in pathophysiological contexts, but reported a different conclusion. Therefore, this review delves into the profound connection between MCUc-mediated calcium transients and cellular signaling pathways, mitochondrial dynamics, metabolism, and cell death. Additionally, we shed light on the recent advancements concerning the structural intricacies and auxiliary components of the MCUc in both resting and activated states. Furthermore, emphasis is placed on novel extrinsic and intrinsic regulators of the MCUc and their therapeutic implications across a spectrum of diseases. Meanwhile, we employed molecular docking simulations and identified candidate traditional Chinese medicine components with potential binding sites to the MCUc, potentially offering insights for further research on MCUc modulation.
    Keywords:  Calcium homeostasis; Mitochondrial calcium uniporter complex; Mitochondrial pathophysiology
  17. Oncotarget. 2023 Aug 10. 14 755-757
    Keywords:  CAF; fibroblasts; glutamine; snail1; tumor microenvironment
  18. Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 29. 15(1): 5521
      The microgeometry of the cellular microenvironment profoundly impacts cellular behaviors, yet the link between it and the ubiquitously expressed mechanosensitive ion channel PIEZO1 remains unclear. Herein, we describe a fluorescent micropipette aspiration assay that allows for simultaneous visualization of intracellular calcium dynamics and cytoskeletal architecture in real-time, under varied micropipette geometries. By integrating elastic shell finite element analysis with fluorescent lifetime imaging microscopy and employing PIEZO1-specific transgenic red blood cells and HEK cell lines, we demonstrate a direct correlation between the microscale geometry of aspiration and PIEZO1-mediated calcium signaling. We reveal that increased micropipette tip angles and physical constrictions lead to a significant reorganization of F-actin, accumulation at the aspirated cell neck, and subsequently amplify the tension stress at the dome of the cell to induce more PIEZO1's activity. Disruption of the F-actin network or inhibition of its mobility leads to a notable decline in PIEZO1 mediated calcium influx, underscoring its critical role in cellular mechanosensing amidst geometrical constraints.
  19. Cell Death Dis. 2024 Jul 03. 15(7): 477
      Mitochondrial dysfunction can elicit multiple inflammatory pathways, especially when apoptotic caspases are inhibited. Such an inflammatory program is negatively regulated by the autophagic disposal of permeabilized mitochondria. Recent data demonstrate that the ubiquitination of mitochondrial proteins is essential for NEMO-driven NF-kB activation downstream of mitochondrial permeabilization.
  20. Anal Sci Adv. 2024 Jun;5(5-6): e2400007
      The field of metabolomics has gained tremendous interest in recent years. Whether the goal is to discover biomarkers related to certain pathologies or to better understand the impact of a drug or contaminant, numerous studies have demonstrated how crucial it is to understand variations in metabolism. Detailed knowledge of metabolic variabilities can lead to more effective treatments, as well as faster or less invasive diagnostics. Exploratory approaches are often employed in metabolomics, using relative quantitation to look at perturbations between groups of samples. Most metabolomics studies have been based on metabolite profiling using relative quantitation, with very few studies using an approach for absolute quantitation. Using accurate quantitation facilitates the comparison between different studies, as well as enabling longitudinal studies. In this review, we discuss the most widely used techniques for quantitative metabolomics using mass spectrometry (MS). Various aspects will be addressed, such as the use of external and/or internal standards, derivatization techniques, in vivo isotopic labelling, or quantitative MS imaging. The principles, as well as the associated limitations and challenges, will be described for each approach.
    Keywords:  internal standards; mass spectrometry; quantitative metabolomics; stable isotope labelling
  21. bioRxiv. 2024 Jun 18. pii: 2023.10.06.561186. [Epub ahead of print]
      Relevance-based selectivity and high energy cost are two distinct features of long-term memory (LTM) formation that warrant its default inhibition. Spaced repetition of learning is a highly conserved cognitive mechanism that can lift this inhibition. Here, we questioned how the spacing effect integrates experience selection and energy efficiency at the cellular and molecular levels. We showed in Drosophila that spaced training triggers LTM formation by extending over several hours an increased mitochondrial metabolic activity in neurons of the associative memory center, the mushroom bodies (MBs). We found that this effect is mediated by PKCδ, a member of the so-called 'novel PKC' family of enzymes, which uncovers the critical function of PKCδ in neurons as a regulator of mitochondrial metabolism for LTM. Additionally, PKCδ activation and translocation to mitochondria result from LTM-specific dopamine signaling on MB neurons. By bridging experience-dependent neuronal circuit activity with metabolic modulation of memory-encoding neurons, PKCδ signaling binds the cognitive and metabolic constraints underlying LTM formation into a unified gating mechanism.
  22. STAR Protoc. 2024 Jun 27. pii: S2666-1667(24)00326-5. [Epub ahead of print]5(3): 103161
      Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is mitochondria rich, enabling high oxidative metabolism for non-shivering thermogenesis. The release of large/small extracellular vesicles (EVs) containing mitochondria or mitochondrial fragments, termed mito-EVs, may support mitochondrial quality control or intercellular communication. We present a protocol to isolate and characterize mito-EVs. We detail steps for BAT processing, cell debris removal, differential centrifugation (dC), and mito-EV analysis by flow cytometry and immunoblotting assays. For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Rosina et al.1.
    Keywords:  Cell Biology; Cell Membrane; Cell culture; Flow Cytometry; Metabolism; Molecular Biology; Protein Biochemistry
  23. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024 Jul 09. 121(28): e2403635121
      While the intracellular-extracellular distribution of lactate has been suggested to play a critical role in the healthy and diseased brain, tools are lacking to noninvasively probe lactate in intracellular and extracellular spaces. Here, we show that, by measuring the diffusion of lactate with diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopy in vivo and comparing it to the diffusion of purely intracellular metabolites, noninvasive quantification of extracellular and intracellular lactate fractions becomes possible. More specifically, we detect alterations of lactate diffusion in the APP/PS1 mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Data modeling allows quantifying decreased extracellular lactate fraction in APP/PS1 mice as compared to controls, which is quantitatively confirmed with implanted enzyme-microelectrodes. The capability of diffusion-weighted MR spectroscopy to quantify extracellular-intracellular lactate fractions opens a window into brain metabolism, including in Alzheimer's disease.
    Keywords:  NMR spectroscopy; brain metabolism; compartmentation; lactate; metabolite diffusion
  24. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2024 Jul 02. pii: S0303-7207(24)00176-X. [Epub ahead of print] 112320
      Obesity is characterized by excessive accumulation of adipose tissue (mainly visceral). The morphology and function of mitochondria are crucial for regulating adipose browning and weight loss. Research suggests that the SGLT2 inhibitor canagliflozin may induce weight loss through an unknown mechanism, particularly targeting visceral adipose tissue. While Krueppel-Like Factor 4 (KLF4) is known to be essential for energy metabolism and mitochondrial function, its specific impact on visceral adipose tissue remains unclear. We administered canagliflozin to db/db mice for 8 weeks, or exposed adipocytes to canagliflozin for 24 hours. The expression levels of browning markers, mitochondrial dynamics, and KLF4 were assessed. Then we validated the function of KLF4 through overexpression in vivo and in vitro. Adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) agonists, inhibitors, and KLF4 si-RNA were employed to elucidate the relationship between AMPK and KLF4. The findings demonstrated that canagliflozin significantly decreased body weight in db/db mice and augmented cold-induced thermogenesis. Additionally, canagliflozin increased the expression of mitochondrial fusion-related factors while reducing the levels of fission markers in epididymal white adipose tissue. These consistent findings were mirrored in canagliflozin-treated adipocytes. Similarly, overexpression of KLF4 in both adipocytes and db/db mice yielded comparable results. In all, canagliflozin mitigates obesity in db/db mice by promoting the brown visceral adipocyte phenotype through enhanced mitochondrial fusion via AMPK/KLF4 signaling.
    Keywords:  KLF4; browning; mitochondrial dynamics; sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitor; visceral adipose tissue
  25. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024 Jul 09. 121(28): e2401579121
      Iron is an essential element for life owing to its ability to participate in a diverse array of oxidation-reduction reactions. However, misregulation of iron-dependent redox cycling can also produce oxidative stress, contributing to cell growth, proliferation, and death pathways underlying aging, cancer, neurodegeneration, and metabolic diseases. Fluorescent probes that selectively monitor loosely bound Fe(II) ions, termed the labile iron pool, are potentially powerful tools for studies of this metal nutrient; however, the dynamic spatiotemporal nature and potent fluorescence quenching capacity of these bioavailable metal stores pose challenges for their detection. Here, we report a tandem activity-based sensing and labeling strategy that enables imaging of labile iron pools in live cells through enhancement in cellular retention. Iron green-1 fluoromethyl (IG1-FM) reacts selectively with Fe(II) using an endoperoxide trigger to release a quinone methide dye for subsequent attachment to proximal biological nucleophiles, providing a permanent fluorescent stain at sites of elevated labile iron. IG1-FM imaging reveals that degradation of the major iron storage protein ferritin through ferritinophagy expands the labile iron pool, while activation of nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor 2 (NRF2) antioxidant response elements (AREs) depletes it. We further show that lung cancer cells with heightened NRF2 activation, and thus lower basal labile iron, have reduced viability when treated with an iron chelator. By connecting labile iron pools and NRF2-ARE activity to a druggable metal-dependent vulnerability in cancer, this work provides a starting point for broader investigations into the roles of transition metal and antioxidant signaling pathways in health and disease.
    Keywords:  activity-based sensing; antioxidant regulation; cancer metabolism; fluorescent iron probe; transition metal signaling
  26. Cell Rep. 2024 Jul 02. pii: S2211-1247(24)00735-6. [Epub ahead of print]43(7): 114406
      Cancer cellular heterogeneity and therapy resistance arise substantially from metabolic and transcriptional adaptations, but how these are interconnected is poorly understood. Here, we show that, in melanoma, the cancer stem cell marker aldehyde dehydrogenase 1A3 (ALDH1A3) forms an enzymatic partnership with acetyl-coenzyme A (CoA) synthetase 2 (ACSS2) in the nucleus to couple high glucose metabolic flux with acetyl-histone H3 modification of neural crest (NC) lineage and glucose metabolism genes. Importantly, we show that acetaldehyde is a metabolite source for acetyl-histone H3 modification in an ALDH1A3-dependent manner, providing a physiologic function for this highly volatile and toxic metabolite. In a zebrafish melanoma residual disease model, an ALDH1-high subpopulation emerges following BRAF inhibitor treatment, and targeting these with an ALDH1 suicide inhibitor, nifuroxazide, delays or prevents BRAF inhibitor drug-resistant relapse. Our work reveals that the ALDH1A3-ACSS2 couple directly coordinates nuclear acetaldehyde-acetyl-CoA metabolism with specific chromatin-based gene regulation and represents a potential therapeutic vulnerability in melanoma.
    Keywords:  ACSS2; ALDH1A3; CP: Cancer; CP: Metabolism; Nifuroxazide; TFAP2B; acetaldehyde; melanoma; neural crest stem cell; pyruvate metabolism; residual disease
  27. Sci Rep. 2024 07 04. 14(1): 15444
      Tobacco smoking is the main etiological factor of lung cancer (LC), which can also cause metabolome disruption. This study aimed to investigate whether the observed metabolic shift in LC patients was also associated with their smoking status. Untargeted metabolomics profiling was applied for the initial screening of changes in serum metabolic profile between LC and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients, selected as a non-cancer group. Differences in metabolite profiles between current and former smokers were also tested. Then, targeted metabolomics methods were applied to verify and validate the proposed LC biomarkers. For untargeted metabolomics, a single extraction-dual separation workflow was applied. The samples were analyzed using a liquid chromatograph-high resolution quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Next, the selected metabolites were quantified using liquid chromatography-triple-quadrupole mass spectrometry. The acquired data confirmed that patients' stratification based on smoking status impacted the discriminating ability of the identified LC marker candidates. Analyzing a validation set of samples enabled us to determine if the putative LC markers were truly robust. It demonstrated significant differences in the case of four metabolites: allantoin, glutamic acid, succinic acid, and sphingosine-1-phosphate. Our research showed that studying the influence of strong environmental factors, such as tobacco smoking, should be considered in cancer marker research since it reduces the risk of false positives and improves understanding of the metabolite shifts in cancer patients.
    Keywords:  Biomarker; Mass spectrometry; Metabolic profile; Non-small cell lung cancer; Tobacco smoking
  28. Nat Commun. 2024 Jul 03. 15(1): 5582
      Male infertility is a major public health concern globally with unknown etiology in approximately half of cases. The decline in total sperm count over the past four decades and the parallel increase in childhood obesity may suggest an association between these two conditions. Here, we review the molecular mechanisms through which obesity during childhood and adolescence may impair future testicular function. Several mechanisms occurring in obesity can interfere with the delicate metabolic processes taking place at the testicular level during childhood and adolescence, providing the molecular substrate to hypothesize a causal relationship between childhood obesity and the risk of low sperm counts in adulthood.
  29. J Cancer. 2024 ;15(13): 4175-4196
      Background: Metabolic reprogramming plays a crucial role in the development of colorectal cancer (CRC), influencing tumor heterogeneity, the tumor microenvironment, and metastasis. While the interaction between metabolism and CRC is critical for developing personalized treatments, gaps remain in understanding how tumor cell metabolism affects prognosis. Our study introduces novel insights by integrating single-cell and bulk transcriptome analyses to explore the metabolic landscape within CRC cells and its mechanisms influencing disease progression. This approach allows us to uncover metabolic heterogeneity and identify specific metabolic genes impacting metastasis, which have not been thoroughly examined in previous studies. Methods: We sourced microarray and single-cell RNA sequencing datasets from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) and bulk sequencing data for CRC from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). We employed Gene Set Variation Analysis (GSVA) to assess metabolic pathway activity, consensus clustering to identify CRC-specific transcriptome subtypes in bulkseq, and rigorous quality controls, including the exclusion of cells with high mitochondrial gene expression in scRNA seq. Advanced analyses such as AUCcell, infercnvCNV, Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF), and CytoTRACE were utilized to dissect the cellular landscape and evaluate pathway activities and tumor cell stemness. The hdWGCNA algorithm helped identify prognosis-related hub genes, integrating these findings using a random forest machine learning model. Results: Kaplan-Meier survival curves identified 21 significant metabolic pathways linked to prognosis, with consensus clustering defining three CRC subtypes (C3, C2, C1) based on metabolic activity, which correlated with distinct clinical outcomes. The metabolic activity of the 13 cell subpopulations, particularly the epithelial cell subpopulation with active metabolic levels, was evaluated using AUCcell in scRNA seq. To further analyze tumor cells using infercnv, NMF disaggregated these cells into 10 cellular subpopulations. Among these, the C2 subpopulation exhibited higher stemness and tended to have a poorer prognosis compared to C6 and C0. Conversely, the C8, C3, and C1 subpopulations demonstrated a higher level of the five metabolic pathways, and the C3 and C8 subpopulations tended to have a more favorable prognosis. hdWGCNA identified 20 modules, from which we selected modules primarily expressed in high metabolic tumor subgroups and highly correlated with clinical information, including blue and cyan. By applying variable downscaling of RF to a total of 50 hub genes, seven gene signatures were obtained. Furthermore, molecules that were validated to be protective in GEO were screened alongside related molecules, resulting in the identification of prognostically relevant molecules such as UQCRFS1 and GRSF1. Additionally, the expression of GRSF1 was examined in colon cancer cell lines using qPCR and phenotypically verified by in vitro experiments. Conclusion: Our findings emphasize that high activity in specific metabolic pathways, including pyruvate metabolism and the tricarboxylic acid cycle, correlates with improved colon cancer outcomes, presenting new avenues for metabolic-based therapies. The identification of hub genes like GRSF1 and UQCRFS1 and their link to favorable metabolic profiles offers novel insights into tumor neovascularization and metastasis, with significant clinical implications for targeting metabolic pathways in CRC therapy.
    Keywords:  Colorectal cancer; Metastasis; Single-cell; Tumor heterogeneity; Tumor metabolic; Tumor microenvironment
  30. J Clin Invest. 2024 Jul 01. pii: e182329. [Epub ahead of print]134(13):
      Cystic fibrosis is a debilitating disease characterized by a poor medical prognosis due to devastating lung injury. Recent medical advances targeting the major genetic mutation ΔF508 of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein have dramatically increased the lifespan of patients with this mutation. This development has led to major changes in the field and has pushed research beyond the ion transport nature of cystic fibrosis and toward multiorgan physiological reprogramming. In this issue of the JCI, Bae, Kim, and colleagues utilized a large animal pig model prior to the onset of disease. They revealed metabolic reprogramming and organ crosstalk that occurred prior to disease progression. These findings provide paradigm-shifting insight into this complex disease.