bims-ciryme Biomed News
on Circadian rhythms and metabolism
Issue of 2024–12–29
five papers selected by
Gabriela Da Silva Xavier, University of Birmingham

  1. Biochem J. 2024 Dec 23. 481(24): 1967-1976
      In mammals, molecular mechanisms of circadian rhythms involve a time-delayed negative feedback loop generating autonomous oscillations of ∼24 h. Most cell types in mammals possess circadian rhythms regulating temporal organization of cellular and physiological processes. Intriguingly, pluripotent stem cells do not possess circadian rhythms and oscillations arise after a defined period of differentiation. Previous studies demonstrated that post-transcriptional regulations of core clock components, CLOCK and PER2, play critical roles in inducing circadian rhythms. In this article, we review the development of circadian rhythms in mammalian systems and provide a theoretical understanding of potential mechanisms regulating the birth of circadian rhythms using mathematical modeling.
    Keywords:  circadian rhythms; development; mathematical modeling
  2. Cell Metab. 2024 Dec 17. pii: S1550-4131(24)00455-8. [Epub ahead of print]
      When food is freely available, eating occurs without energy deficit. While agouti-related peptide (AgRP) neurons are likely involved, their activation is thought to require negative energy balance. To investigate this, we implemented long-term, continuous in vivo fiber-photometry recordings in mice. We discovered new forms of AgRP neuron regulation, including fast pre-ingestive decreases in activity and unexpectedly rapid activation by fasting. Furthermore, AgRP neuron activity has a circadian rhythm that peaks concurrent with the daily feeding onset. Importantly, this rhythm persists when nutrition is provided via constant-rate gastric infusions. Hence, it is not secondary to a circadian feeding rhythm. The AgRP neuron rhythm is driven by the circadian clock, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), as SCN ablation abolishes the circadian rhythm in AgRP neuron activity and feeding. The SCN activates AgRP neurons via excitatory afferents from thyrotrophin-releasing hormone-expressing neurons in the dorsomedial hypothalamus (DMHTrh neurons) to drive daily feeding rhythms.
    Keywords:  AgRP neurons; circadian; dorsomedial hypothalamus; feeding; gastric infusion; homeostasis; in vivo fiber photometry; suprachiasmatic nucleus
  3. bioRxiv. 2024 Dec 17. pii: 2024.12.06.627294. [Epub ahead of print]
      Circadian rhythms in mammals arise from the spatiotemporal synchronization of ∼20,000 neuronal clocks in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN). While anatomical, molecular, and genetic approaches have revealed diverse cell types and signaling mechanisms, the network wiring that enables SCN cells to communicate and synchronize remains unclear. To overcome the challenges of revealing functional connectivity from fixed tissue, we developed MITE (Mutual Information & Transfer Entropy), an information theory approach that infers directed cell-cell connections with high fidelity. By analyzing 3447 hours of continuously recorded clock gene expression from 9011 cells in 17 mice, we found that the functional connectome of SCN was highly conserved bilaterally and across mice, sparse, and organized into a dorsomedial and a ventrolateral module. While most connections were local, we discovered long-range connections from ventral cells to cells in both the ventral and dorsal SCN. Based on their functional connectivity, SCN cells can be characterized as circadian signal generators, broadcasters, sinks, or bridges. For example, a subset of VIP neurons acts as hubs that generate circadian signals critical to synchronize daily rhythms across the SCN neural network. Simulations of the experimentally inferred SCN networks recapitulated the stereotypical dorsal-to-ventral wave of daily PER2 expression and ability to spontaneously synchronize, revealing that SCN emergent dynamics are sculpted by cell-cell connectivity. We conclude that MITE provides a powerful method to infer functional connectomes, and that the conserved architecture of cell-cell connections mediates circadian synchrony across space and time in the mammalian SCN.
    Highlights: We developed MITE, an information theory method, to accurately infer directed functional connectivity among circadian cells.SCN cell types with conserved connectivity patterns spatially organize into two regions and function as generators, broadcasters, sinks, or bridges of circadian information.One-third of VIP neurons serve as hubs that drive circadian synchrony across the SCN.Key connectivity features mediate the generation and maintenance of intercellular synchrony and daily waves of clock gene expression across the SCN.
  4. BMC Biol. 2024 Dec 23. 22(1): 296
       BACKGROUND: Epidemiologic researches show that short sleep duration may affect feeding behaviors resulting in higher energy intake and increased risk of obesity, but the further mechanisms that can interpret the causality remain unclear. The circadian rhythm is fine-tuned by the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) as the master clock, which is essential for driving rhythms in food intake and energy metabolism through neuronal projections to the arcuate nucleus (ARC) and paraventricular nucleus (PVN).
    RESULTS: We showed that chronic SD-induced aberrant expressions of AgRP/NPY and POMC attributed to compromised JAK/STAT3 signals and reduced energy expenditure in the mice, which can be rescued with AAV-genetic overexpression of BMAL1 into SCN. The potential mechanism may be related to the disruptions of SCN efferent mediated by BMAL1.
    CONCLUSIONS: Chronic SD impairs energy balance through directly dampening BMAL1 expression, probably in the transcription level, in the SCN, which in turn affects the neuron projections to ARC and PVN. Remarkably, we provide evidence that may explain the causal mechanisms associated with sleep curtailment and obesity in adolescents.
    Keywords:  BMAL1; Chronic sleep deprivation; Energy expenditure; Food intake; SCN
  5. J Biol Rhythms. 2024 Dec 26. 7487304241303554
      In both diurnal and nocturnal species, the neurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) generate a daily pattern in which the impulse frequency peaks at midday and is lowest during the night. This pattern, common to both day-active and night-active species, has led to the long-standing notion that their functional difference relies merely on a sign reversal in SCN output. However, recent evidence shows that the response of the SCN to the animal's physical activity is opposite in nocturnal and diurnal animals. This finding suggests the presence of additional differences in the circadian system between nocturnal and diurnal species. We therefore attempted to identify these differences in neuronal network organization using the A-B two-oscillator model, which is comprised of Poincaré like oscillators. Based on this model, we infer that in diurnal animals the feedback from physical activity acts on neuronal subpopulations in the SCN that do not receive light input; in contrast, in nocturnal animals, physical activity acts on light-receptive neurons in the SCN in order to produce high-amplitude circadian rhythms.
    Keywords:  Poincaré model; circadian rhythm; diurnality; nocturnality; physical activity; suprachiasmatic nucleus