bims-ginsta Biomed News
on Genome instability
Issue of 2024‒04‒14
twenty-two papers selected by
Jinrong Hu, National University of Singapore

  1. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2024 Apr 09. pii: S1043-2760(24)00064-X. [Epub ahead of print]
      Mitochondria have a crucial role in cellular function and exhibit remarkable plasticity, adjusting both their structure and activity to meet the changing energy demands of a cell. Oocytes, female germ cells that become eggs, undergo unique transformations: the extended dormancy period, followed by substantial increase in cell size and subsequent maturation involving the segregation of genetic material for the next generation, present distinct metabolic challenges necessitating varied mitochondrial adaptations. Recent findings in dormant oocytes challenged the established respiratory complex hierarchies and underscored the extent of mitochondrial plasticity in long-lived oocytes. In this review, we discuss mitochondrial adaptations observed during oocyte development across three vertebrate species (Xenopus, mouse, and human), emphasising current knowledge, acknowledging limitations, and outlining future research directions.
    Keywords:  metabolism; mitochondria; oocyte; plasticity
  2. Cell Rep. 2024 Apr 11. pii: S2211-1247(24)00418-2. [Epub ahead of print]43(4): 114090
      Gene repression by the Polycomb pathway is essential for metazoan development. Polycomb domains, characterized by trimethylation of histone H3 lysine 27 (H3K27me3), carry the memory of repression and hence need to be maintained to counter the dilution of parental H3K27me3 with unmodified H3 during replication. Yet, how locus-specific H3K27me3 is maintained through replication is unclear. To understand H3K27me3 recovery post-replication, we first define nucleation sites within each Polycomb domain in mouse embryonic stem cells. To map dynamics of H3K27me3 domains across the cell cycle, we develop CUT&Flow (coupling cleavage under target and tagmentation with flow cytometry). We show that post-replication recovery of Polycomb domains occurs by nucleation and spreading, using the same nucleation sites used during de novo domain formation. By using Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) subunit-specific inhibitors, we find that PRC2 targets nucleation sites post-replication independent of pre-existing H3K27me3. Thus, competition between H3K27me3 deposition and nucleosome turnover drives both de novo domain formation and maintenance during every cell cycle.
    Keywords:  CP: Molecular biology; PRC2; Polycomb; chromatin dynamics; epigenomics; nucleation
  3. Nat Commun. 2024 Apr 08. 15(1): 3000
      Actomyosin networks constrict cell area and junctions to alter cell and tissue shape. However, during cell expansion under mechanical stress, actomyosin networks are strengthened and polarized to relax stress. Thus, cells face a conflicting situation between the enhanced actomyosin contractile properties and the expansion behaviour of the cell or tissue. To address this paradoxical situation, we study late Drosophila oogenesis and reveal an unusual epithelial expansion wave behaviour. Mechanistically, Rac1 and Rho1 integrate basal pulsatile actomyosin networks with ruffles and focal adhesions to increase and then stabilize basal area of epithelial cells allowing their flattening and elongation. This epithelial expansion behaviour bridges cell changes to oocyte growth and extension, while oocyte growth in turn deforms the epithelium to drive cell spreading. Basal pulsatile actomyosin networks exhibit non-contractile mechanics, non-linear structures and F-actin/Myosin-II spatiotemporal signal separation, implicating unreported expanding properties. Biophysical modelling incorporating these expanding properties well simulates epithelial cell expansion waves. Our work thus highlights actomyosin expanding properties as a key mechanism driving tissue morphogenesis.
  4. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2024 Apr 10.
      From embryonic development, postnatal growth and adult homeostasis to reparative and disease states, cells and tissues undergo constant changes in genome activity, cell fate, proliferation, movement, metabolism and growth. Importantly, these biological state transitions are coupled to changes in the mechanical and material properties of cells and tissues, termed mechanical state transitions. These mechanical states share features with physical states of matter, liquids and solids. Tissues can switch between mechanical states by changing behavioural dynamics or connectivity between cells. Conversely, these changes in tissue mechanical properties are known to control cell and tissue function, most importantly the ability of cells to move or tissues to deform. Thus, tissue mechanical state transitions are implicated in transmitting information across biological length and time scales, especially during processes of early development, wound healing and diseases such as cancer. This Review will focus on the biological basis of tissue-scale mechanical state transitions, how they emerge from molecular and cellular interactions, and their roles in organismal development, homeostasis, regeneration and disease.
  5. bioRxiv. 2024 Mar 27. pii: 2024.03.25.586714. [Epub ahead of print]
      Cell size and biosynthetic capacity generally increase with increased DNA content. Polyploidy has therefore been proposed to be an adaptive strategy to increase cell size in specialized tissues with high biosynthetic demands. However, if and how DNA concentration limits cellular biosynthesis in vivo is not well understood, and the impacts of polyploidy in non-disease states is not well studied. Here, we show that polyploidy in the C. elegans intestine is critical for cell growth and yolk biosynthesis, a central role of this organ. Artificially lowering the DNA/cytoplasm ratio by reducing polyploidization in the intestine gave rise to smaller cells with more dilute mRNA. Highly-expressed transcripts were more sensitive to this mRNA dilution, whereas lowly-expressed genes were partially compensated - in part by loading more RNA Polymerase II on the remaining genomes. DNA-dilute cells had normal total protein concentration, which we propose is achieved by increasing production of translational machinery at the expense of specialized, cell-type specific proteins.
  6. J Biol Chem. 2024 Apr 06. pii: S0021-9258(24)01780-0. [Epub ahead of print] 107279
      Actin bundling proteins crosslink filaments into polarized structures that shape and support membrane protrusions including filopodia, microvilli, and stereocilia. In the case of epithelial microvilli, mitotic spindle positioning protein (MISP) is an actin bundler that localizes specifically to the basal rootlets, where the pointed ends of core bundle filaments converge. Previous studies established that MISP is prevented from binding more distal segments of the core bundle by competition with other actin binding proteins. Yet whether MISP holds a preference for binding directly to rootlet actin remains an open question. By immunostaining native intestinal tissue sections, we found that microvillar rootlets are decorated with the severing protein, cofilin, suggesting high levels of ADP-actin in these structures. Using TIRF microscopy assays, we also found that purified MISP exhibits a binding preference for ADP- vs. ADP-Pi-actin containing filaments. Consistent with this, assays with actively growing actin filaments revealed that MISP binds at or near their pointed ends. Moreover, although substrate attached MISP assembles filament bundles in parallel and antiparallel configurations, in solution MISP assembles parallel bundles consisting of multiple filaments exhibiting uniform polarity. These discoveries highlight nucleotide state sensing as a mechanism for sorting actin bundlers along filaments and driving their accumulation near filament ends. Such localized binding might drive parallel bundle formation and/or locally modulate bundle mechanical properties in microvilli and related protrusions.
    Keywords:  brush border; bundle; cytoskeleton; enterocyte; membrane; microvilli; protrusion; terminal web
  7. Nat Commun. 2024 Apr 11. 15(1): 3139
      Several actin-binding proteins (ABPs) phase separate to form condensates capable of curating the actin network shapes. Here, we use computational modeling to understand the principles of actin network organization within VASP condensate droplets. Our simulations reveal that the different actin shapes, namely shells, rings, and mixture states are highly dependent on the kinetics of VASP-actin interactions, suggesting that they arise from kinetic trapping. Specifically, we show that reducing the residence time of VASP on actin filaments reduces degree of bundling, thereby promoting assembly of shells rather than rings. We validate the model predictions experimentally using a VASP-mutant with decreased bundling capability. Finally, we investigate the ring opening within deformed droplets and found that the sphere-to-ellipsoid transition is favored under a wide range of filament lengths while the ellipsoid-to-rod transition is only permitted when filaments have a specific range of lengths. Our findings highlight key mechanisms of actin organization within phase-separated ABPs.
  8. Mol Cell. 2024 Apr 05. pii: S1097-2765(24)00226-0. [Epub ahead of print]
      The transition from transcription initiation to elongation is highly regulated in human cells but remains incompletely understood at the structural level. In particular, it is unclear how interactions between RNA polymerase II (RNA Pol II) and initiation factors are broken to enable promoter escape. Here, we reconstitute RNA Pol II promoter escape in vitro and determine high-resolution structures of initially transcribing complexes containing 8-, 10-, and 12-nt ordered RNAs and two elongation complexes containing 14-nt RNAs. We suggest that promoter escape occurs in three major steps. First, the growing RNA displaces the B-reader element of the initiation factor TFIIB without evicting TFIIB. Second, the rewinding of the transcription bubble coincides with the eviction of TFIIA, TFIIB, and TBP. Third, the binding of DSIF and NELF facilitates TFIIE and TFIIH dissociation, establishing the paused elongation complex. This three-step model for promoter escape fills a gap in our understanding of the initiation-elongation transition of RNA Pol II transcription.
    Keywords:  RNA polymerase II; promoter escape; transcription
  9. Science. 2024 Apr 12. 384(6692): eadn9560
      Formins control the assembly of actin filaments (F-actin) that drive cell morphogenesis and motility in eukaryotes. However, their molecular interaction with F-actin and their mechanism of action remain unclear. In this work, we present high-resolution cryo-electron microscopy structures of F-actin barbed ends bound by three distinct formins, revealing a common asymmetric formin conformation imposed by the filament. Formation of new intersubunit contacts during actin polymerization sterically displaces formin and triggers its translocation. This "undock-and-lock" mechanism explains how actin-filament growth is coordinated with formin movement. Filament elongation speeds are controlled by the positioning and stability of actin-formin interfaces, which distinguish fast and slow formins. Furthermore, we provide a structure of the actin-formin-profilin ring complex, which resolves how profilin is rapidly released from the barbed end during filament elongation.
  10. bioRxiv. 2024 Mar 28. pii: 2024.03.26.586649. [Epub ahead of print]
      Alveolar epithelial type II (AT2) cell dysfunction is implicated in the pathogenesis of familial and sporadic idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). We previously described that expression of an AT2 cell exclusive disease-associated protein isoform (SP-CI73T) in murine and patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived AT2 cells leads to a block in late macroautophagy and promotes time-dependent mitochondrial impairments; however, how a metabolically dysfunctional AT2 cell results in fibrosis remains elusive. Here using murine and human iPSC-derived AT2 cell models expressing SP-CI73T, we characterize the molecular mechanisms governing alterations in AT2 cell metabolism that lead to increased glycolysis, decreased mitochondrial biogenesis, disrupted fatty acid oxidation, accumulation of impaired mitochondria, and diminished AT2 cell progenitor capacity manifesting as reduced AT2 self-renewal and accumulation of transitional epithelial cells. We identify deficient AMP-kinase signaling as a key upstream signaling hub driving disease in these dysfunctional AT2 cells and augment this pathway to restore alveolar epithelial metabolic function, thus successfully alleviating lung fibrosis in vivo.
  11. Cell Rep. 2024 Apr 05. pii: S2211-1247(24)00352-8. [Epub ahead of print]43(4): 114024
      Mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) in the primed pluripotency state, which resembles the post-implantation epiblast, can be de-differentiated in culture to a naive state that resembles the pre-implantation inner cell mass. We report that primed-to-naive mESC transition entails a significant slowdown of DNA replication forks and the compensatory activation of dormant origins. Using isolation of proteins on nascent DNA coupled to mass spectrometry, we identify key changes in replisome composition that are responsible for these effects. Naive mESC forks are enriched in MRE11 nuclease and other DNA repair proteins. MRE11 is recruited to newly synthesized DNA in response to transcription-replication conflicts, and its inhibition or genetic downregulation in naive mESCs is sufficient to restore the fork rate of primed cells. Transcriptomic analyses indicate that MRE11 exonuclease activity is required for the complete primed-to-naive mESC transition, demonstrating a direct link between DNA replication dynamics and the mESC de-differentiation process.
    Keywords:  CP: Molecular biology; CP: Stem cell research; DNA replication; MRE11; iPOND; pluripotency; primed-to-naive transition; replisome
  12. Cell Rep. 2024 Apr 09. pii: S2211-1247(24)00413-3. [Epub ahead of print]43(4): 114085
      Bioengineering of a functional human heart continues to face many challenges, including the production of distinct cardiac cell types. Now, in Cell Stem Cell, Ye et al.1 develop AVC-like cardiomyocytes through timing- and concentration-specific activation of canonical Wnt signaling.
  13. Sci Adv. 2024 Apr 12. 10(15): eadm8167
      Even when split into several chromosomes, DNA molecules that make up our genome are too long to fit into the cell nuclei unless massively folded. Such folding must accommodate the need for timely access to selected parts of the genome by transcription factors, RNA polymerases, and DNA replication machinery. Here, we review our current understanding of the genome folding inside the interphase nuclei. We consider the resulting genome architecture at three scales with a particular focus on the intermediate (meso) scale and summarize the insights gained from recent experimental observations and diverse computational models.
  14. EMBO J. 2024 Apr 11.
      The transition of mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) between serum/LIF and 2i(MEK and GSK3 kinase inhibitor)/LIF culture conditions serves as a valuable model for exploring the mechanisms underlying ground and confused pluripotent states. Regulatory networks comprising core and ancillary pluripotency factors drive the gene expression programs defining stable naïve pluripotency. In our study, we systematically screened factors essential for ESC pluripotency, identifying TEAD2 as an ancillary factor maintaining ground-state pluripotency in 2i/LIF ESCs and facilitating the transition from serum/LIF to 2i/LIF ESCs. TEAD2 exhibits increased binding to chromatin in 2i/LIF ESCs, targeting active chromatin regions to regulate the expression of 2i-specific genes. In addition, TEAD2 facilitates the expression of 2i-specific genes by mediating enhancer-promoter interactions during the serum/LIF to 2i/LIF transition. Notably, deletion of Tead2 results in reduction of a specific set of enhancer-promoter interactions without significantly affecting binding of chromatin architecture proteins, CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF), and Yin Yang 1 (YY1). In summary, our findings highlight a novel prominent role of TEAD2 in orchestrating higher-order chromatin structures of 2i-specific genes to sustain ground-state pluripotency.
    Keywords:  Ancillary Factor; Chromatin Looping; Embryonic Stem Cells; Ground-state Pluripotency; TEAD2
  15. Development. 2024 Apr 01. pii: dev201102. [Epub ahead of print]151(7):
      The germline provides the genetic and non-genetic information that passes from one generation to the next. Given this important role in species propagation, egg and sperm precursors, called primordial germ cells (PGCs), are one of the first cell types specified during embryogenesis. In fact, PGCs form well before the bipotential somatic gonad is specified. This common feature of germline development necessitates that PGCs migrate through many tissues to reach the somatic gonad. During their journey, PGCs must respond to select environmental cues while ignoring others in a dynamically developing embryo. The complex multi-tissue, combinatorial nature of PGC migration is an excellent model for understanding how cells navigate complex environments in vivo. Here, we discuss recent findings on the migratory path, the somatic cells that shepherd PGCs, the guidance cues somatic cells provide, and the PGC response to these cues to reach the gonad and establish the germline pool for future generations. We end by discussing the fate of wayward PGCs that fail to reach the gonad in diverse species. Collectively, this field is poised to yield important insights into emerging reproductive technologies.
    Keywords:  ECM; Gonad; Migration; Primordial germ cells; Signaling
  16. bioRxiv. 2024 Mar 27. pii: 2024.03.22.586291. [Epub ahead of print]
      Long-term perturbation of de novo chromatin assembly during DNA replication has profound effects on epigenome maintenance and cell fate. The early mechanistic origin of these defects is unknown. Here, we combine acute degradation of Chromatin Assembly Factor 1 (CAF-1), a key player in de novo chromatin assembly, with single-cell genomics, quantitative proteomics, and live-microscopy to uncover these initiating mechanisms in human cells. CAF-1 loss immediately slows down DNA replication speed and renders nascent DNA hyper-accessible. A rapid cellular response, distinct from canonical DNA damage signaling, is triggered and lowers histone mRNAs. As a result, histone variants usage and their modifications are altered, limiting transcriptional fidelity and delaying chromatin maturation within a single S-phase. This multi-level response induces a cell-cycle arrest after mitosis. Our work reveals the immediate consequences of defective de novo chromatin assembly during DNA replication, explaining how at later times the epigenome and cell fate can be altered.
  17. Nat Cell Biol. 2024 Apr 08.
      The localization of transcriptional activity in specialized transcription bodies is a hallmark of gene expression in eukaryotic cells. It remains unclear, however, if and how transcription bodies affect gene expression. Here we disrupted the formation of two prominent endogenous transcription bodies that mark the onset of zygotic transcription in zebrafish embryos and analysed the effect on gene expression using enriched SLAM-seq and live-cell imaging. We find that the disruption of transcription bodies results in the misregulation of hundreds of genes. Here we focus on genes that are upregulated. These genes have accessible chromatin and are poised to be transcribed in the presence of the two transcription bodies, but they do not go into elongation. Live-cell imaging shows that disruption of the two large transcription bodies enables these poised genes to be transcribed in ectopic transcription bodies, suggesting that the large transcription bodies sequester a pause release factor. Supporting this hypothesis, we find that CDK9-the kinase that releases paused polymerase II-is highly enriched in the two large transcription bodies. Overexpression of CDK9 in wild-type embryos results in the formation of ectopic transcription bodies and thus phenocopies the removal of the two large transcription bodies. Taken together, our results show that transcription bodies regulate transcription by sequestering machinery, thereby preventing genes elsewhere in the nucleus from being transcribed.
  18. Elife. 2024 Apr 09. pii: e88872. [Epub ahead of print]13
      Collective cell migration is fundamental for the development of organisms and in the adult, for tissue regeneration and in pathological conditions such as cancer. Migration as a coherent group requires the maintenance of cell-cell interactions, while contact inhibition of locomotion (CIL), a local repulsive force, can propel the group forward. Here we show that the cell-cell interaction molecule, N-cadherin, regulates both adhesion and repulsion processes during rat Schwann cell (SC) collective migration, which is required for peripheral nerve regeneration. However, distinct from its role in cell-cell adhesion, the repulsion process is independent of N-cadherin trans-homodimerisation and the associated adherens junction complex. Rather, the extracellular domain of N-cadherin is required to present the repulsive Slit2/Slit3 signal at the cell-surface. Inhibiting Slit2/Slit3 signalling inhibits CIL and subsequently collective Schwann cell migration, resulting in adherent, nonmigratory cell clusters. Moreover, analysis of ex vivo explants from mice following sciatic nerve injury showed that inhibition of Slit2 decreased Schwann cell collective migration and increased clustering of Schwann cells within the nerve bridge. These findings provide insight into how opposing signals can mediate collective cell migration and how CIL pathways are promising targets for inhibiting pathological cell migration.
    Keywords:  cancer biology; cell biology; mouse
  19. Cell Rep. 2024 Apr 11. pii: S2211-1247(24)00420-0. [Epub ahead of print]43(4): 114092
      Macrophages conduct critical roles in heart repair, but the niche required to nurture and anchor them is poorly studied. Here, we investigated the macrophage niche in the regenerating heart. We analyzed cell-cell interactions through published single-cell RNA sequencing datasets and identified a strong interaction between fibroblast/epicardial (Fb/Epi) cells and macrophages. We further visualized the association of macrophages with Fb/Epi cells and the blockage of macrophage response without Fb/Epi cells in the regenerating zebrafish heart. Moreover, we found that ptx3a+ epicardial cells associate with reparative macrophages, and their depletion resulted in fewer reparative macrophages. Further, we identified csf1a expression in ptx3a+ cells and determined that pharmacological inhibition of the csf1a pathway or csf1a knockout blocked the reparative macrophage response. Moreover, we found that genetic overexpression of csf1a enhanced the reparative macrophage response with or without heart injury. Altogether, our studies illuminate a cardiac Fb/Epi niche, which mediates a beneficial macrophage response after heart injury.
    Keywords:  CP: Immunology; CP: Stem cell research; csf1a; epicardium; heart; macrophage; ptx3a; regeneration; zebrafish
  20. bioRxiv. 2024 Mar 30. pii: 2024.03.27.587011. [Epub ahead of print]
      Nuclear clearance and cytoplasmic aggregation of TDP-43 in neurons, initially identified in ALS-FTD, are hallmark pathological features observed across a spectrum of neurodegenerative diseases. We previously found that TDP-43 loss-of-function leads to the transcriptome-wide inclusion of deleterious cryptic exons in brains and biofluids post-mortem as well as during the presymptomatic stage of ALS-FTD, but upstream mechanisms that lead to TDP-43 dysregulation remain unclear. Here, we developed a web-based resource (SnapMine) to determine the levels of TDP-43 cryptic exon inclusion across hundreds of thousands of publicly available RNA sequencing datasets. We established cryptic exon inclusion across a variety of human cells and tissues to provide ground truth references for future studies on TDP-43 dysregulation. We then explored studies that were entirely unrelated to TDP-43 or neurodegeneration and found that ciclopirox olamine (CPX), an FDA-approved antifungal, can trigger the inclusion of TDP-43-associated cryptic exons in a variety of mouse and human primary cells. CPX induction of cryptic exon occurs via heavy metal toxicity and oxidative stress, suggesting that similar vulnerabilities could play a role in neurodegeneration. Our work demonstrates how diverse datasets can be linked through common biological features and underscores that public archives of sequencing data represent a vastly underutilized resource with tremendous potential for uncovering novel insights into complex biological mechanisms and diseases.
  21. bioRxiv. 2024 Mar 29. pii: 2024.03.28.587095. [Epub ahead of print]
      Disrupted nuclear shape is associated with multiple pathological processes including premature aging disorders, cancer-relevant chromosomal rearrangements, and DNA damage. Nuclear blebs (i.e., herniations of the nuclear envelope) have been induced by (1) nuclear compression, (2) nuclear migration (e.g., cancer metastasis), (3) actin contraction, (4) lamin mutation or depletion, and (5) heterochromatin enzyme inhibition. Recent work has shown that chromatin transformation is a hallmark of bleb formation, but the transformation of higher-order structures in blebs is not well understood. As higher-order chromatin has been shown to assemble into nanoscopic packing domains, we investigated if (1) packing domain organization is altered within nuclear blebs and (2) if alteration in packing domain structure contributed to bleb formation. Using Dual-Partial Wave Spectroscopic microscopy, we show that chromatin packing domains within blebs are transformed both by B-type lamin depletion and the inhibition of heterochromatin enzymes compared to the nuclear body. Pairing these results with single-molecule localization microscopy of constitutive heterochromatin, we show fragmentation of nanoscopic heterochromatin domains within bleb domains. Overall, these findings indicate that translocation into blebs results in a fragmented higher-order chromatin structure.SUMMARY STATEMENT: Nuclear blebs are linked to various pathologies, including cancer and premature aging disorders. We investigate alterations in higher-order chromatin structure within blebs, revealing fragmentation of nanoscopic heterochromatin domains.
  22. Cell. 2024 Mar 28. pii: S0092-8674(24)00252-6. [Epub ahead of print]
      The Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD), widely recognized as the gold-standard reference map of human genetic variation, has largely overlooked tandem repeat (TR) expansions, despite the fact that TRs constitute ∼6% of our genome and are linked to over 50 human diseases. Here, we introduce the TR-gnomAD (, a biobank-scale reference of 0.86 million TRs derived from 338,963 whole-genome sequencing (WGS) samples of diverse ancestries (39.5% non-European samples). TR-gnomAD offers critical insights into ancestry-specific disease prevalence using disparities in TR unit number frequencies among ancestries. Moreover, TR-gnomAD is able to differentiate between common, presumably benign TR expansions, which are prevalent in TR-gnomAD, from those potentially pathogenic TR expansions, which are found more frequently in disease groups than within TR-gnomAD. Together, TR-gnomAD is an invaluable resource for researchers and physicians to interpret TR expansions in individuals with genetic diseases.
    Keywords:  GWAS; TR-gnomAD; ancestries; expansion; genome aggregation; human genetics; missing heritability; rare diseases; tandem repeat; whole genome sequencing