bims-iorami Biomed News
on Ionising Radiation and Mitochondria
Issue of 2024‒03‒10
five papers selected by
Chenxiao Yu, Soochow University

  1. J Cell Biol. 2024 Apr 01. pii: e202304075. [Epub ahead of print]223(4):
      Coordination between nucleus and mitochondria is essential for cell survival, and thus numerous communication routes have been established between these two organelles over eukaryotic cell evolution. One route for organelle communication is via membrane contact sites, functional appositions formed by molecular tethers. We describe a novel nuclear-mitochondrial membrane contact site in the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii. We have identified specific contacts occurring at the nuclear pore and demonstrated an interaction between components of the nuclear pore and the mitochondrial protein translocon, highlighting them as molecular tethers. Genetic disruption of the nuclear pore or the TOM translocon components, TgNup503 or TgTom40, respectively, result in contact site reduction, supporting their potential involvement in this tether. TgNup503 depletion further leads to specific mitochondrial morphology and functional defects, supporting a role for nuclear-mitochondrial contacts in mediating their communication. The discovery of a contact formed through interaction between two ancient mitochondrial and nuclear complexes sets the ground for better understanding of mitochondrial-nuclear crosstalk in eukaryotes.
  2. J Biol Chem. 2024 Mar 01. pii: S0021-9258(24)01623-5. [Epub ahead of print] 107128
      Both POLG and MGME1 are needed for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) maintenance in animal cells. POLG, the primary replicative polymerase of the mitochondria, has an exonuclease activity (3'→5') that corrects for the misincorporation of bases. MGME1 serves as an exonuclease (5'→3'), producing ligatable DNA ends. Although both have a critical role in mtDNA replication and elimination of linear fragments, these mechanisms are still not fully understood. Using digital PCR to evaluate and compare mtDNA integrity, we show that Mgme1 knock out (Mgme1 KK) tissue mtDNA is more fragmented than POLG exonuclease deficient "Mutator" (Polg MM) or WT tissue. In addition, next generation sequencing of mutant hearts showed abundant duplications in/nearby the D-loop region and unique 100bp duplications evenly spaced throughout the genome only in Mgme1 KK hearts. However, despite these unique mtDNA features at steady-state, we observed a similar delay in the degradation of mtDNA after an induced double strand DNA break in both Mgme1 KK and Polg MM models. Lastly, we characterized double mutant (Polg MM/Mgme1 KK) cells and show that mtDNA cannot be maintained without at least one of these enzymatic activities. We propose a model for the generation of these genomic abnormalities which suggests a role for MGME1 outside of nascent mtDNA end ligation. Our results highlight the role of MGME1 in and outside of the D-loop region during replication, support the involvement of MGME1 in dsDNA degradation and demonstrate that POLG EXO and MGME1 can partially compensate for each other in maintaining mtDNA.
  3. RNA. 2024 Mar 06. pii: rna.079999.124. [Epub ahead of print]
      The mammalian mitochondrial proteome comprises over 1000 proteins, with the majority translated from nuclear-encoded messenger RNAs (mRNAs). Mounting evidence suggests many of these mRNAs are localized to the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) in a pre-or co-translational state. Upon reaching the mitochondrial surface, these mRNAs are locally translated to produce proteins that are co-translationally imported into mitochondria. Here, we summarize various mechanisms cells employ to localize RNAs, including transfer RNAs (tRNAs), to the OMM and recent technological advancements in the field to study these processes. While most early studies in the field were carried out in yeast, recent studies reveal RNA localization to the OMM and their regulation in higher organisms. Various factors regulate this localization process, including RNA sequence elements, RNA binding proteins (RBPs), cytoskeletal motors, and translation machinery. In this review, we also highlight the role of RNA structures and modifications in mitochondrial RNA localization and discuss how these features can alter the binding properties of RNAs. Finally, in addition to RNAs related to mitochondrial function, RNAs involved in other cellular processes can also localize to the OMM, including those implicated in the innate immune response and piRNA biogenesis. As impairment of mRNA localization and regulation compromise mitochondrial function, future studies will undoubtedly expand our understanding of how RNAs localize to the OMM and investigate the consequences of their mislocalization in disorders, particularly neurodegenerative diseases, muscular dystrophies, and cancers.
    Keywords:  Imaging; Mitochondrial Biology; RNA Subcellular Localization; Technologies; Transcriptomics
  4. Cell Metab. 2024 Mar 01. pii: S1550-4131(24)00057-3. [Epub ahead of print]
      Mitochondrial cristae, infoldings of the mitochondrial inner membrane, undergo aberrant changes in their architecture with age. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms and their contribution to brain aging are largely elusive. Here, we observe an age-dependent accumulation of Glu-5'tsRNA-CTC, a transfer-RNA-derived small RNA (tsRNA), derived from nuclear-encoded tRNAGlu in the mitochondria of glutaminergic neurons. Mitochondrial Glu-5'tsRNA-CTC disrupts the binding of mt-tRNALeu and leucyl-tRNA synthetase2 (LaRs2), impairing mt-tRNALeu aminoacylation and mitochondria-encoded protein translation. Mitochondrial translation defects disrupt cristae organization, leading to damaged glutaminase (GLS)-dependent glutamate formation and reduced synaptosomal glutamate levels. Moreover, reduction of Glu-5'tsRNA-CTC protects aged brains from age-related defects in mitochondrial cristae organization, glutamate metabolism, synaptic structures, and memory. Thus, beyond illustrating a physiological role for normal mitochondrial cristae ultrastructure in maintaining glutamate levels, our study defines a pathological role for tsRNAs in brain aging and age-related memory decline.
    Keywords:  angiogenin; brain aging; cristae organization; glutamate metabolism; memory decline; mitochondria; mitochondrial translation; tRNA-derived small RNAs