bims-mibica Biomed News
on Mitochondrial bioenergetics in cancer
Issue of 2020‒06‒14
28 papers selected by
Kelsey Fisher-Wellman, East Carolina University

  1. EMBO Mol Med. 2020 Jun 11. e11659
      Pathogenic variants in FBXL4 cause a severe encephalopathic syndrome associated with mtDNA depletion and deficient oxidative phosphorylation. To gain further insight into the enigmatic pathophysiology caused by FBXL4 deficiency, we generated homozygous Fbxl4 knockout mice and found that they display a predominant perinatal lethality. Surprisingly, the few surviving animals are apparently normal until the age of 8-12 months when they gradually develop signs of mitochondrial dysfunction and weight loss. One-year-old Fbxl4 knockouts show a global reduction in a variety of mitochondrial proteins and mtDNA depletion, whereas lysosomal proteins are upregulated. Fibroblasts from patients with FBXL4 deficiency and human FBXL4 knockout cells also have reduced steady-state levels of mitochondrial proteins that can be attributed to increased mitochondrial turnover. Inhibition of lysosomal function in these cells reverses the mitochondrial phenotype, whereas proteasomal inhibition has no effect. Taken together, the results we present here show that FBXL4 prevents mitochondrial removal via autophagy and that loss of FBXL4 leads to decreased mitochondrial content and mitochondrial disease.
    Keywords:  FBXL4; autophagy; mitochondrial disease; mtDNA; oxidative phosphorylation
  2. J Biol Chem. 2020 Jun 09. pii: jbc.RA120.013229. [Epub ahead of print]
      Mitochondrial iron import is essential for iron-sulfur cluster formation and heme biosynthesis. Two nuclear encoded vertebrate mitochondrial high-affinity iron importers, mitoferrin1 (Mfrn1) and Mfrn2, have been identified in mammals. In mice, the gene encoding Mfrn1, solute carrier family 25 member 37 (Slc25a37), is highly expressed in sites of erythropoiesis, and whole-body Slc25a37 deletion leads to lethality. Here, we report that mice with a deletion of Slc25a28 (encoding Mfrn2) are born at expected Mendelian ratios, but show decreased male fertility due to reduced sperm numbers and sperm motility. Mfrn2-/- mice placed on a low-iron diet exhibited reduced mitochondrial manganese, cobalt, and zinc levels, but not reduced iron. Hepatocyte-specific loss of Slc25a37 2 (encoding Mfrn1) in Mfrn2-/- mice did not affect animal viability, but resulted in a 40% reduction in mitochondrial iron and reduced levels of oxidative phosphorylation proteins. Placing animals on a lowiron diet exaggerated the reduction in mitochondrial iron observed in liver-specific Mfrn1/2-knockout animals. Mfrn1-/- /Mfrn2-/- bone marrow-derived macrophages or skin fibroblasts in vitro were unable to proliferate, and overexpression of Mfrn1-GFP or Mfrn2-GFP prevented this proliferation defect. Loss of both mitoferrins in hepatocytes dramatically reduced regeneration in the adult mouse liver, further supporting the notion that both mitoferrins transport iron and that their absence limits proliferative capacity of mammalian cells. We conclude that Mfrn1 and Mfrn2 contribute to mitochondrial iron homeostasis and are required for high-affinity iron import during active proliferation of mammalian cells.
    Keywords:  cell proliferation; gene knockout; iron metabolism; liver; membrane transport; mitochondria
  3. J Clin Med. 2020 Jun 09. pii: E1799. [Epub ahead of print]9(6):
      Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common genetic disease of the myocardium associated to mutations in sarcomeric genes, but the link between genotype and phenotype remains poorly understood. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies have demonstrated impaired cardiac energetics in patients with HCM, and altered mitochondria were described in biopsies, but little is known about possible perturbations of mitochondrial function and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production/consumption. The aim of this study was to investigate possible abnormalities in mitochondrial enzymes generating/scavenging reactive oxygen species, and changes in the Ca2+-activated ATPases in myocardial tissue from patients with obstructive HCM undergoing surgical myectomy compared to unused donor hearts (CTRL). Methods and Results: Both the amount and activity of mitochondrial Complex I (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide -reduced form, NADH, dehydrogenase) were upregulated in HCM vs. CTRL, whilst the activity of Complex V (ATP synthase) was not reduced and ATP levels were significantly higher in HCM vs. CTRL. Antioxidant Mn-activated superoxide dismutase (SOD2) and (m)-aconitase activities were increased in HCM vs. CTRL. The Cu/Zn-activated superoxide dismutase (SOD1) amount and mtDNA copy number were unaltered in HCM. Total Ca2+-activated ATPase activity and absolute amount were not different HCM vs. CTRL, but the ratio between ATPase sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ transporting type 2 (ATP2A2) and type 1 (ATP2A1), ATP2A2/ATP2A1, was increased in HCM in favor of the slow isoform (ATP2A2). Conclusion: HCM is characterized by mitochondrial Complex I hyperactivity and preserved Ca2+-activated ATPase activity with a partial switch towards slow ATP2A2. This data may give insight into the abnormal cellular energetics observed in HCM cardiomyopathy but other studies would need to be performed to confirm the observations described here.
    Keywords:  Ca2+-activated ATPase; mitochondrial Complex I (NADH dehydrogenase); mitochondrial Complex V (ATP synthase); mitochondrial energetics; obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM); reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenger enzymes
  4. Front Oncol. 2020 ;10 770
      mtDNA variations often result in bioenergetic dysfunction inducing a metabolic switch toward glycolysis resulting in an unbalanced pH homeostasis. In hypoxic cells, expression of the tumor-associated carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX) is enhanced to maintain cellular pH homeostasis. We hypothesized that cells with a dysfunctional oxidative phosphorylation machinery display elevated CAIX expression levels. Increased glycolysis was observed for cytoplasmic 143B mutant hybrid (m.3243A>G, >94.5%) cells (p < 0.05) and 143B mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) depleted cells (p < 0.05). Upon hypoxia (0.2%, 16 h), genetic or pharmacological oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) inhibition resulted in decreased CAIX (p < 0.05), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF-1α) expression levels. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and prolyl-hydroxylase 2 (PHD2) levels could not explain these observations. In vivo, tumor take (>500 mm3) took longer for mutant hybrid xenografts, but growth rates were comparable with control tumors upon establishment. Previously, it has been shown that HIF-1α is responsible for tumor establishment. In agreement, we found that HIF-1α expression levels and the pimonidazole-positive hypoxic fraction were reduced for the mutant hybrid xenografts. Our results demonstrate that OXPHOS dysfunction leads to a decreased HIF-1α stabilization and subsequently to a reduced expression of its downstream targets and hypoxic fraction in vivo. In contrast, hypoxia-inducible factor 2-alpha (HIF-2α) expression levels in these xenografts were enhanced. Inhibition of mitochondrial function is therefore an interesting approach to increase therapeutic efficacy in hypoxic tumors.
    Keywords:  CAIX; HIF-1α; Metformin; OXPHOS; mitochondria; mtDNA
  5. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2020 Jun 03. pii: S0006-291X(20)31069-X. [Epub ahead of print]
      Mammalian cells contain genetic information in two compartments, the nucleus and the mitochondria. Mitochondrial gene expression must be coordinated with nuclear gene expression to respond to cellular energetic needs. To gain insight into the coordination between the nucleus and mitochondria, there is a need to understand the regulation of transcription of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Reversible protein post-translational modifications of the mtDNA transcriptional machinery may be one way to control mtDNA transcription. Here we focus on a member of the mtDNA transcription initiation complex, mitochondrial transcription factor B2 (TFB2M). TFB2M melts mtDNA at the promoter to allow the RNA polymerase (POLRMT) to access the DNA template and initiate transcription. Three phosphorylation sites have been previously identified on TFB2M by mass spectrometry: threonine 184, serine 197, and threonine 313. Phosphomimetics were established at these positions. Proteins were purified and analyzed for their ability to bind mtDNA and initiate transcription in vitro. Our results indicate phosphorylation at threonine 184 and threonine 313 impairs promoter binding and prevents transcription. These findings provide a potential regulatory mechanism of mtDNA transcription and help clarify the importance of protein post-translational modifications in mitochondrial function.
    Keywords:  Mitochondrial DNA; Mitochondrial transcription factor B2 (TFB2M); Phosphorylation; Transcription regulation
  6. Front Oncol. 2020 ;10 660
      A hallmark of cancer cells is the ability to rewire their bioenergetics and metabolic signaling circuits to fuel their uncontrolled proliferation and metastasis. Adenylate kinase (AK) is the critical enzyme in the metabolic monitoring of cellular adenine nucleotide homeostasis. It also directs AK→ AMP→ AMPK signaling controlling cell cycle and proliferation, and ATP energy transfer from mitochondria to distribute energy among cellular processes. The significance of AK isoform network in the regulation of a variety of cellular processes, which include cell differentiation and motility, is rapidly growing. Adenylate kinase 2 (AK2) isoform, localized in intermembrane and intra-cristae space, is vital for mitochondria nucleotide exchange and ATP export. AK2 deficiency disrupts cell energetics, causes severe human diseases, and is embryonically lethal in mice, signifying the importance of catalyzed phosphotransfer in cellular energetics. Suppression of AK phosphotransfer and AMP generation in cancer cells and consequently signaling through AMPK could be an important factor in the initiation of cancerous transformation, unleashing uncontrolled cell cycle and growth. Evidence also builds up that shift in AK isoforms is used later by cancer cells for rewiring energy metabolism to support their high proliferation activity and tumor progression. As cell motility is an energy-consuming process, positioning of AK isoforms to increased energy consumption sites could be an essential factor to incline cancer cells to metastases. In this review, we summarize recent advances in studies of the significance of AK isoforms involved in cancer cell metabolism, metabolic signaling, metastatic potential, and a therapeutic target.
    Keywords:  adenylate kinase; cancer; energy metabolism; mitochondria; phosphotransfer
  7. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2020 Jun 09.
      The majority of human energy metabolism occurs in skeletal muscle mitochondria emphasizing the importance of understanding the regulation of myocellular mitochondrial function. The transcriptional co-activator PGC-1α has been characterized as a major factor in the transcriptional control of several mitochondrial components. Thus, PGC-1α is often described as a master regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis as well as a central player in regulating the anti-oxidant defense. However, accumulating evidence suggests that PGC-1α is also involved in the complex regulation of mitochondrial quality beyond biogenesis, which includes mitochondrial network dynamics and autophagic removal of damaged mitochondria. In addition, mitochondrial ROS production has been suggested to regulate skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity, which may also be influenced by PGC-1α. This review aims to highlight the current evidence for PGC-1α-mediated regulation of skeletal muscle mitochondrial function beyond the effects on mitochondrial biogenesis as well as the potential PGC-1α-related impact on insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in skeletal muscle. Novelty: • PGC-1α regulates mitochondrial biogenesis, but also has effects on mitochondrial functions beyond biogenesis. • Mitochondrial quality control mechanisms, including fission, fusion and mitophagy, are regulated by PGC-1α. • PGC-1α-mediated regulation of mitochondrial quality may affect age-related mitochondrial dysfunction and insulin sensitivity.
  8. EMBO J. 2020 Jun 08. e103912
      Mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes I, III, and IV can associate into larger structures termed supercomplexes or respirasomes, thereby generating structural interdependences among the individual complexes yet to be understood. In patients, nonsense mutations in complex IV subunit genes cause severe encephalomyopathies randomly associated with pleiotropic complex I defects. Using complexome profiling and biochemical analyses, we have explored the structural rearrangements of the respiratory chain in human cell lines depleted of the catalytic complex IV subunit COX1 or COX2. In the absence of a functional complex IV holoenzyme, several supercomplex I+III2 species coexist, which differ in their content of COX subunits and COX7A2L/HIGD2A assembly factors. The incorporation of an atypical COX1-HIGD2A submodule attenuates supercomplex I+III2 turnover rate, indicating an unexpected molecular adaptation for supercomplexes stabilization that relies on the presence of COX1 independently of holo-complex IV formation. Our data set the basis for complex I structural dependence on complex IV, revealing the co-existence of alternative pathways for the biogenesis of "supercomplex-associated" versus individual complex IV, which could determine physiological adaptations under different stress and disease scenarios.
    Keywords:  mitochondrial biogenesis; mitochondrial complex IV assembly; mitochondrial respiratory chain; respirasomes; respiratory supercomplex stabilization
  9. J Comp Physiol B. 2020 Jun 06.
      The life-history patterns that animals display are a product of their ability to maximize reproductive performance while concurrently balancing numerous metabolic demands. For example, the energetic costs of reproduction may reduce an animal's ability to support self-maintenance and longevity. In this work, we evaluated the impact of parity on mitochondrial physiology in laboratory mice. The theory of mitohormesis suggests that modest exposure to reactive oxygen species can improve performance, while high levels of exposure are damaging. Following this theory, we hypothesized that females that experienced one bout of reproduction (primiparous) would display improved mitochondrial capacity and reduced oxidative damage relative to non-reproductive (nulliparous) mice, while females that had four reproductive events (multiparous) would have lower mitochondrial performance and greater oxidative damage than both nulliparous and primiparous females. We observed that multiple reproductive events enhanced the mitochondrial respiratory capacity of liver mitochondria in females with high body mass. Four-bout females showed a positive relationship between body mass and mitochondrial capacity. In contrast, non-reproductive females showed a negative relationship between body mass and mitochondrial capacity and primiparous females had a slope that did not differ from zero. Other measured variables, too, were highly dependent on body mass, suggesting that a female's body condition has strong impacts on mitochondrial physiology. We also evaluated the relationship between how much females allocated to reproduction (cumulative mass of all young weaned) and mitochondrial function and oxidative stress in the multiparous females. We found that females that allocated more to reproduction had lower basal respiration (state 4), lower mitochondrial density, and higher protein oxidation in liver mitochondria than females that allocated less. These results suggest that, at least through their first four reproductive events, female laboratory mice may experience bioenergetic benefits from reproduction but only those females that allocated the most to reproduction appear to experience a potential cost of reproduction.
    Keywords:  Life history; Mitochondrial function; Oxidative stress; RCR; Reproduction
  10. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2020 Jun 11.
      AIMS: Doxorubicin cardiomyopathy is a lethal pathology characterized by oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and contractile impairment, leading to cell death. Although extensive research has been done to understand the pathophysiology of doxorubicin cardiomyopathy, no effective treatments are available. We investigated whether monoamine oxidases (MAOs) could be involved in doxorubicin-derived oxidative stress, and in the consequent mitochondrial, cardiomyocyte and cardiac dysfunction.RESULTS: We used neonatal rat ventricular myocytes (NRVMs), and adult mouse ventricular myocytes (AMVMs). Doxorubicin alone (i.e., 0.5 µM doxorubicin) or in combination with H2O2 induced an increase in mitochondrial formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), that was prevented by the pharmacological inhibition of MAOs in both NRVMs and AMVMs. The pharmacological approach was supported by the genetic ablation of MAO-A in NRVMs. In addition, doxorubicin-derived ROS caused lipid peroxidation and alterations in mitochondrial function (i.e., mitochondrial membrane potential, permeability transition, redox potential), mitochondrial morphology (i.e., mitochondrial distribution and perimeter), sarcomere organization, intracellular [Ca2+] homeostasis, and eventually cell death. All these dysfunctions were abolished by MAO inhibition. Of note, in vivo MAO inhibition prevented chamber dilation and cardiac dysfunction in doxorubicin-treated mice. Innovation and Conclusion: This study demonstrates that the severe oxidative stress induced by doxorubicin requires the involvement of MAOs, that modulate mitochondrial ROS generation. MAO inhibition provides evidence that mitochondrial ROS formation is causally linked to all disorders caused by doxorubicin in vitro and in vivo. Based upon these results, MAO inhibition represents a novel therapeutic approach for doxorubicin cardiomyopathy.
  11. J Cancer Surviv. 2020 Jun 13.
      PURPOSE: This study aimed to explore the effects of exercise on post-treatment colorectal cancer survivors through a systematic review and meta-analysis as the current information is limited and controversial.METHODS: We searched PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, and Cochrane Library databases for randomized controlled trials that focused on exercise intervention for adult colorectal cancer survivors who had completed primary cancer treatment. We extracted and pooled information regarding psychosocial outcomes, physical functions, body composition, metabolic growth factors, and/or tumor-related biomarkers. All data were assessed by two independent reviewers. The risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane Collaboration's tool.
    RESULTS: A total of 20 studies, which presented data from 1223 post-treatment colorectal cancer survivors, matched the inclusion criteria. Compared with usual care or usual lifestyle, exercise intervention increased VO2peak (n = 107, SMD = 0.72, 95% CI = 0.32 to 1.11, I2 = 41%, P = 0.0004), reduced fasting insulin levels and insulin resistance (n = 150, SMD = - 0.55, 95% CI = - 0.88 to - 0.23, I2 = 0%, P = 0.0009; SMD = - 0.62, 95% CI = - 0.95 to - 0.29, I2 = 0%, P = 0.0002), and decreased levels of sICAM-1. Moderate-intensity exercise was associated with a more pro-inflammatory immune state, resulting in increased oxidative DNA damage. However, no evidence was found for effects of exercise on psychosocial outcomes or body composition.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results revealed that exercise could be a feasible and effective option for improving cardiopulmonary fitness, metabolism, and tumor-related biomarkers in post-treatment colorectal cancer survivors.
    IMPLICATIONS FOR CANCER SURVIVORS: Given the benefits of exercise for colorectal cancer survivors, they should be encouraged to become more physically active.
    Keywords:  Colorectal cancer survivors; Exercise; Post-treatment; Systematic review
  12. Cell Metab. 2020 Jun 02. pii: S1550-4131(20)30257-6. [Epub ahead of print]
      Most organs use fatty acids (FAs) as a key nutrient, but little is known of how blood-borne FAs traverse the endothelium to reach underlying tissues. We conducted a small-molecule screen and identified niclosamide as a suppressor of endothelial FA uptake and transport. Structure/activity relationship studies demonstrated that niclosamide acts through mitochondrial uncoupling. Inhibitors of oxidative phosphorylation and the ATP/ADP translocase also suppressed FA uptake, pointing principally to ATP production. Decreasing total cellular ATP by blocking glycolysis did not decrease uptake, indicating that specifically mitochondrial ATP is required. Endothelial FA uptake is promoted by fatty acid transport protein 4 (FATP4) via its ATP-dependent acyl-CoA synthetase activity. Confocal microscopy revealed that FATP4 resides in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and that endothelial ER is intimately juxtaposed with mitochondria. Together, these data indicate that mitochondrial ATP production, but not total ATP levels, drives endothelial FA uptake and transport via acyl-CoA formation in mitochondrial/ER microdomains.
    Keywords:  ATP; FATP4; endothelial; fatty acid; mitochondria; niclosamide; vectorial acylation
  13. Mol Metab. 2020 Jun 03. pii: S2212-8778(20)30102-2. [Epub ahead of print] 101028
      OBJECTIVE: Current evidence for AMPK-mediated regulation of skeletal muscle metabolism during exercise is mainly based on transgenic mouse models with chronic (lifelong) disruption of AMPK function. Findings based on such models are potentially biased by secondary effects related to chronic lack of AMPK function. In an attempt to study the direct effect(s) of AMPK on muscle metabolism during exercise, we generated a new mouse model with inducible muscle-specific deletion of AMPKα catalytic subunits in adult mice.METHODS: Tamoxifen-inducible and muscle-specific AMPKα1/α2 double KO mice (AMPKα imdKO) were generated using the Cre/loxP system with the Cre driven by the human skeletal muscle actin (HSA) promotor.
    RESULTS: During treadmill running at the same relative exercise intensity, AMPKα imdKO mice showed greater depletion of muscle ATP, which was associated with accumulation of the deamination product IMP. Muscle-specific deletion of AMPKα in adult mice promptly reduced maximal running speed, muscle glycogen content and was associated with reduced expression of UGP2, a key component of the glycogen synthesis pathway. Muscle mitochondrial respiration, whole body substrate utilization as well as muscle glucose uptake and fatty acid (FA) oxidation during muscle contractile activity remained unaffected by muscle-specific deletion AMPKα subunits in adult mice.
    CONCLUSIONS: Inducible deletion of AMPKα subunits in adult mice reveals that AMPK is required for maintaining muscle ATP levels and nucleotide balance during exercise, but is dispensable for regulating muscle glucose uptake, FA oxidation and substrate utilization during exercise.
    Keywords:  AMPK; exercise; fat oxidation; glucose uptake; glycogen; muscle metabolism
  14. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2020 Jun 10.
      AIMS: Glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) in pancreatic β-cells was expected to enhance mitochondrial superoxide formation. Hence, we elucidated relevant redox equilibria.RESULTS: Unexpectedly, INS-1E cells at transitions from 3 (11 mM; pancreatic islets from 5 mM) to 25 mM glucose decreased matrix superoxide release rates (MitoSOX Red monitoring validated by MitoB) and H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> (mitoHyPer, subtracting mitoSypHer emission). Novel double-channel fluorescence lifetime imaging, approximating free mitochondrial matrix NADH<sub>F</sub> indicated its ~20% decrease. Matrix NAD<sup>+</sup><sub>F</sub> increased upon GSIS, indicated by the FAD-emission lifetime decrease, reflecting higher quenching of FAD by NAD<sup>+</sup><sub>F</sub>. The participation of pyruvate/malate and pyruvate/citrate redox shuttles, elevating cytosolic NADPH<sub>F</sub> (iNAP1 fluorescence monitoring) at the expense of matrix NADH<sub>F</sub>, was indicated, using citrate (2-oxoglutarate) carrier inhibitors and cytosolic malic enzyme silencing: all changes vanished upon these manipulations. <sup>13</sup>C-incorporation from <sup>13</sup>C-1-glutamine into <sup>13</sup>C-citrate reflected the pyruvate/isocitrate shuttle. Matrix NADPH<sub>F</sub>, (iNAP3 monitored) decreased. With decreasing glucose, the S3QEL suppressor caused a higher Complex I I<sub>F</sub> site contribution, but a lower superoxide fraction ascribed to the Complex III site III<sub>Qo</sub>. Thus the diminished matrix NADH<sub>F</sub>/NAD<sup>+</sup><sub>F</sub> decreased Complex I flavin site I<sub>F</sub> superoxide formation upon GSIS.
    INNOVATION: Mutually validated methods showed decreasing superoxide release into the mitochondrial matrix in pancreatic β-cells upon GSIS, due to the decreasing matrix NADH<sub>F</sub>/NAD<sup>+</sup><sub>F</sub> (NADPH<sub>F</sub>/NADP<sup>+</sup><sub>F</sub>) at increasing cytosolic NADPH<sub>F</sub> levels. The developed innovative methods enable real-time NADH/NAD<sup>+</sup> and NADPH/NADP<sup>+</sup> monitoring in any distinct cell compartment.
    CONCLUSION: The export of reducing equivalents from mitochondria adjusts lower mitochondrial superoxide production upon GSIS, but does not prevent oxidative stress in pancreatic β-cells.
  15. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2020 Jul;pii: S1043-2760(20)30053-9. [Epub ahead of print]31(7): 536-550
      The tight coordination between mitochondrial biogenesis and mitophagy can be dysregulated during aging, critically influencing whole-body metabolism, health, and lifespan. To date, caloric restriction (CR) appears to be the most effective intervention strategy to improve mitochondrial turnover in aging organisms. The development of pharmacological mimetics of CR has gained attention as an attractive and potentially feasible approach to mimic the CR phenotype. Polyphenols, ubiquitously present in fruits and vegetables, have emerged as well-tolerated CR mimetics that target mitochondrial turnover. Here, we discuss the molecular mechanisms that orchestrate mitochondrial biogenesis and mitophagy, and we summarize the current knowledge of how CR promotes mitochondrial maintenance and to what extent different polyphenols may mimic CR and coordinate mitochondrial biogenesis and clearance.
    Keywords:  aging; caloric restriction; mitochondria; mitochondrial biogenesis; mitophagy; polyphenols
  16. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2020 ;8 378
      Mitochondria are highly dynamic organelles constantly undergoing fusion and fission. Ca2+ regulates many aspects of mitochondrial physiology by modulating the activity of several mitochondrial proteins. We previously showed that inhibition of constitutive IP3R-mediated Ca2+ transfer to the mitochondria leads to a metabolic cellular stress and eventually cell death. Here, we show that the decline of mitochondrial function generated by a lack of Ca2+ transfer induces a DRP-1 independent mitochondrial fragmentation that at an early time is mediated by an increase in the NAD+/NADH ratio and activation of SIRT1. Subsequently, AMPK predominates and drives the fragmentation. SIRT1 activation leads to the deacetylation of cortactin, favoring actin polymerization, and mitochondrial fragmentation. Knockdown of cortactin or inhibition of actin polymerization prevents fragmentation. These data reveal SIRT1 as a new player in the regulation of mitochondrial fragmentation induced by metabolic/bioenergetic stress through regulating the actin cytoskeleton.
    Keywords:  Drp-1; IP3R channel; actin; cortactin acetylation; mitochondrial dynamics
  17. Nat Commun. 2020 Jun 09. 11(1): 2894
      Dietary protein dilution (DPD) promotes metabolic-remodelling and -health but the precise nutritional components driving this response remain elusive. Here, by mimicking amino acid (AA) supply from a casein-based diet, we demonstrate that restriction of dietary essential AA (EAA), but not non-EAA, drives the systemic metabolic response to total AA deprivation; independent from dietary carbohydrate supply. Furthermore, systemic deprivation of threonine and tryptophan, independent of total AA supply, are both adequate and necessary to confer the systemic metabolic response to both diet, and genetic AA-transport loss, driven AA restriction. Dietary threonine restriction (DTR) retards the development of obesity-associated metabolic dysfunction. Liver-derived fibroblast growth factor 21 is required for the metabolic remodelling with DTR. Strikingly, hepatocyte-selective establishment of threonine biosynthetic capacity reverses the systemic metabolic response to DTR. Taken together, our studies of mice demonstrate that the restriction of EAA are sufficient and necessary to confer the systemic metabolic effects of DPD.
  18. Cell Calcium. 2020 Jul;pii: S0143-4160(20)30065-8. [Epub ahead of print]89 102223
      It is generally accepted that mitochondrial Ca2+ controls the pace of mitochondrial bioenergetics and thus ATP production. Szibor et al. challenge this paradigm, proposing that the balance between ATP consumption and production depends on mitochondrial pyruvate supply via the malate-aspartate shuttle (MAS) and is controlled by cytosolic Ca2+.
    Keywords:  Ca(2+); MCU; malate-aspartate shuttle; mitochondrial metabolism
  19. Sci Rep. 2020 Jun 08. 10(1): 9156
      Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are hematological malignancies characterized by ineffective hematopoiesis and increased apoptosis in the bone marrow, which cause peripheral cytopenia. Mitochondria are key regulators of apoptosis and a site of iron accumulation that favors reactive oxygen species (ROS) production with detrimental effects on cell survival. Although the energy metabolism could represent an attractive therapeutic target, it was poorly investigated in MDS. The purpose of the study was to analyze how the presence of myelodysplastic hematopoiesis, iron overload and chelation impact on mitochondrial metabolism. We compared energy balance, OxPhos activity and efficiency, lactic dehydrogenase activity and lipid peroxidation in mononuclear cells (MNCs), isolated from 38 MDS patients and 79 healthy controls. Our data show that ATP/AMP ratio is reduced during aging and even more in MDS due to a decreased OxPhos activity associated with an increment of lipid peroxidation. Moreover, the lactate fermentation enhancement was observed in MDS and elderly subjects, probably as an attempt to restore the energy balance. The biochemical alterations of MNCs from MDS patients have been partially restored by the in vitro iron chelation, while only slight effects were observed in the age-matched control samples. By contrast, the addition of iron chelators on MNCs from young healthy subjects determined a decrement in the OxPhos efficiency and an increment of lactate fermentation and lipid peroxidation. In summary, MDS-MNCs display an altered energy metabolism associated with increased oxidative stress, due to iron accumulation. This condition could be partially restored by iron chelation.
  20. Am J Cancer Res. 2020 ;10(5): 1548-1567
      Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a common malignant tumor worldwide. The solute carrier family 25 member 18 (SLC25A18) transports glutamate across the inner mitochondrial membrane and involves some non-tumor diseases, yet little is known about its role in malignancy. Here, we studied the function and mechanism of SLC25A18 in CRC. We conducted a bioinformatic analysis of the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) databases to identify the correlation of SLC25A18 expression with clinic-pathological characteristics. Function experiments were implemented to estimate the variation of aerobic glycolysis and cell proliferation due to in vitro and in vivo up- or down-regulation of SLC25A18. Immunohistochemical staining of SLC25A18 was performed on a tissue microarray of 106 patients with primary or metastatic CRC to evaluate its predictive and prognostic value. SLC25A18 expression was low in the CRC samples and was negatively correlated with stage, age and serum carcinoembryonic antigen levels. High expression of SLC25A18 indicated longer disease-free survival time after surgery. Exogenous overexpression of SLC25A18 decreased glucose consumption, lactate production, intracellular ATP concentration and cell proliferation and abrogated expression of CTNNB1, PKM2, LDHA and MYC. Inhibition of Wnt/β-catenin restored SLC25A18-repressed cellular activities. SLC25A18 clinically predicted a longer survival time after surgery or medicine treatment. These results showed that increased SLC25A18 expression inhibits Warburg effect and cell proliferation via Wnt/β-catenin cascade, and suggest a better prognosis after treatment.
    Keywords:  SLC25A18; Warburg effect; Wnt/β-catenin; cell proliferation; colorectal cancer; survival
  21. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Jun 07. pii: E4074. [Epub ahead of print]21(11):
      Lung cancer is a leading cause of death. Most previous studies have been based on traditional cell-culturing methods. However, lung cells are periodically subjected to mechanical forces during breathing. Understanding the mechanisms underlying the cyclic stretching induced in lung cells may be important for lung cancer therapy. Here, we applied cyclic stretching to stimulate the continual contraction that is present under physiological conditions in lung cells. We first uncovered the stretching-induced phosphoproteome in lung cancer cell line A549 and fibroblast cell line IMR-90. We identified 2048 and 2604 phosphosites corresponding to 837 and 1008 phosphoproteins in A549 and IMR-90, respectively. Furthermore, we combined our phosphoproteomics and public gene expression data to identify the biological functions in response to cyclic stretching. Interestingly, cytoskeletal and mitochondrial reorganization were enriched. We further used cell imaging analysis to validate the profiling results and found that this physical force changed cell alignment and mitochondrial length. This study not only reveals the molecular mechanism of cyclic stretching but also provides evidence that cell stretching causes cellular rearrangement and mitochondrial length change.
    Keywords:  cyclic stretching; cytoskeleton reorganization; mitochondrial length; quantitative phosphoproteomics
  22. Redox Biol. 2020 May 29. pii: S2213-2317(20)30259-7. [Epub ahead of print]36 101589
      Increased oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels are inherently linked. ROS are essential signaling molecules, with detrimental effects when produced in excess during chemotherapy, leading to cell death. Cancer stem-like cells (CSCs) are a subpopulation of tumor cells resistant to chemotherapy, highly invasive and metastagenic, driving malignant cancer behavior. In this study, we demonstrated that CSCs exhibit increased OXPHOS but paradoxically low ROS levels. Considering the detrimental effects of large amounts of ROS, CSCs have developed potential mechanisms for quenching excess ROS to maintain redox homeostasis. We aimed to investigate the distinct metabolic features and mechanisms of ROS regulation in gastric CSCs and explore potential therapeutic strategies targeting CSCs. Human gastric cancer cell lines, AGS and MKN1, were subjected to liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry-based metabolomic and microarray analyses. Mitochondrial properties such as mitochondrial mass, membrane potential, and ROS were assessed by flow cytometric analysis. CSCs with increased OXPHOS levels maintained low ROS levels by coupling FoxM1-dependent Prx3 expression and fatty acid oxidation-mediated NADPH regeneration. Thus, interventions targeting ROS homeostasis in CSCs may be a useful strategy for targeting this drug-resistant tumor cell subpopulation.
    Keywords:  Cancer stem-like cell; Fatty acid oxidation; FoxM1; NADPH; Oxidative phosphorylation; Prx3; Reactive oxygen species
  23. EMBO Mol Med. 2020 Jun 10. e12088
      Obesity is a leading cause of preventable death worldwide. Despite this, current strategies for the treatment of obesity remain ineffective at achieving long-term weight control. This is due, in part, to difficulties in identifying tolerable and efficacious small molecules or biologics capable of regulating systemic nutrient homeostasis. Here, we demonstrate that BAM15, a mitochondrially targeted small molecule protonophore, stimulates energy expenditure and glucose and lipid metabolism to protect against diet-induced obesity. Exposure to BAM15 in vitro enhanced mitochondrial respiratory kinetics, improved insulin action, and stimulated nutrient uptake by sustained activation of AMPK. C57BL/6J mice treated with BAM15 were resistant to weight gain. Furthermore, BAM15-treated mice exhibited improved body composition and glycemic control independent of weight loss, effects attributable to drug targeting of lipid-rich tissues. We provide the first phenotypic characterization and demonstration of pre-clinical efficacy for BAM15 as a pharmacological approach for the treatment of obesity and related diseases.
    Keywords:  AMPK; BAM15; mitochondria; obesity; type 2 diabetes
  24. Front Oncol. 2020 ;10 820
      The involvement of sirtuins (SIRTs) in modulating metabolic and stress response pathways is attracting growing scientific interest. Some SIRT family members are located in mitochondria, dynamic organelles that perform several crucial functions essential for eukaryotic life. Mitochondrial dysfunction has emerged as having a key role in a number of human diseases, including cancer. Here, we investigated mitochondrial damage resulting from treatment with a recently characterized pan-SIRT inhibitor, MC2494. MC2494 was able to block mitochondrial biogenesis and function in terms of ATP synthesis and energy metabolism, suggesting that it might orchestrate cell response to metabolic stress and thereby interfere with cancer promotion and progression. Targeting mitochondrial function could thus be considered a potential anticancer strategy for use in clinical therapy.
    Keywords:  cancer; energy production; epigenetic; leukemia; mitochondria; proteomic analysis; sirtuins
  25. Front Oncol. 2020 ;10 713
      It is known that cancer stem cells (CSCs) with the largest proliferative capacity survive the anoxic and/or ischemic conditions present inside tumorous tissue. In this study we test whether normal stem cells can survive under the same conditions due to cancer cell-like metabolic adaptations. We cultivated a CD34+ population with a majority of hematopoietic progenitors, and a CD34+CD38lowCD133+CD90+CD45RA- population, highly enriched in hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), under anoxic, anoxic/aglycemic ("ischemia-like"), or physiological conditions (3% O2). Results showed, despite a reduction in total cell fold expansion proportionate to the decrease in O2 concentration; CD34+ cells, aldehyde dehydrogenase-expressing primitive cells, and committed progenitors expanded, even in anoxia. Interestingly, under ischemia-like conditions, stem and CD34+ cell populations are maintained at day-0 level. Cell-cycle analysis further revealed an accumulation of cells in the G0/G1 phase in anoxia or anoxia/aglycemia, with a fraction of cells (~40%) actively cycling (SG2M phases). Also stem cell analysis showed that in these conditions a long-term Scid Repopulating activity was equal to that found with 3% O2. In addition stem cells with the highest proliferative capacity were maintained in anoxia/aglycemia and in anoxia. The estimated ATP profile, active mitochondrial content, and succinate accumulation are indicative of anaerobic mitochondrial respiration in both HSCs and CD34+ progenitors under ischemia-like conditions. We demonstrate here that primitive hematopoietic cells show similar metabolic flexibility to CSCs, allowing them to survive a lack of O2 and O2/glucose. Our study reveals that this feature is not the consequence of malignant transformation, but an attribute of stemness.
    Keywords:  bioenergetics; cancer stem cells; hematopoietic stem cells; metabolism; mitochondrial respiration
  26. Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 2020 Jun 11.
      BACKGROUND: The re-emerging of targeting dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH) in cancer treatment particularly acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) have corroborated the substantial role of DHODH in cancer and fascinated the attention of many pharmaceutical industries.OBJECTIVE: The effects brequinar sodium (BQR) and 4SC-101 in lymphoblastoid cell lines were investigated.
    METHOD: DHODH expression and cell proliferation inhibition of lymphoblastoid and lymphoma cell lines were analysed using Western blot analysis and XTT assay respectively. JC-1 probe and ATP biochemiluminescence kit was used to evaluate the mitochondrial membrane potential and ATP generation in these cell lines. Furthermore, we explored the cell cycle progression using Muse™ Cell Cycle Kit.
    RESULTS: Ramos, SUDHL-1 and RPMI-1788 cells are fast-growing cells with equal expression of DHODH enzyme and sensitivity to DHODH inhibitors that showed that the inhibition of DHODH was not cancer specific. In ATP depletion assay, the non-cancerous RPMI-1788 cells showed only a minor ATP reduction compared to Ramos and SUDHL-1 (cancer) cells. In the mechanistic impact of DHODH inhibitors on non-cancerous vs cancerous cells, the mitochondrial membrane potential assay revealed that significant depolarization and cytochrome c release occurred with DHODH inhibitors treatment in Ramos but not in the RPMI-1788 cells, indicating a different mechanism of proliferation inhibition in normal cells.
    CONCLUSION: The findings in this study provide evidence that DHODH inhibitors perturb the proliferation of non-cancerous cells via a distinct mechanism compared to cancerous cells. These results may lead to strategies for overcoming the impact on non-cancerous cells during treatment with DHODH inhibitors, leading to better therapeutic window in patients.
    Keywords:  4SC-101 ; ATP depletion; Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase; brequinar sodium; lymphoma; mitochondrial membrane potential; S-phase arrest
  27. Cancers (Basel). 2020 Jun 04. pii: E1466. [Epub ahead of print]12(6):
      Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is an aggressive hematological malignancy. Nearly 50% of the patients who receive the most intensive treatment develop chemoresistant leukemia relapse. Although the leukemogenic events leading to relapse seem to differ between patients (i.e., regrowth from a clone detected at first diagnosis, progression from the original leukemic or preleukemic stem cells), a common characteristic of relapsed AML is increased chemoresistance. The aim of the present study was to investigate at the proteomic level whether leukemic cells from relapsed patients present overlapping molecular mechanisms that contribute to this chemoresistance. We used liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) to compare the proteomic and phosphoproteomic profiles of AML cells derived from seven patients at the time of first diagnosis and at first relapse. At the time of first relapse, AML cells were characterized by increased levels of proteins important for various mitochondrial functions, such as mitochondrial ribosomal subunit proteins (MRPL21, MRPS37) and proteins for RNA processing (DHX37, RNA helicase; RPP40, ribonuclease P component), DNA repair (ERCC3, DNA repair factor IIH helicase; GTF2F1, general transcription factor), and cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) activity. The levels of several cytoskeletal proteins (MYH14/MYL6/MYL12A, myosin chains; VCL, vinculin) as well as of proteins involved in vesicular trafficking/secretion and cell adhesion (ITGAX, integrin alpha-X; CD36, platelet glycoprotein 4; SLC2A3, solute carrier family 2) were decreased in relapsed cells. Our study introduces new targetable proteins that might direct therapeutic strategies to decrease chemoresistance in relapsed AML.
    Keywords:  CDK; acute myeloid leukemia; degranulation; kinase; markers; mass spectrometry; minimal residual disease; mitochondria; patient relapse; phosphoproteome; proteome; secretion
  28. Front Physiol. 2020 ;11 515
      Mitochondrial dysfunction is a hallmark of cardiac pathophysiology. Defects in mitochondrial performance disrupt contractile function, overwhelm myocytes with reactive oxygen species (ROS), and transform these cellular powerhouses into pro-death organelles. Thus, quality control (QC) pathways aimed at identifying and removing damaged mitochondrial proteins, components, or entire mitochondria are crucial processes in post-mitotic cells such as cardiac myocytes. Almost all of the mitochondrial proteins are encoded by the nuclear genome and the trafficking of these nuclear-encoded proteins necessitates significant cross-talk with the cytosolic protein QC machinery to ensure that only functional proteins are delivered to the mitochondria. Within the organelle, mitochondria contain their own protein QC system consisting of chaperones and proteases. This system represents another level of QC to promote mitochondrial protein folding and prevent aggregation. If this system is overwhelmed, a conserved transcriptional response known as the mitochondrial unfolded protein response is activated to increase the expression of proteins involved in restoring mitochondrial proteostasis. If the mitochondrion is beyond repair, the entire organelle must be removed before it becomes cytotoxic and causes cellular damage. Recent evidence has also uncovered mitochondria as participants in cytosolic protein QC where misfolded cytosolic proteins can be imported and degraded inside mitochondria. However, this process also places increased pressure on mitochondrial QC pathways to ensure that the imported proteins do not cause mitochondrial dysfunction. This review is focused on discussing the pathways involved in regulating mitochondrial QC and their relationship to cellular proteostasis and mitochondrial health in the heart.
    Keywords:  Parkin; UPR; UPS; import; mitochondria; mitophagy; proteasome; proteotoxicity