bims-mimead Biomed News
on Adipose tissue and metabolic disease
Issue of 2024–11–10
eight papers selected by
Rachel M. Handy, University of Guelph

  1. Methods Enzymol. 2024 ;pii: S0076-6879(24)00405-1. [Epub ahead of print]707 519-539
      Of all the causes of metabolic and neurological disorders, oxidative stress distinguishes itself by its sweeping effect on the dynamic cellular redox homeostasis and, in its wake, exposing the vulnerabilities of the protein machinery of the cell. High levels of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) that mitochondria produce during ATP synthesis can damage mtDNA, lipids, and essential mitochondrial proteins. ROS majorly oxidizes cysteine and methionine amino acids in peptides, which can lead to protein unfolding or misfolding of proteins, which ultimately can have a toll on their function. As mitochondrial biogenesis relies on the continuous import of nuclear-encoded proteins into mitochondria mediated by mitochondrial protein import complexes, oxidative stress triggered by mitochondria can rapidly and detrimentally affect mitochondrial biogenesis and homeostasis. Functional Mge1 is a homodimer and acts as a cochaperone and a nucleotide exchange factor of mitochondrial heat shock protein 70 (mHsp70), crucial for mitochondrial protein import. Oxidative stress like ROS, oxidizes Met 155 in Mge1, compromising its ability to dimerize and interact with mHsp70. The cell employs Methionine sulphoxide reductase 2 (Mxr2), a member of the methionine sulphoxide reductase family, to reduce oxidized Met 155 and thereby restore the essential function of Mge1. Oxidation of methionine as a regulated post-translational modification has been gaining traction. Future high throughput studies that can scan the entire mitochondrial proteome to interrogate methionine oxidation and reversal may increase the repertoire of mitochondrial proteins undergoing regulated oxidation and reduction. In this chapter, we describe the methods followed in our laboratory to study the oxidation of Mge1 and its reduction by Mxr2 in vitro.
    Keywords:  Cross linking; Methionine oxidation; Methionine sulfoixde reductase 2; Mge1; Mitochondria; Reactive Oxygen Species
  2. iScience. 2024 Nov 15. 27(11): 111134
      To identify the pathways that are coordinately regulated in pancreatic β cells, muscle, liver, and fat to control fasting glycemia we fed C57Bl/6, DBA/2, and Balb/c mice a regular chow or a high fat diet for 5, 13, and 33 days. Physiological, transcriptomic and lipidomic data were used in a data fusion approach to identify organ-specific pathways linked to fasting glycemia across all conditions investigated. In pancreatic islets, constant insulinemia despite higher glycemic levels was associated with reduced expression of hormone and neurotransmitter receptors, OXPHOS, cadherins, integrins, and gap junction mRNAs. Higher glycemia and insulin resistance were associated, in muscle, with decreased insulin signaling, glycolytic, Krebs' cycle, OXPHOS, and endo/exocytosis mRNAs; in hepatocytes, with reduced insulin signaling, branched chain amino acid catabolism and OXPHOS mRNAs; in adipose tissue, with increased innate immunity and lipid catabolism mRNAs. These data provide a resource for further studies of interorgan communication in glucose homeostasis.
    Keywords:  Bioinformatics; Omics; Physiology; Transcriptomics
  3. J Endocr Soc. 2024 Oct 29. 8(12): bvae187
      Tributyltin (TBT) is a synthetic chemical widely used in industrial and commercial applications. TBT exposure has been proven to elicit obesogenic effects. Gestational exposure led to increased white adipose tissue depot size in exposed (F1, F2) animals and in unexposed generations (F3, F4), an example of transgenerational inheritance. TBT exerts these effects in part by increasing the number and size of white adipocytes, altering the fate of multipotent mesenchymal stromal stem cells to favor the adipocyte lineage, altering adipokine secretion, and modulating chromatin structure. Adipose tissue resident macrophages are critical regulators in adipose tissue; however, the effects of TBT on adipose tissue macrophages remained unclear. Here we investigated the effects of TBT on macrophages and consequent impacts on adipocyte function. TBT significantly enhanced palmitate-induced inflammatory gene expression in mouse bone marrow derived macrophages and this effect was attenuated by the antagonizing action of the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma. TBT-treated macrophages decreased lipid accumulation in white adipocytes differentiated from mesenchymal stromal stem cells accompanied by increased expression of lipolysis genes. Lastly, ancestral TBT exposure increased Tnf expression in adipose tissue resident macrophages in both exposed (F2) and unexposed (F3) generations, suggesting that TBT exposure led to an inherited predisposition toward inflammatory adipose tissue macrophages that can manipulate adipose tissue function. These findings provide new insights into the interplay between adipocytes and adipose tissue macrophages in obesity, further establishing a role for obesogens such as TBT in the development of obesity-related metabolic disorders.
    Keywords:  PPARγ; TBT; adipocyte; lipolysis; macrophage; obesity; peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma; tributyltin
  4. Diabetologia. 2024 Nov 06.
       AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Microvascular dysfunction contributes to insulin resistance. CD36, a fatty acid transporter and modulator of insulin signalling, is abundant in microvascular endothelial cells. Humans carrying the minor allele (G) of CD36 coding variant rs3211938 have 50% reduced CD36 expression and show endothelial dysfunction. We aimed to determine whether G allele carriers have microvascular resistance to insulin and, if so, how this affects glucose disposal.
    METHODS: Our multi-disciplinary approach included hyperinsulinaemic-euglycaemic clamps in Cd36-/- and wild-type mice, and in individuals with 50% CD36 deficiency, together with control counterparts, in addition to primary human-derived microvascular endothelial cells with/without CD36 depletion.
    RESULTS: Insulin clamps showed that Cd36-/- mice have enhanced insulin-stimulated glucose disposal but reduced vascular compliance and capillary perfusion. Intravital microscopy of the gastrocnemius showed unaltered transcapillary insulin flux. CD36-deficient humans had better insulin-stimulated glucose disposal but insulin-unresponsive microvascular blood volume (MBV). Human microvascular cells depleted of CD36 showed impaired insulin activation of Akt, endothelial NO synthase and NO generation. Thus, in CD36 deficiency, microvascular insulin resistance paradoxically associated with enhanced insulin sensitivity of glucose disposal.
    CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: CD36 deficiency was previously shown to reduce muscle/heart fatty acid uptake, whereas here we showed that it reduced vascular compliance and the ability of insulin to increase MBV for optimising glucose and oxygen delivery. The muscle and heart respond to these energy challenges by transcriptional remodelling priming the tissue for insulin-stimulated glycolytic flux. Reduced oxygen delivery activating hypoxia-induced factors, endothelial release of growth factors or small intracellular vesicles might mediate this adaptation. Targeting NO bioavailability in CD36 deficiency could benefit the microvasculature and muscle/heart metabolism.
    TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT03012386 DATA AVAILABILITY: The RNAseq data generated in this study have been deposited in the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus ( ) under accession code GSE235988 ( ).
    Keywords:  African Americans; Caveolin; Endothelial function; Nitric oxide; rs3211938
  5. Acta Physiol (Oxf). 2024 Nov 01. e14249
       AIM: To examine factors underlying why most, but not all, adults with obesity exhibit impaired insulin-mediated glucose uptake, we compared: (1) adipose tissue fatty acid (FA) release, (2) skeletal muscle lipid droplet (LD) characteristics, and (3) insulin signalling events, in skeletal muscle of adults with obesity with relatively high versus low insulin-mediated glucose uptake.
    METHODS: Seventeen adults with obesity (BMI: 36 ± 3 kg/m2) completed a 2 h hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp with stable isotope tracer infusions to measure glucose rate of disappearance (glucose Rd) and FA rate of appearance (FA Ra). Skeletal muscle biopsies were collected at baseline and 30 min into the insulin infusion. Participants were stratified into HIGH (n = 7) and LOW (n = 10) insulin sensitivity cohorts by their glucose Rd during the hyperinsulinemic clamp (LOW< 400; HIGH >550 nmol/kgFFM/min/[μU/mL]).
    RESULTS: Insulin-mediated suppression of FA Ra was lower in LOW compared with HIGH (p < 0.01). In skeletal muscle, total intramyocellular lipid content did not differ between cohorts. However, the size of LDs in the subsarcolemmal region (SS) of type II muscle fibres was larger in LOW compared with HIGH (p = 0.01). Additionally, insulin receptor-β (IRβ) interactions with regulatory proteins CD36 and Fyn were lower in LOW versus HIGH (p < 0.01), which aligned with attenuated insulin-mediated Tyr phosphorylation of IRβ and downstream insulin-signalling proteins in LOW.
    CONCLUSION: Collectively, reduced ability for insulin to suppress FA mobilization, with accompanying modifications in intramyocellular LD size and distribution, and diminished IRβ interaction with key regulatory proteins may be key contributors to impaired insulin-mediated glucose uptake commonly found in adults with obesity.
    Keywords:  CD36; insulin resistance; lipid droplet; obesity; skeletal muscle
  6. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2024 Oct 29. pii: S0006-291X(24)01453-0. [Epub ahead of print]738 150917
      Aging is associated with a decline in physiological functions and an increased risk of metabolic disorders. The liver, a key organ in metabolism, undergoes significant changes during aging that can contribute to systemic metabolic dysfunction. This study investigates the expression of genes involved in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, a critical pathway for energy production, in the aging liver. We analyzed RNA sequencing data from the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project to assess age-related changes in gene expression in the human liver. To validate our findings, we conducted complementary studies in young and old mice, examining the expression of key TCA cycle genes using quantitative real-time PCR. Our analysis of the GTEx dataset revealed a significant reduction in the expression of many genes that are critical for metabolism, including fat mass and obesity associated (FTO) and adiponectin receptor 1 (ADIPOR1). The most overrepresented pathway among the statistically enriched ones was the TCA cycle, with multiple genes exhibiting downregulation in older humans. This reduction was consistent with findings in aging mice, which also showed decreased expression of several TCA cycle genes. These results suggest a conserved pattern of age-related downregulation of TCA cycle, potentially leading to diminished mitochondrial function and energy production in the liver. The reduced expression of TCA cycle genes in the aging liver may contribute to metabolic dysfunction and increased susceptibility to age-related diseases. Understanding the molecular basis of these changes provides new insights into the aging process and highlights potential targets for interventions aimed at promoting healthy aging and preventing metabolic disorders.
  7. Diabetes Care. 2024 Nov 05. pii: dc241280. [Epub ahead of print]
       OBJECTIVE: To evaluate total, insulin-mediated, and non-insulin-mediated glucose disposal (TGD, IMGD, and NIMGD) after ingesting glucose in people with obesity and different glycemic status.
    RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We developed and validated a new glucose tracer model in conjunction with an oral glucose tolerance test to determine IMGD, NIMGD, and TGD (sum of IMGD and NIMGD) after glucose ingestion in four groups of people: 1) lean with normal glucose tolerance (NGT), 2) obese with insulin resistance and NGT due to hyperinsulinemia (Ob-NGT group), 3) obese with insulin resistance and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) due to inadequate hyperinsulinemia (Ob-IGT group), and 4) obese with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes due to marked insulin insufficiency (Ob-T2D group). In addition, we evaluated the effect of intensive lifestyle therapy (ILT) that caused ∼15% weight loss on IMGD and NIMGD in people with obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D).
    RESULTS: IMGD progressively decreased and NIMGD progressively increased from lean to Ob-NGT to Ob-IGT to Ob-T2D. IMGD accounted for about 70%, 65%, 50%, and 20% of TGD, and NIMGD accounted for ∼40%, 35%, 50%, and 80% of TGD in lean, Ob-NGT, Ob-IGT and Ob-T2D, respectively. Although NIMGD was approximately twofold and approximately threefold higher in Ob-IGT and Ob-T2D compared with Ob-NGT, NIMGD only partially compensated for markedly impaired IMGD in the Ob-IGT and Ob-T2D. ILT in people with obesity and T2D increased IMGD and decreased NIMGD.
    CONCLUSIONS: NIMGD is a major mechanism of postprandial TGD in people with insulin resistance and inadequate insulin secretion.
  8. J Lipid Res. 2024 Oct 25. pii: S0022-2275(24)00192-5. [Epub ahead of print] 100687
      De novo lipogenesis (DNL) has been implicated in the development and progression of liver steatosis. Hepatic DNL is strongly influenced by dietary macronutrient composition with diets high in carbohydrate increasing DNL and while diets high in fat decrease DNL. The enzymes in the core DNL pathway have been well characterised, however less is known about other liver proteins that play accessory or regulatory roles. In the current study, we associate measured rates of hepatic DNL and fat content with liver proteomic analysis in mice to identify known and unknown proteins that may have a role in DNL. Male mice were fed either a standard chow diet, a semi-purified high starch or high fat diet. Both semi-purified diets resulted in increased body weight, fat mass and liver triglyceride content compared to chow controls and hepatic DNL was increased in the high starch and decreased in high fat fed mice. Proteomic analysis identified novel proteins associated with DNL that are involved in taurine metabolism, suggesting a link between these pathways. There was no relationship between proteins that associated with DNL and those associated with liver triglyceride content. Further analysis identified proteins that are differentially regulated when comparing a non-purified chow diet to either of the semi-purified diets which provide a set of proteins that are influenced by dietary complexity. Finally, we compared the liver proteome between 4- and 30-week diet-fed mice and found remarkable similarity suggesting metabolic remodelling of the liver occurs rapidly in response to differing dietary components.
    Keywords:  de novo lipogenesis; liver; proteomics; semi-purified diet; steatosis; triglycerides