bims-mitran Biomed News
on Mitochondrial translation
Issue of 2024–02–18
four papers selected by
Andreas Kohler, Umeå University

  1. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2024 Feb 12.
      Cellular metabolism relies on the regulation and maintenance of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Hundreds to thousands of copies of mtDNA exist in each cell, yet because mitochondria lack histones or other machinery important for nuclear genome compaction, it remains unresolved how mtDNA is packaged into individual nucleoids. In this study, we used long-read single-molecule accessibility mapping to measure the compaction of individual full-length mtDNA molecules at near single-nucleotide resolution. We found that, unlike the nuclear genome, human mtDNA largely undergoes all-or-none global compaction, with most nucleoids existing in an inaccessible, inactive state. Highly accessible mitochondrial nucleoids are co-occupied by transcription and replication components and selectively form a triple-stranded displacement loop structure. In addition, we showed that the primary nucleoid-associated protein TFAM directly modulates the fraction of inaccessible nucleoids both in vivo and in vitro, acting consistently with a nucleation-and-spreading mechanism to coat and compact mitochondrial nucleoids. Together, these findings reveal the primary architecture of mtDNA packaging and regulation in human cells.
  2. bioRxiv. 2024 Feb 10. pii: 2024.01.29.577835. [Epub ahead of print]
      Mitochondrial DNA copy number (mtDNA-CN) is associated with several age-related chronic diseases and is a predictor of all-cause mortality. Here, we examine site-specific differential nuclear DNA (nDNA) methylation and differential gene expression resulting from in vitro reduction of mtDNA-CN to uncover shared genes and biological pathways mediating the effect of mtDNA-CN on disease. Epigenome and transcriptome profiles were generated for three independent human embryonic kidney (HEK293T) cell lines harbouring a mitochondrial transcription factor A ( TFAM ) heterozygous knockout generated via CRISPR-Cas9, and matched control lines. We identified 4,242 differentially methylated sites, 228 differentially methylated regions, and 179 differentially expressed genes associated with mtDNA-CN. Integrated analysis uncovered 381 Gene-CpG pairs. GABAA receptor genes and related pathways, the neuroactive ligand receptor interaction pathway, ABCD1/2 gene activity, and cell signalling processes were overrepresented, providing insight into the underlying biological mechanisms facilitating these associations. We also report evidence implicating chromatin state regulatory mechanisms as modulators of mtDNA-CN effect on gene expression. We demonstrate that mitochondrial DNA variation signals to the nuclear DNA epigenome and transcriptome and may lead to nuclear remodelling relevant to development, aging, and complex disease.
  3. bioRxiv. 2024 Jan 31. pii: 2024.01.29.577854. [Epub ahead of print]
      There is growing interest in understanding the biological implications of single cell heterogeneity and intracellular heteroplasmy of mtDNA, but current methodologies for single-cell mtDNA analysis limit the scale of analysis to small cell populations. Although droplet microfluidics have increased the throughput of single-cell genomic, RNA, and protein analysis, their application to sub-cellular organelle analysis has remained a largely unsolved challenge. Here, we introduce an agarose-based droplet microfluidic approach for single-cell, single-mtDNA analysis, which allows simultaneous processing of hundreds of individual mtDNA molecules within >10,000 individual cells. Our microfluidic chip encapsulates individual cells in agarose beads, designed to have a sufficiently dense hydrogel network to retain mtDNA after lysis and provide a robust scaffold for subsequent multi-step processing and analysis. To mitigate the impact of the high viscosity of agarose required for mtDNA retention on the throughput of microfluidics, we developed a parallelized device, successfully achieving ~95% mtDNA retention from single cells within our microbeads at >700,000 drops/minute. To demonstrate utility, we analyzed specific regions of the single mtDNA using a multiplexed rolling circle amplification (RCA) assay. We demonstrated compatibility with both microscopy, for digital counting of individual RCA products, and flow cytometry for higher throughput analysis.
  4. Elife. 2024 Feb 16. pii: e95407. [Epub ahead of print]13
      The mitochondrial genomes of apicomplexans comprise merely three protein-coding genes, alongside a set of thirty to forty genes encoding small RNAs (sRNAs), many of which exhibit homologies to rRNA from E. coli. The expression status and integration of these short RNAs into ribosomes remains unclear and direct evidence for active ribosomes within apicomplexan mitochondria is still lacking. In this study, we conducted small RNA sequencing on the apicomplexan Toxoplasma gondii to investigate the occurrence and function of mitochondrial sRNAs. To enhance the analysis of sRNA sequencing outcomes, we also re-sequenced the T. gondii mitochondrial genome using an improved organelle enrichment protocol and Nanopore sequencing. It has been established previously that the T. gondii genome comprises 21 sequence blocks that undergo recombination among themselves but that their order is not entirely random. The enhanced coverage of the mitochondrial genome allowed us to characterize block combinations at increased resolution. Employing this refined genome for sRNA mapping, we find that many small RNAs originated from the junction sites between protein-coding blocks and rRNA sequence blocks. Surprisingly, such block border sRNAs were incorporated into polysomes together with canonical rRNA fragments and mRNAs. In conclusion, apicomplexan ribosomes are active within polysomes and are indeed assembled through the integration of sRNAs, including previously undetected sRNAs with merged mRNA-rRNA sequences. Our findings lead to the hypothesis that T. gondii's block-based genome organization enables the dual utilization of mitochondrial sequences as both messenger RNAs and ribosomal RNAs, potentially establishing a link between the regulation of rRNA and mRNA expression.
    Keywords:  infectious disease; microbiology; none