bims-muscge Biomed News
on Muscle stem cells and gene therapy
Issue of 2023‒11‒26
23 papers selected by
Chance Bowman, Dartmouth College

  1. Results Probl Cell Differ. 2024 ;71 257-279
      Skeletal muscle possesses a resident, multipotent stem cell population that is essential for its repair and maintenance throughout life. Here I highlight the role of this stem cell population in muscle repair and regeneration and review the genetic control of the process; the mechanistic steps of activation, migration, recognition, adhesion, and fusion of these cells; and discuss the novel recognition of the membrane signaling that coordinates myogenic cell-cell fusion, as well as the identification of a two-part fusogen system that facilitates it.
    Keywords:  Cell-cell fusion; Fusogen; Muscle progenitor cell; Myogenesis; Phospholipid scrambling; Satellite cell; Skeletal muscle
  2. J Funct Biomater. 2023 Oct 24. pii: 533. [Epub ahead of print]14(11):
      Volumetric muscle loss (VML) is a traumatic injury where at least 20% of the mass of a skeletal muscle has been destroyed and functionality is lost. The standard treatment for VML, autologous tissue transfer, is limited as approximately 1 in 10 grafts fail because of necrosis or infection. Tissue engineering strategies seek to develop scaffolds that can regenerate injured muscles and restore functionality. Many of these scaffolds, however, are limited in their ability to restore muscle functionality because of an inability to promote the alignment of regenerating myofibers. For aligned myofibers to form on a scaffold, myoblasts infiltrate the scaffold and receive topographical cues to direct targeted myofiber growth. We seek to determine the optimal pore size for myoblast infiltration and differentiation. We developed a method of tuning the pore size within collagen scaffolds while inducing longitudinal alignment of these pores. Significantly different pore sizes were generated by adjusting the freezing rate of the scaffolds. Scaffolds frozen at -20 °C contained the largest pores. These scaffolds promoted the greatest level of cell infiltration and orientation in the direction of pore alignment. Further research will be conducted to induce higher levels of myofiber formation, to ultimately create an off-the-shelf treatment for VML injuries.
    Keywords:  biomaterial; collagen; pore size; porosity; scaffold; skeletal muscle; skeletal muscle tissue engineering; tissue engineering; volumetric muscle loss
  3. bioRxiv. 2023 Nov 06. pii: 2023.11.06.565807. [Epub ahead of print]
      Successful CRISPR/Cas9-based gene editing in skeletal muscle is dependent on efficient propagation of Cas9 to all myonuclei in the myofiber. However, nuclear-targeted gene therapy cargos are strongly restricted to their myonuclear domain of origin. By screening nuclear localization signals and nuclear export signals, we identify "Myospreader", a combination of short peptide sequences that promotes myonuclear propagation. Appending Myospreader to Cas9 enhances protein stability and myonuclear propagation in myoblasts and myofibers. AAV-delivered Myospreader dCas9 better inhibits transcription of toxic RNA in a myotonic dystrophy mouse model. Furthermore, Myospreader Cas9 achieves higher rates of gene editing in CRISPR reporter and Duchenne muscular dystrophy mouse models. Myospreader reveals design principles relevant to all nuclear-targeted gene therapies and highlights the importance of the spatial dimension in therapeutic development.
  4. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2023 Nov 23.
      Skeletal muscle is a highly complex tissue that is studied by scientists from a wide spectrum of disciplines, including motor control, biomechanics, exercise science, physiology, cell biology, genetics, regenerative medicine, orthopedics, and engineering. While this diversity in perspectives has led to many important discoveries, historically there has been limited overlap in discussions across fields. This has led to misconceptions and oversimplifications about muscle biology which can create confusion and potentially slow scientific progress across fields. The purpose of this synthesis paper is to bring together research perspectives across multiple muscle fields to identify common assumptions related to muscle fiber type that are points of concern to clarify. These assumptions include: 1) classification by myosin isoform and fiber oxidative capacity is equivalent, 2) fiber cross-sectional area is a surrogate marker for myosin isoform or oxidative capacity, and 3) muscle force-generating capacity can be inferred from myosin isoform. We address these 3 fiber type traps and provide some context for how these misunderstandings can and do impact experimental design, computational modeling, and interpretations of findings, from the perspective of a range of fields. We stress the dangers of generalizing findings about "muscle fiber types" among muscles or across species or sex, and we note the importance for precise use of common terminology across the muscle fields.
    Keywords:  fiber type; myosin; skeletal muscle
  5. Exp Gerontol. 2023 Nov 18. pii: S0531-5565(23)00256-5. [Epub ahead of print] 112335
      Skeletal muscle atrophy is a common muscle disease that is directly caused by an imbalance in protein synthesis and degradation. At the histological level, it is mainly characterized by a reduction in muscle mass and fiber cross-sectional area (CSA). Patients with skeletal muscle atrophy present with reduced motor ability, easy fatigue, and poor life quality. Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is an inducible enzyme that catalyzes the degradation of heme and has attracted much attention for its anti-oxidation effects. In addition, there is growing evidence that HO-1 plays an important role in anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptosis, pro-angiogenesis, and maintaining skeletal muscle homeostasis, making it a potential therapeutic target for improving skeletal muscle atrophy. Here, we review the pathogenesis of skeletal muscle atrophy, the biology of HO-1 and its regulation, and the biological function of HO-1 in skeletal muscle homeostasis, with a specific focus on the role of HO-1 in skeletal muscle atrophy, aiming to observe the therapeutic potential of HO-1 for skeletal muscle atrophy.
    Keywords:  HO-1; HO-1 inducer; Skeletal muscle atrophy; Skeletal muscles homeostasis; Therapeutic target
  6. Skelet Muscle. 2023 Nov 18. 13(1): 19
      BACKGROUND: The lack of functional dystrophin protein in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) causes chronic skeletal muscle inflammation and degeneration. Therefore, the restoration of functional dystrophin levels is a fundamental approach for DMD therapy. Electrical impedance myography (EIM) is an emerging tool that provides noninvasive monitoring of muscle conditions and has been suggested as a treatment response biomarker in diverse indications. Although magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of skeletal muscles has become a standard measurement in clinical trials for DMD, EIM offers distinct advantages, such as portability, user-friendliness, and reduced cost, allowing for remote monitoring of disease progression or response to therapy. To investigate the potential of EIM as a biomarker for DMD, we compared longitudinal EIM data with MRI/histopathological data from an X-linked muscular dystrophy (mdx) mouse model of DMD. In addition, we investigated whether EIM could detect dystrophin-related changes in muscles using antisense-mediated exon skipping in mdx mice.METHODS: The MRI data for muscle T2, the magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) data for fat fraction, and three EIM parameters with histopathology were longitudinally obtained from the hindlimb muscles of wild-type (WT) and mdx mice. In the EIM study, a cell-penetrating peptide (Pip9b2) conjugated antisense phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomer (PPMO), designed to induce exon-skipping and restore functional dystrophin production, was administered intravenously to mdx mice.
    RESULTS: MRI imaging in mdx mice showed higher T2 intensity at 6 weeks of age in hindlimb muscles compared to WT mice, which decreased at ≥ 9 weeks of age. In contrast, EIM reactance began to decline at 12 weeks of age, with peak reduction at 18 weeks of age in mdx mice. This decline was associated with myofiber atrophy and connective tissue infiltration in the skeletal muscles. Repeated dosing of PPMO (10 mg/kg, 4 times every 2 weeks) in mdx mice led to an increase in muscular dystrophin protein and reversed the decrease in EIM reactance.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that muscle T2 MRI is sensitive to the early inflammatory response associated with dystrophin deficiency, whereas EIM provides a valuable biomarker for the noninvasive monitoring of subsequent changes in skeletal muscle composition. Furthermore, EIM reactance has the potential to monitor dystrophin-deficient muscle abnormalities and their recovery in response to antisense-mediated exon skipping.
    Keywords:  Cell-penetrating peptide conjugated antisense phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomer; Duchenne muscular dystrophy; Electric impedance myography; Magnetic resonance imaging; mdx mice
  7. Clin Sci (Lond). 2023 Nov 29. 137(22): 1721-1751
      Ageing is a complex biological process associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Nine classic, interdependent hallmarks of ageing have been proposed involving genetic and biochemical pathways that collectively influence ageing trajectories and susceptibility to pathology in humans. Ageing skeletal muscle undergoes profound morphological and physiological changes associated with loss of strength, mass, and function, a condition known as sarcopenia. The aetiology of sarcopenia is complex and whilst research in this area is growing rapidly, there is a relative paucity of human studies, particularly in older women. Here, we evaluate how the nine classic hallmarks of ageing: genomic instability, telomere attrition, epigenetic alterations, loss of proteostasis, deregulated nutrient sensing, mitochondrial dysfunction, cellular senescence, stem cell exhaustion, and altered intercellular communication contribute to skeletal muscle ageing and the pathophysiology of sarcopenia. We also highlight five novel hallmarks of particular significance to skeletal muscle ageing: inflammation, neural dysfunction, extracellular matrix dysfunction, reduced vascular perfusion, and ionic dyshomeostasis, and discuss how the classic and novel hallmarks are interconnected. Their clinical relevance and translational potential are also considered.
    Keywords:  hallmarks of ageing; sarcopenia; skeletal muscle
  8. J Neurochem. 2023 Nov 23.
      Skeletal muscle fiber is a large syncytium with multiple and evenly distributed nuclei. Adult subsynaptic myonuclei beneath the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) express specific genes, the products of which coordinately function in the maintenance of the pre- and post-synaptic regions. However, the gene expression profiles that promote the NMJ formation during embryogenesis remain largely unexplored. We performed single-nucleus RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq) analysis of embryonic and neonatal mouse diaphragms, and found that each myonucleus had a distinct transcriptome pattern during the NMJ formation. Among the previously reported NMJ-constituting genes, Dok7, Chrna1, and Chrnd are specifically expressed in subsynaptic myonuclei at E18.5. In the E18.5 diaphragm, ca. 10.7% of the myonuclei express genes for the NMJ formation (Dok7, Chrna1, and Chrnd) together with four representative β-catenin regulators (Amotl2, Ptprk, Fam53b, and Tcf7l2). Additionally, the temporal gene expression patterns of these seven genes are synchronized in differentiating C2C12 myoblasts. Amotl2 and Ptprk are expressed in the sarcoplasm, where β-catenin serves as a structural protein to organize the membrane-anchored NMJ structure. In contrast, Fam53b and Tcf7l2 are expressed in the myonucleus, where β-catenin serves as a transcriptional coactivator in Wnt/β-catenin signaling at the NMJ. In C2C12 myotubes, knockdown of Amotl2 or Ptprk markedly, and that of Fam53b and Tcf7l2 less efficiently, impair the clustering of acetylcholine receptors. In contrast, knockdown of Fam53b and Tcf7l2, but not of Amotl2 or Ptprk, impairs the gene expression of Slit2 encoding an axonal attractant for motor neurons, which is required for the maturation of motor nerve terminal. Thus, Amotl2 and Ptprk exert different roles at the NM compared to Fam53b and Tcf7l2. Additionally, Wnt ligands originating from the spinal motor neurons and the perichondrium/chondrocyte are likely to work remotely on the subsynaptic nuclei and the myotendinous junctional nuclei, respectively. We conclude that snRNA-seq analysis of embryonic/neonatal diaphragms reveal a novel coordinated expression profile especially in the Wnt/β-catenin signaling that regulate the formation of the embryonic NMJ.
    Keywords:  Wnt signaling; myonucleus; myotendinous junction; neuromuscular junction; skeletal muscle; β-catenin
  9. J Orthop Res. 2023 Nov 22.
      Musculoskeletal trauma, specifically fractures, is a leading cause of patient morbidity and disability worldwide. In approximately 20% of cases with fracture and related traumatic muscle loss, bone healing is impaired leading to fracture nonunion. Over the past few years, several studies have demonstrated that bone and the surrounding muscle tissue interact not only anatomically and mechanically but also through biochemical pathways and mediators. Severe damage to the surrounding musculature at the fracture site causes an insufficiency in muscle-derived osteoprogenitor cells that are crucial for fracture healing. As an endocrine tissue, skeletal muscle produces many myokines that act on different bone cells such as osteoblasts, osteoclasts, osteocytes, and mesenchymal stem cells. Investigating how muscle influences fracture healing at cellular, molecular, and hormonal levels provides translational therapeutic solutions to this clinical challenge. This review provides an overview about the contributions of surrounding muscle tissue in directing fracture healing. The focus of the review is on describing the interactions between bone and muscle in both healthy and fractured environments. We discuss current progress in identifying the bone-muscle molecular pathways and strategies to harness these pathways as cues for accelerating fracture healing. In addition, we review the existing challenges and research opportunities in the field. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
    Keywords:  Bone fracture; Muscle loss; nonunion; tissue interaction
  10. Geroscience. 2023 Nov 24.
      In addition to the role of skeletal muscle in movement and locomotion, muscle plays a critical role in a broad array of metabolic processes that can contribute to improved health or risk of disease. The age-associated loss of muscle has been termed sarcopenia. The muscle is the primary site of insulin-stimulated glucose disposal and the largest component of basal metabolic rate, directly and indirectly affects bone density, produces myokines with pleiotropic effect on muscle and other tissues including the brain, and stores essential amino acids essential for the maintenance of protein synthesis during periods of reduced food intake and stress. As such, not surprisingly deterioration of skeletal muscle health, typically operationalized as decline of muscle mass and muscle strength is both a powerful risk factor and main consequence of chronic diseases, disability, and loss of independence, and it is one of the strongest risk factors for mortality. However, skeletal muscle remains one of the most plastic of all tissues, with rapid changes in rates of protein synthesis and degradation in response to physical activity and inactivity, inflammation, and nutritional and hormonal status. This has made the development of pharmacological therapies to increase muscle mass (or prevent loss), an important goal for decades. However, while remarkable advances in the understanding of molecular and cellular regulation of muscle protein metabolism have occurred recently, there are no approved drugs for the treatment of sarcopenia, the loss of skeletal muscle affecting millions of older people. The goal of this paper is to describe the possible reasons for the lack of new and effective pharmacotherapies to treat one of the most important risk factors for age-associated disease and loss of independence.
    Keywords:  Body composition; Functional capacity; Muscle mass; Regulatory approval; Sarcopenia
  11. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2023 Nov 17. pii: S0006-291X(23)01325-6. [Epub ahead of print]690 149231
      Cell fusion plays a key role in the development and formation of tissues and organs in several organisms. Skeletal myogenesis is assessed in vitro by cell shape and gene and protein expression using immunofluorescence and immunoblotting assays. However, these conventional methods are complex and do not allow for easy time-course observation in living cells. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a Cre recombination-based fluorescent reporter system to monitor cell-cell fusion. We combined green and red fluorescent proteins with a Cre-loxP system to detect syncytium formation using a fluorescent binary switch. This allowed us to visualize mononucleated cells with green fluorescence before fusion and multinucleated syncytia with red fluorescence by conditional expression after cell fusion. The formation of multinuclear myotubes during myogenic differentiation was detected by the change in fluorescence from green to red after Cre-mediated recombination. The distribution of the fluorescence signal correlated with the expression of myogenic differentiation markers. Moreover, red reporter fluorescence intensity was correlated with the number of nuclei contained in the red fluorescent-positive myotubes. We also successfully demonstrated that our fusion monitoring system is applicable to the formation of skeletal muscle myotube and placental syncytiotrophoblast. These results suggest that the color-switching fluorescent reporter system, using Cre-mediated recombination, could be a robust tool used to facilitate the study of cell-to-cell fusion.
    Keywords:  Cell fusion; Cre-loxP; Fluorescent reporter; Multinuclear cell; Myoblast; Trophoblast
  12. Gen Physiol Biophys. 2023 Nov;42(6): 521-529
      Skeletal muscle atrophy severely impacts one's quality of life. The effects and mechanism of polydatin on skeletal muscle atrophy are unclear. This study investigated the effects and mechanism of polydatin on TNF-α-induced skeletal muscle cells. The skeletal muscle cell atrophy model was established by inducing C2C12 cells with TNF-α. Cell viability, IL-1β levels and cell apoptosis were assessed. The mRNA and protein expression levels of apoptosis-related proteins were measured. Meanwhile, the binding of polydatin to AKT was analyzed by molecular docking. TNF-α reduced cell fusion and viability while up-regulated IL-1β level and promoted cell apoptosis. TNF-α activated AKT, NF-κB, and p38 MAPK signaling pathways. Polydatin reversed these effects induced by TNF-α, with a low concentration being more effective. Polydatin was predicted to bind to GLY162, PHE161, GLU198, THR195 and GLU191 sites of AKT protein through van der Waals force and conventional hydrogen bonds. Overexpression of AKT led to increased phosphorylation levels of AKT, p38, and p65 proteins, as well as IL-1β levels and cell apoptosis. Polydatin inhibited TNF-α-induced apoptosis of C2C12 cells by regulating NF-κB and p38 MAPK signaling pathways through AKT. This suggests that polydatin shows promise as a new drug for the treatment of skeletal muscle atrophy.
  13. Biology (Basel). 2023 Nov 19. pii: 1450. [Epub ahead of print]12(11):
      Exercise is widely recognized for its positive impact on human health and well-being. The process of utilizing substrates in skeletal muscle during exercise is intricate and governed by complex mechanisms. Carbohydrates and lipids serve as the primary fuel sources for skeletal muscle during exercise. It is now understood that fuel selection during exercise is not solely determined by physical activity itself but is also influenced by the overall metabolic state of the body. The balance between lipid and carbohydrate utilization significantly affects exercise capacity, including endurance, fatigue, and overall performance. Therefore, comprehensively understanding the regulation of substrate utilization during exercise is of utmost importance. The aim of this review is to provide an extensive overview of the current knowledge regarding the pathways involved in the regulation of substrate utilization during exercise. By synthesizing existing research, we can gain a holistic perspective on the intricate relationship between exercise, metabolism, and fuel selection. This advanced understanding has the potential to drive advancements in the field of exercise science and contribute to the development of personalized exercise strategies for individuals looking to optimize their performance and overall health.
    Keywords:  exercise; fuel utilization; skeletal muscle
  14. Life Sci Alliance. 2024 Feb;pii: e202302279. [Epub ahead of print]7(2):
      DNA integrity is incessantly confronted to agents inducing DNA lesions. All organisms are equipped with a network of DNA damage response mechanisms that will repair DNA lesions and restore proper cellular activities. Despite DNA repair mechanisms have been revealed in replicating cells, still little is known about how DNA lesions are repaired in postmitotic cells. Muscle fibers are highly specialized postmitotic cells organized in syncytia and they are vulnerable to age-related degeneration and atrophy after radiotherapy treatment. We have studied the DNA repair capacity of muscle fiber nuclei and compared it with the one measured in proliferative myoblasts here. We focused on the DNA repair mechanisms that correct ionizing radiation (IR)-induced lesions, namely the base excision repair, the nonhomologous end joining, and the homologous recombination (HR). We found that in the most differentiated myogenic cells, myotubes, these DNA repair mechanisms present weakened kinetics of recruitment of DNA repair proteins to IR-damaged DNA. For base excision repair and HR, this decline can be linked to reduced steady-state levels of key proteins involved in these processes.
  15. Arch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz). 2023 Nov 24. 71(1): 24
      Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a lethal X-linked disease caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene, leading to muscle degeneration and wasting. Electromyography (EMG) is an objective electrophysiological biomarker of muscle fiber function in muscular dystrophies. A novel, DT-DEC01 therapy, consisting of Dystrophin Expressing Chimeric (DEC) cells created by fusing allogeneic myoblasts from normal donors with autologous myoblasts from DMD-affected patients, was assessed for safety and preliminary efficacy in boys of age 6-15 years old (n = 3). Assessments included EMG testing of selected muscles of upper (deltoideus, biceps brachii) and lower (rectus femoris and gastrocnemius) extremities at the screening visit and at 3, 6, and 12 months following systemic-intraosseous administration of a single low dose of DT-DEC01 therapy (Bioethics Committee approval no. 46/2019). No immunosuppression was administered. Safety of DT-DEC01 was confirmed by the lack of therapy-related Adverse Events or Serious Adverse Events up to 22 months following DT-DEC01 administration. EMG of selected muscles of both, ambulatory and non-ambulatory patients confirmed preliminary efficacy of DT-DEC01 therapy by an increase in motor unit potentials (MUP) duration, amplitudes, and polyphasic MUPs at 12 months. This study confirmed EMG as a reliable and objective biomarker of functional assessment in DMD patients after intraosseous administration of the novel DT-DEC01 therapy.
    Keywords:  Biomarker; Duchenne muscular dystrophy; Dystrophin Expressing Chimeric (DEC) cell; Electromyography (EMG); Safety; Stem cell therapy
  16. Aging Cell. 2023 Nov 20. e14041
      Mechanical perturbation triggers activation of resident myogenic stem cells to enter the cell cycle through a cascade of events including hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) release from its extracellular tethering and the subsequent presentation to signaling-receptor c-met. Here, we show that with aging, extracellular HGF undergoes tyrosine-residue (Y) nitration and loses c-met binding, thereby disturbing muscle homeostasis. Biochemical studies demonstrated that nitration/dysfunction is specific to HGF among other major growth factors and is characterized by its locations at Y198 and Y250 in c-met-binding domains. Direct-immunofluorescence microscopy of lower hind limb muscles from three age groups of rat, provided direct in vivo evidence for age-related increases in nitration of ECM-bound HGF, preferentially stained for anti-nitrated Y198 and Y250-HGF mAbs (raised in-house) in fast IIa and IIx myofibers. Overall, findings highlight inhibitory impacts of HGF nitration on myogenic stem cell dynamics, pioneering a cogent discussion for better understanding age-related muscle atrophy and impaired regeneration with fibrosis (including sarcopenia and frailty).
    Keywords:  age-related muscle atrophy; fast myofiber; fibrosis; hepatocyte growth factor (HGF); peroxynitrite; regeneration; resident myogenic stem cell; tyrosine nitration
  17. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Nov 16. pii: 16404. [Epub ahead of print]24(22):
      Epigenetic changes contribute to the profound alteration in the transcriptional program associated with the onset and progression of muscle wasting in several pathological conditions. Although HDACs and their inhibitors have been extensively studied in the field of muscular dystrophies, the potential of epigenetic inhibitors has only been marginally explored in other disorders associated with muscle atrophy, such as in cancer cachexia and sarcopenia. BET inhibitors represent a novel class of recently developed epigenetic drugs that display beneficial effects in a variety of diseases beyond malignancies. Based on the preliminary in vitro and preclinical data, HDACs and BET proteins contribute to the pathogenesis of cancer cachexia and sarcopenia, modulating processes related to skeletal muscle mass maintenance and/or metabolism. Thus, epigenetic drugs targeting HDACs and BET proteins may emerge as promising strategies to reverse the catabolic phenotype associated with cachexia and sarcopenia. Further preclinical studies are warranted to delve deeper into the molecular mechanisms associated with the functions of HDACs and BET proteins in muscle atrophy and to establish whether their epigenetic inhibitors represent a prospective therapeutic avenue to alleviate muscle wasting.
    Keywords:  BET proteins; HDACs; cachexia; epigenetics; muscle wasting; sarcopenia
  18. Epigenomics. 2023 Nov 22.
      Epigenomic anomalies contribute significantly to the development of numerous human disorders. The development of epigenetic research tools is essential for understanding how epigenetic marks contribute to gene expression. A gene-editing technique known as CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) typically targets a particular DNA sequence using a guide RNA (gRNA). CRISPR/Cas9 technology has been remodeled for epigenome editing by generating a 'dead' Cas9 protein (dCas9) that lacks nuclease activity and juxtaposing it with an epigenetic effector domain. Based on fusion partners of dCas9, a specific epigenetic state can be achieved. CRISPR-based epigenome editing has widespread application in drug screening, cancer treatment and regenerative medicine. This paper discusses the tools developed for CRISPR-based epigenome editing and their applications.
  19. Biomolecules. 2023 Oct 26. pii: 1582. [Epub ahead of print]13(11):
      Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal condition characterized by the selective loss of motor neurons in the motor cortex, brainstem, and spinal cord. Muscle involvement, muscle atrophy, and subsequent paralysis are among the main features of this disease, which is defined as a neuromuscular disorder. ALS is a persistently progressive disease, and as motor neurons continue to degenerate, individuals with ALS experience a gradual decline in their ability to perform daily activities. Ultimately, muscle function loss may result in paralysis, presenting significant challenges in mobility, communication, and self-care. While the majority of ALS research has traditionally focused on pathogenic pathways in the central nervous system, there has been a great interest in muscle research. These studies were carried out on patients and animal models in order to better understand the molecular mechanisms involved and to develop therapies aimed at improving muscle function. This review summarizes the features of ALS and discusses the role of muscle, as well as examines recent studies in the development of treatments.
    Keywords:  amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; muscle atrophy; skeletal muscle
  20. Nucleic Acids Res. 2023 Nov 24. pii: gkad1108. [Epub ahead of print]
      Targeted epigenome editing tools allow precise manipulation and investigation of genome modifications, however they often display high context dependency and variable efficacy between target genes and cell types. While systems that simultaneously recruit multiple distinct 'effector' chromatin regulators can improve efficacy, they generally lack control over effector composition and spatial organisation. To overcome this we have created a modular combinatorial epigenome editing platform, called SSSavi. This system is an interchangeable and reconfigurable docking platform fused to dCas9 that enables simultaneous recruitment of up to four different effectors, allowing precise control of effector composition and spatial ordering. We demonstrate the activity and specificity of the SSSavi system and, by testing it against existing multi-effector targeting systems, demonstrate its comparable efficacy. Furthermore, we demonstrate the importance of the spatial ordering of the recruited effectors for effective transcriptional regulation. Together, the SSSavi system enables exploration of combinatorial effector co-recruitment to enhance manipulation of chromatin contexts previously resistant to targeted editing.
  21. Biosensors (Basel). 2023 Nov 07. pii: 975. [Epub ahead of print]13(11):
      Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)- CRISPR-associated protein 9 (Cas9) genome editing technology is widely used for gene editing because it provides versatility in genetic manipulation. Several methods for regulating CRISPR activity already exist for accurate editing, but these require complex engineering. Thus, a simple and convenient regulatory system is required. In this study, we devised a CRISPR activation system using a DNA regulator that can be activated by miRNAs. The designed regulator was divided into two parts. The inhibition component consisted of the protospacer-adjacent motif (PAM) and seed sequence, which are important for Cas9 target recognition and bind to the ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex for inhibition. The miRNA recognition component has a single-stranded toehold DNA for target miRNA binding and a partial double-stranded DNA complementary to the remaining miRNA sequence. In the presence of target miRNAs, the structure of the regulator is disrupted by the miRNAs, leading to its dissociation from the RNP complex and subsequent restoration of CRISPR activity. This method is easy to design and can be applied to various miRNAs via simple sequence manipulation. Therefore, this strategy provides a general platform for controlled genome editing.
    Keywords:  CRISPR-Cas9; DNA regulator; miRNA; specific regulation
  22. J Transl Med. 2023 Nov 23. 21(1): 845
      BACKGROUND: Denervation-induced muscle atrophy is complex disease involving multiple biological processes with unknown mechanisms. N6-methyladenosine (m6A) participates in skeletal muscle physiology by regulating multiple levels of RNA metabolism, but its impact on denervation-induced muscle atrophy is still unclear. Here, we aimed to explore the changes, functions, and molecular mechanisms of m6A RNA methylation during denervation-induced muscle atrophy.METHODS: During denervation-induced muscle atrophy, the m6A immunoprecipitation sequencing (MeRIP-seq) as well as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay analysis were used to detect the changes of m6A modified RNAs and the involved biological processes. 3-deazidenosine (Daa) and R-2-hydroxyglutarate (R-2HG) were used to verify the roles of m6A RNA methylation. Through bioinformatics analysis combined with experimental verification, the regulatory roles and mechanisms of m6A RNA methylation had been explored.
    RESULTS: There were many m6A modified RNAs with differences during denervation-induced muscle atrophy, and overall, they were mainly downregulated. After 72 h of denervation, the biological processes involved in the altered mRNA with m6A modification were mainly related to zinc ion binding, ubiquitin protein ligase activity, ATP binding and sequence-specific DNA binding and transcription coactivator activity. Daa reduced overall m6A levels in healthy skeletal muscles, which reduced skeletal muscle mass. On the contrary, the increase in m6A levels mediated by R-2HG alleviated denervation induced muscle atrophy. The m6A RNA methylation regulated skeletal muscle mass through ubiquitin-proteasome pathway.
    CONCLUSION: This study indicated that decrease in m6A RNA methylation was a new symptom of denervation-induced muscle atrophy, and confirmed that targeting m6A alleviated denervation-induced muscle atrophy.
    Keywords:  Denervation; Muscle atrophy; Ubiquitin–proteasome pathway; m6A