EMBO Rep. 2025 Feb 27.
Cells and tissues turn over their aged and damaged components in order to adapt to a changing environment and maintain homeostasis. These functions rely on lysosomes, dynamic and heterogeneous organelles that play essential roles in nutrient redistribution, metabolism, signaling, gene regulation, plasma membrane repair, and immunity. Because of metabolic fluctuations and pathogenic threats, lysosomes must adapt in the short and long term to maintain functionality. In response to such challenges, lysosomes deploy a variety of mechanisms that prevent the breaching of their membrane and escape of their contents, including pathogen-associated molecules and hydrolases. While transient permeabilization of the lysosomal membrane can have acute beneficial effects, supporting inflammation and antigen cross-presentation, sustained or repeated lysosomal perforations have adverse metabolic and transcriptional consequences and can lead to cell death. This review outlines factors contributing to lysosomal stress and damage perception, as well as remedial processes aimed at addressing lysosomal disruptions. We conclude that lysosomal stress plays widespread roles in human physiology and pathology, the understanding and manipulation of which can open the door to novel therapeutic strategies.
Keywords: Autophagy; Glycocalyx; Host–pathogen; Phagosolysosome; Pore-forming Toxins