bims-nucpor Biomed News
on Nuclear pore complex and nucleoporins in stress, aging and disease
Issue of 2024‒03‒24
four papers selected by
Sara Mingu, Johannes Gutenberg University

  1. Mol Biol Cell. 2024 Mar 20. mbcE23100386
      The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) accessory protein Orf6 works as an interferon antagonist, in part, by inhibiting the nuclear import activated p-STAT1, an activator of interferon-stimulated genes, and the export of the poly(A) RNA. Insight into the transport regulatory function of Orf6 has come from the observation that Orf6 binds to the nuclear pore complex (NPC) components Rae1 and Nup98. To gain further insight into the mechanism of Orf6-mediated transport inhibition, we examined the role of Rae1 and Nup98. We show that Rae1 alone is not necessary to support p-STAT1 import or nuclear export of poly(A) RNA. Moreover, the loss of Rae1 suppresses the transport inhibitory activity of Orf6. We propose that the Rae1/Nup98 complex strategically positions Orf6 within the NPC where it alters FG-Nup interactions and their ability to support nuclear transport. In addition, we show that Rae1 is required for normal viral protein production during SARS-CoV-2 infection presumably through its role in supporting Orf6 function.
  2. Biophys Rep. 2023 Aug 31. 9(4): 206-214
      Super-resolution microscopy has promoted the development of cell biology, but imaging proteins with low copy numbers in cellular structures remains challenging. The limited number of designated proteins within nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) impedes continuous observation in live cells, although they are often used as a standard for evaluating various SR methods. To address this issue, we tagged POM121 with Halo-SiR and imaged it using structured illumination microscopy with sparse deconvolution (Sparse-SIM). Remarkably, POM121-SiR exhibited more than six-fold fluorescence intensity and four-fold enhanced contrast compared to the same protein labeled with tandem-linked mCherry, while showing negligible photo-bleaching during SR imaging for 200 frames. Using this technique, we discovered various types of NPCs, including ring-like and cluster-like structures, and observed dynamic remodeling along with the sequential appearance of different Nup compositions. Overall, Halo-SiR with Sparse-SIM is a potent tool for extended SR imaging of dynamic structures of NPCs in live cells, and it may also help visualize proteins with limited numbers in general.
    Keywords:  Dual-color imaging; Halo-SiR; Nuclear pore complexes; Sparse deconvolution; Super-resolution microscopy
  3. PLoS Pathog. 2024 Mar 21. 20(3): e1011830
      Human myxovirus resistance 2 (MX2/MXB) is an interferon-induced GTPase that inhibits human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) infection by preventing nuclear import of the viral preintegration complex. The HIV-1 capsid (CA) is the major viral determinant for sensitivity to MX2, and complex interactions between MX2, CA, nucleoporins (Nups), cyclophilin A (CypA), and other cellular proteins influence the outcome of viral infection. To explore the interactions between MX2, the viral CA, and CypA, we utilized a CRISPR-Cas9/AAV approach to generate CypA knock-out cell lines as well as cells that express CypA from its endogenous locus, but with specific point mutations that would abrogate CA binding but should not affect enzymatic activity or cellular function. We found that infection of CypA knock-out and point mutant cell lines with wild-type HIV-1 and CA mutants recapitulated the phenotypes observed upon cyclosporine A (CsA) addition, indicating that effects of CsA treatment are the direct result of blocking CA-CypA interactions and are therefore independent from potential interactions between CypA and MX2 or other cellular proteins. Notably, abrogation of GTP hydrolysis by MX2 conferred enhanced antiviral activity when CA-CypA interactions were abolished, and this effect was not mediated by the CA-binding residues in the GTPase domain, or by phosphorylation of MX2 at position T151. We additionally found that elimination of GTPase activity also altered the Nup requirements for MX2 activity. Our data demonstrate that the antiviral activity of MX2 is affected by CypA-CA interactions in a virus-specific and GTPase activity-dependent manner. These findings further highlight the importance of the GTPase domain of MX2 in regulation of substrate specificity and interaction with nucleocytoplasmic trafficking pathways.
  4. Biochemistry. 2024 Mar 19.
      Ras-related nuclear protein (Ran) is a member of the Ras superfamily of small guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases) and a regulator of multiple cellular processes. In healthy cells, the GTP-bound form of Ran is concentrated at chromatin, creating a Ran•GTP gradient that provides the driving force for nucleocytoplasmic transport, mitotic spindle assembly, and nuclear envelope formation. The Ran•GTP gradient is maintained by the regulator of chromatin condensation 1 (RCC1), a guanine nucleotide exchange factor that accelerates GDP/GTP exchange in Ran. RCC1 interacts with nucleosomes, which are the fundamental repeating units of eukaryotic chromatin. Here, we present a cryo-EM analysis of a trimeric complex composed of the nucleosome core particle (NCP), RCC1, and Ran. While the contacts between RCC1 and Ran in the complex are preserved compared with a previously determined structure of RCC1-Ran, our study reveals that RCC1 and Ran interact dynamically with the NCP and undergo rocking motions on the nucleosome surface. Furthermore, the switch 1 region of Ran, which plays an important role in mediating conformational changes associated with the substitution of GDP and GTP nucleotides in Ras family members, appears to undergo disorder-order transitions and forms transient contacts with the C-terminal helix of histone H2B. Nucleotide exchange assays performed in the presence and absence of NCPs are not consistent with an active role for nucleosomes in nucleotide exchange, at least in vitro. Instead, the nucleosome stabilizes RCC1 and serves as a hub that concentrates RCC1 and Ran to promote efficient Ran•GDP to Ran•GTP conversion.