bims-plasge Biomed News
on Plastid genes
Issue of 2024‒05‒19
two papers selected by
Vera S. Bogdanova, Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  1. Plant J. 2024 May 16.
      Plant mitochondrial and chloroplast transcripts are subject to numerous events of specific cytidine-to-uridine (C-to-U) RNA editing to correct genetic information. Key protein factors for this process are specific RNA-binding pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) proteins, which are encoded in the nucleus and post-translationally imported into the two endosymbiotic organelles. Despite hundreds of C-to-U editing sites in the plant organelles, no comparable editing has been found for nucleo-cytosolic mRNAs raising the question why plant RNA editing is restricted to chloroplasts and mitochondria. Here, we addressed this issue in the model moss Physcomitrium patens, where all PPR-type RNA editing factors comprise specific RNA-binding and cytidine deamination functionalities in single proteins. To explore whether organelle-type RNA editing can principally also take place in the plant cytosol, we expressed PPR56, PPR65 and PPR78, three editing factors recently shown to also function in a bacterial setup, together with cytosolic co-transcribed native targets in Physcomitrium. While we obtained unsatisfying results upon their constitutive expression, we found strong cytosolic RNA editing under hormone-inducible expression. Moreover, RNA-Seq analyses revealed varying numbers of up to more than 900 off-targets in other cytosolic transcripts. We conclude that PPR-mediated C-to-U RNA editing is not per se incompatible with the plant cytosol but that its limited target specificity has restricted its occurrence to the much less complex transcriptomes of mitochondria and chloroplast in the course of evolution.
    Keywords:  CRISPR‐Cas9; DYW‐type cytidine deaminase; Physcomitrium patens; RNA editing; RNA sequencing; heterologous protein expression; mitochondria; pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) proteins
  2. J Exp Bot. 2024 May 11. pii: erae214. [Epub ahead of print]
      Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is of major agronomical relevance in hybrid breeding. In gametophytic CMS, abortion of pollen is determined by the grain genotype, while in sporophytic CMS, it is determined by the mother plant genotype. While several CMS mechanisms have been dissected at the molecular level, gametophytic CMS has not been straightforwardly accessible. We used the gametophytic Sha-CMS in Arabidopsis to characterize the cause and process of pollen abortion by implementing in vivo biosensing in single pollen and mitoTALEN mutagenesis. We obtained conclusive evidence that orf117Sha is the CMS-causing gene, despite distinct characteristics from other CMS-genes. We measured the in vivo cytosolic ATP content in single pollen, followed pollen development and analyzed pollen mitochondrial volume in two genotypes that differed only by the presence of the orf117Sha locus. Our results show that the Sha-CMS is not triggered by ATP deficiency. Instead, we observed desynchronization of a pollen developmental program. Pollen death occurred independently in pollen grains at diverse stages and was preceded by mitochondrial swelling. We conclude that pollen death is grain-autonomous in Sha-CMS and propose that mitochondrial permeability transition, which was previously described as a hallmark of developmental and environmental-triggered cell death programs, precedes pollen death in Sha-CMS.
    Keywords:  ATP content; cytoplasmic male sterility; gametophytic; male germline; mitoTALEN mutagenesis; mitochondrial genome; mitochondrial morphology; pollen development