bims-polyam Biomed News
on Polyamines
Issue of 2024‒06‒16
three papers selected by
Sebastian J. Hofer, University of Graz

  1. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2024 Jun;35(6): e14167
    Nela Study Goup
      BACKGROUND: Some studies have reported that polyamine levels may influence immune system programming. The aim of this study was to evaluate the polyamine profile during gestation and its associations with maternal allergy and cytokine production in cord blood cells in response to different allergenic stimuli.METHODS: Polyamines were determined in plasma of pregnant women (24 weeks, N = 674) and in umbilical cord samples (N = 353 vein and N = 160 artery) from the Mediterranean NELA birth cohort. Immune cell populations were quantified, and the production of cytokines in response to different allergic and mitogenic stimuli was assessed in cord blood.
    RESULTS: Spermidine and spermine were the most prevalent polyamines in maternal, cord venous, and cord arterial plasma. Maternal allergies, especially allergic conjunctivitis, were associated with lower spermine in umbilical cord vein. Higher levels of polyamines were associated with higher lymphocyte number but lower Th2-related cells in cord venous blood. Those subjects with higher levels of circulating polyamines in cord showed lower production of inflammatory cytokines, especially IFN-α, and lower production of Th2-related cytokines, mainly IL-4 and IL-5. The effects of polyamines on Th1-related cytokines production were uncertain.
    CONCLUSIONS: Spermidine and spermine are the predominant polyamines in plasma of pregnant women at mid-pregnancy and also in umbilical cord. Maternal allergic diseases like allergic conjunctivitis are related to lower levels of polyamines in cord vein, which could influence the immune response of the newborn. Cord polyamine content is related to a decreased Th2 response and inflammatory cytokines production, which might be important to reduce an allergenic phenotype in the neonate.
    Keywords:  allergy; cytokine; polyamine; spermidine; spermine
  2. Biomed Mater. 2024 Jun 13.
      Oral cancer accounts for 50-70% of all cancer-related deaths in India and ranks sixth among the most frequent cancers globally. Roughly 90% of oral malignancies are histologically arise from squamous cells and are therefore called oral squamous cell carcinoma. Organic polycations known as biogenic polyamines, for example, putrescine (Put), spermidine (Spd), and spermine (Spm), are vital for cell proliferation, including gene expression control, regulation of endonuclease-mediated fragmentation of DNA, and DNA damage inhibition. Higher Spm and Spd levels have been identified as cancer biomarkers for detecting tumour development in various cancers. The current study utilises tannic acid, a polyphenolic compound, as a reducing and capping agent to fabricate AuNPs via a one-step microwave-assisted synthesis. The fabricated TA@AuNPs were utilised as a nanoprobe for colourimetric sensing of polyamines in PBS. When TA@AuNPs are added to the polyamine, the amine groups in polyamines interact with the phenolic groups of TA@AuNPs via hydrogen bonding or electrostatic interactions. These interactions cause the aggregation of TA@AuNPs, resulting in a red shift of the Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) band of TA@AuNPs from 530 nm to 560 nm. The nanoprobe was found to be highly specific for Spm at low concentrations. TA@AuNPs were able to detect Spm successfully in artificial saliva samples. On recording the RGB values of the sensing process using a smartphone app, it was found that as the nanoparticles aggregated due to the presence of Spm, the intensity of the R-value decreased, indicating the aggregation of TA@AuNPs due to interaction with the polyamine.
    Keywords:  Polyamines; TA@AuNPs; colourimetric sensing; microwave-assisted; nano-sensor; oral cancer
  3. Amino Acids. 2024 Jun 08. 56(1): 41
      Periodontitis is an inflammatory condition of supporting structures of teeth leading to attachment and bone loss. Cigarette smoking is the single most important and modifiable risk factor with 5 to 20-fold susceptibility for periodontal diseases. Reverse smoking is a peculiar habit of smoking where the lit end is kept inside the mouth, which is predominant in the northern coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh. Polyamines are biologically active amines involved in tissue regeneration and modulation of inflammation. The study aimed to evaluate polyamines and check their utility as a marker in detection of periodontitis among different groups. Total polyamine levels showed significant increase in reverse smokers with periodontitis when compared to the other groups. Qualitative analysis by thin layer chromatography showed three polyamine bands with varying intensity among the different groups. Mass spectrometric and NMR analyses of the three bands identified them as N1, N8-diacetyl spermidine, N-acetyl cadaverine and lysine. Most significantly elevated levels of lysine was observed in the smoker and reverse smoker periodontitis groups when compared to healthy and non-smoker periodontitis groups. The significantly elevated levels of N-acetyl cadaverine could be responsible for the more destruction of periodontium in the reverse smoker group. Antioxidant potential decreased significantly in different smoker periodontitis groups. The present study suggests that the quantitative analysis of salivary polyamines, lysine and N-acetyl cadaverine can aid as an easy noninvasive diagnostic method for assessing the periodontal status, especially in smokers.
    Keywords:   N-acetyl cadaverine; N1,N8-diacetyl spermidine; Periodontitis; Polyamines; Reverse smokers; Smokers