bims-stacyt Biomed News
on Metabolism and the paracrine crosstalk between cancer and the organism
Issue of 2024‒07‒21
eleven papers selected by
Cristina Muñoz Pinedo, L’Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge

  1. Sci Signal. 2024 Jul 16. 17(845): eadd8913
      Hypoxia and low glucose abundance often occur simultaneously at sites of inflammation. In monocytes and macrophages, glucose-oxygen deprivation stimulates the assembly of the NLRP3 inflammasome to generate the proinflammatory cytokine IL-1β. We found that concomitant glucose deprivation and hypoxia activated the NLRP3 inflammasome by constraining the function of HMG-CoA reductase (HMGCR), the rate-limiting enzyme of the mevalonate kinase pathway. HMGCR is involved in the synthesis of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate (GGPP), which is required for the prenylation and lipid membrane integration of proteins. Under glucose-oxygen deprivation, GGPP synthesis was decreased, leading to reduced prenylation of the small GTPase Rac1, increased binding of nonprenylated Rac1 to the scaffolding protein IQGAP1, and enhanced activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome. In response to restricted oxygen and glucose supply, patient monocytes with a compromised mevalonate pathway due to mevalonate kinase deficiency or Muckle-Wells syndrome released more IL-1β than did control monocytes. Thus, reduced GGPP synthesis due to inhibition of HMGCR under glucose-oxygen deprivation results in proinflammatory innate responses, which are normally kept in check by the prenylation of Rac1. We suggest that this mechanism is also active in inflammatory autoimmune conditions.
  2. J Extracell Vesicles. 2024 Jul;13(7): e12449
      Hypoxia is a common feature of solid tumours and activates adaptation mechanisms in cancer cells that induce therapy resistance and has profound effects on cellular metabolism. As such, hypoxia is an important contributor to cancer progression and is associated with a poor prognosis. Metabolic alterations in cells within the tumour microenvironment support tumour growth via, amongst others, the suppression of immune reactions and the induction of angiogenesis. Recently, extracellular vesicles (EV) have emerged as important mediators of intercellular communication in support of cancer progression. Previously, we demonstrated the pro-angiogenic properties of hypoxic cancer cell derived EV. In this study, we investigate how (hypoxic) cancer cell derived EV mediate their effects. We demonstrate that cancer derived EV regulate cellular metabolism and protein synthesis in acceptor cells through increased activation of mTOR and AMPKα. Using metabolic tracer experiments, we demonstrate that EV stimulate glucose uptake in endothelial cells to fuel amino acid synthesis and stimulate amino acid uptake to increase protein synthesis. Despite alterations in cargo, we show that the effect of cancer derived EV on recipient cells is primarily determined by the EV producing cancer cell type rather than its oxygenation status.
    Keywords:  angiogenesis; extracellular vesicles; hypoxia; metabolism
  3. J Biol Chem. 2024 Jul 14. pii: S0021-9258(24)02076-3. [Epub ahead of print] 107575
      Adaptation to shortage in free amino acids (AA) is mediated by two pathways, the integrated stress response (ISR) and the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR). In response to reduced levels, primarily of leucine or arginine, mTOR in its complex 1 configuration (mTORC1) is suppressed leading to a decrease in translation initiation and elongation. The eIF2α kinase general control nonderepressible 2 (GCN2) is activated by uncharged tRNAs, leading to induction of the ISR in response to a broader range of AA shortage. ISR confers a reduced translation initiation, while promoting the selective synthesis of stress proteins, such as ATF4. To efficiently adapt to AA starvation, the two pathways are cross-regulated at multiple levels. Here we identified a new mechanism of ISR/mTORC1 crosstalk that optimizes survival under AA starvation, when mTORC1 is forced to remain active. mTORC1 activation during acute AA shortage, augmented ATF4 expression in a GCN2-dependent manner. Under these conditions, enhanced GCN2 activity was not dependent on tRNA sensing, inferring a different activation mechanism. We identified a labile physical interaction between GCN2 and mTOR that results in a phosphorylation of GCN2 on serine 230 by mTOR, which promotes GCN2 activity. When examined under prolonged AA starvation, GCN2 phosphorylation by mTOR promoted survival. Our data unveils an adaptive mechanism to AA starvation, when mTORC1 evades inhibition.
  4. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2024 Jul 16.
      Hypoxia is a critical factor contributing to a poor prognosis and challenging glioma therapy. Previous studies have indicated that hypoxia drives M2 polarization of macrophages and promotes cancer progression in various solid tumors. However, the more complex and diverse mechanisms underlying this process remain to be elucidated. Here, we aimed to examine the functions of hypoxia in gliomas and preliminarily investigate the underlying mechanisms of M2 macrophage polarization caused by hypoxia. We found that hypoxia significantly enhances the malignant phenotypes of U87 and U251 cells by regulating glycolysis. In addition, hypoxia-mediated accumulation of the glycolysis product (lactic acid, LA), which is subsequently absorbed by macrophages to induce its M2 polarization, and this process is reverted by both the glycolysis inhibitor and silenced monocarboxylate transporter (MCT-1) in macrophages, indicating that M2 macrophages polarization is associated with the promotion of glycolysis by hypoxia. Interestingly, we also found that hypoxia-mediated LA accumulation in glioma cells upon uptake by macrophages upregulates H3K18La expression and promotes tumor necrosis factor superfamily member 9 (TNFSF9) expression in a histone-lactylation-dependent manner based on the results of ChIP-seq enrichment analysis. Subsequent in vitro and in vivo experiments further indicated that TNFSF9 facilitated glioma progression. Mechanistically, hypoxia-mediated LA accumulation in glioma cells is taken up by macrophages and then induces its M2 macrophage polarization by regulating TNFSF9 expression via MCT-1/H3K18La signaling, thus facilitating the malignant progression of gliomas.
    Keywords:  Hypoxia; M2 polarization of macrophages; glioma; glycolysis; lactylation
  5. Cell Oncol (Dordr). 2024 Jul 18.
      The complex and continuously evolving features of the tumor microenvironment, varying between tumor histotypes, are characterized by the presence of host cells and tumor cells embedded in a milieu shaped by hypoxia and low pH, resulting from the frequent imbalance between vascularity and tumor cell proliferation. These microenvironmental metabolic stressors play a crucial role in remodeling host cells and tumor cells, contributing to the stimulation of cancer cell heterogeneity, clonal evolution, and multidrug resistance, ultimately leading to progression and metastasis. The extracellular vesicles (EVs), membrane-enclosed structures released into the extracellular milieu by tumor/host cells, are now recognized as critical drivers in the complex intercellular communication between tumor cells and the local cellular components in a hypoxic/acidic microenvironment. Understanding the intricate molecular mechanisms governing the interactions between tumor and host cells within a hypoxic and acidic microenvironment, triggered by the release of EVs, could pave the way for innovative strategies to disrupt the complex interplay of cancer cells with their microenvironment. This approach may contribute to the development of an efficient and safe therapeutic strategy to combat cancer progression. Therefore, we review the major findings on the release of EVs in a hypoxic/acidic tumor microenvironment to appreciate their role in tumor progression toward metastatic disease.
    Keywords:  Acidosis; Cancer progression; Extracellular vesicles; Hypoxia; Tumor microenvironment
  6. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 2024 Jul 15.
      BACKGROUND: The ability of skeletal muscle to respond adequately to changes in nutrient availability, known as metabolic flexibility, is essential for the maintenance of metabolic health and loss of flexibility contributes to the development of diabetes and obesity. The tumour suppressor protein, p53, has been linked to the control of energy metabolism. We assessed its role in the acute control of nutrient allocation in skeletal muscle in the context of limited nutrient availability.METHODS: A mouse model with inducible deletion of the p53-encoding gene, Trp53, in skeletal muscle was generated using the Cre-loxP-system. A detailed analysis of nutrient metabolism in mice with control and knockout genotypes was performed under ad libitum fed and fasting conditions and in exercised mice.
    RESULTS: Acute deletion of p53 in myofibres of mice activated catabolic nutrient usage pathways even under ad libitum fed conditions, resulting in significantly increased overall energy expenditure (+10.6%; P = 0.0385) and a severe nutrient deficit in muscle characterized by depleted intramuscular glucose and glycogen levels (-62,0%; P < 0.0001 and -52.7%; P < 0.0001, respectively). This was accompanied by changes in marker gene expression patterns of circadian rhythmicity and hyperactivity (+57.4%; P = 0.0068). These metabolic changes occurred acutely, within 2-3 days after deletion of Trp53 was initiated, suggesting a rapid adaptive response to loss of p53, which resulted in a transient increase in lactate release to the circulation (+46.6%; P = 0.0115) from non-exercised muscle as a result of elevated carbohydrate mobilization. Conversely, an impairment of proteostasis and amino acid metabolism was observed in knockout mice during fasting. During endurance exercise testing, mice with acute, muscle-specific Trp53 inactivation displayed an early exhaustion phenotype with a premature shift in fuel usage and reductions in multiple performance parameters, including a significantly reduced running time and distance (-13.8%; P = 0.049 and -22.2%; P = 0.0384, respectively).
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that efficient nutrient conservation is a key element of normal metabolic homeostasis that is sustained by p53. The homeostatic state in metabolic tissues is actively maintained to coordinate efficient energy conservation and metabolic flexibility towards nutrient stress. The acute deletion of Trp53 unlocks mechanisms that suppress the activity of nutrient catabolic pathways, causing substantial loss of intramuscular energy stores, which contributes to a fasting-like state in muscle tissue. Altogether, these findings uncover a novel function of p53 in the short-term regulation of nutrient metabolism in skeletal muscle and show that p53 serves to maintain metabolic homeostasis and efficient energy conservation.
    Keywords:  Energy conservation; Metabolic efficiency; Metabolic homeostasis; Metabolism; Skeletal muscle; p53
  7. Aging Cell. 2024 Jul 16. e14258
      Senescent cells produce a Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype (SASP) that involves factors with diverse and sometimes contradictory activities. One key SASP factor, interleukin-6 (IL-6), has the potential to amplify cellular senescence in the SASP-producing cells in an autocrine action, while simultaneously inducing proliferation in the neighboring cells. The underlying mechanisms for the contrasting actions remain unclear. We found that the senescence action does not involve IL-6 secretion nor the interaction with the receptor expressed in the membrane but is amplified through an intracrine mechanism. IL-6 sustains intracrine senescence interacting with the intracellular IL-6 receptor located in anterograde traffic specialized structures, with cytosolic DNA, cGAS-STING, and NFκB activation. This pathway triggered by intracellular IL-6 significantly contributes to cell-autonomous induction of senescence and impacts in tumor growth control. Inactivation of IL-6 in somatotrophic senescent cells transforms them into strongly tumorigenic in NOD/SCID mice, while re-expression of IL-6 restores senescence control of tumor growth. The intracrine senescent IL-6 pathway is further evidenced in three human cellular models of therapy-induced senescence. The compartmentalization of the intracellular signaling, in contrast to the paracrine tumorigenic action, provides a pathway for IL-6 to sustain cell-autonomous senescent cells, driving the SASP, and opens new avenues for clinical consideration to senescence-based therapies.
    Keywords:  interleukin‐6; intracellular; pituitary; senescence; signaling; therapy‐induced senescence; tumors
  8. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2024 Jul 16.
      The 18-kD isoform of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF/FGF2) lacks a conventional signal peptide sequence and is exported by a novel membrane-associated transport pathway. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are increasingly recognized as mediators of intercellular communication in the lung, and our prior work demonstrates that EVs carry cargo that contribute to hyperoxic lung injury and are biomarkers for bronchopulmonary dysplasia. We used primary human bronchial epithelial (HBE), pulmonary artery endothelial (HPAE) and fibroblast (HNF) cells to determine if FGF2 was secreted in EVs. EVs were isolated by ultracentrifugation from HBE, HPAE, and HNF exposed to either normoxia or hyperoxia, followed by nanoparticle tracking analysis and electron microscopy. Hyperoxia exposure increased total EV number. All three cell types released FGF2-18kDa both directly into the extracellular environment (secretome), as well as in EVs. HBE released more FGF2-18kDa in EVs during hyperoxia, and these were internalized and localized to both nuclei and cytoplasm of recipient cells. By co-immunoprecipitation, we identified potential binding partners of FGF2-18kDa in the nuclei, including histone 1.2 (H1.2) binding protein, that may mediate downstream effects that do not involve FGF2 binding to cell surface receptors. FGF2-18kDa interaction with H1.2 binding protein may indicate a mechanism by which FGF2 secreted in EVs modulates cellular processes. FGF2 was also found to increase angiogenesis by Matrigel assay. Further studies are necessary to determine the biological relevance of the FGF2 in EVs as modulators of lung injury and disease.
    Keywords:  Exosomes; Fibroblast growth factor; Paracrine
  9. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024 Jul 23. 121(30): e2404778121
      Tumor blood vessels are highly leaky in structure and have poor blood perfusion, which hampers infiltration and function of CD8T cells within tumor. Normalizing tumor vessels is thus thought to be important in promoting the flux of immune T cells and enhancing ant-tumor immunity. However, how tumor vasculature is normalized is poorly understood. Metformin (Met) combined with ant-PD-1 therapy is known to stimulate proliferation of and to produce large amounts of IFNγ from tumor-infiltrating CD8T lymphocytes (CD8TILs). We found that the combination therapy promotes the pericyte coverage of tumor vascular endothelial cells (ECs) to improve blood perfusion and that it suppresses the hyperpermeability through the increase of VE-cadherin. Peripheral node addressin(PNAd) and vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM)-1, both implicated to promote tumor infiltration of CD8T cells, were also increased. Importantly, tumor vessel normalization, characterized as the reduced 70-kDa dextran leakage and the enhancement of VE-cadherin and VCAM-1, were canceled by anti-CD8 Ab or anti-IFNγ Ab injection to mice. The increased CD8TILs were also abrogated by anti-IFNγ Ab injection. In vascular ECs, flow cytometry analysis revealed that pSTAT1 expression was found to be associated with VE-cadherin expression. Moreover, in vitro treatment with Met and IFNγ enhanced VE-cadherin and VCAM-1 on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). The Kaplan-Meier method revealed a correlation of VE-cadherin or VCAM-1 levels with overall survival in patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors. These data indicate that IFNγ-mediated cross talk of CD8TILs with tumor vessels is important for creating a better tumor microenvironment and maintaining sustained antitumor immunity.
    Keywords:  CD8T cells; IFNγ; VCAM-1; VE-cadherin; tumor vessels
  10. Cell Rep. 2024 Jul 17. pii: S2211-1247(24)00846-5. [Epub ahead of print]43(8): 114517
      Cancer cells secrete extracellular vesicles (EVs) to regulate cells in the tumor microenvironment to benefit their own growth and survive in the patient's body. Although emerging evidence has demonstrated the molecular mechanisms of EV release, regulating cancer-specific EV secretion remains challenging. In this study, we applied a microRNA library to reveal the universal mechanisms of EV secretion from cancer cells. Here, we identified miR-891b and its direct target gene, phosphoserine aminotransferase 1 (PSAT1), which promotes EV secretion through the serine-ceramide synthesis pathway. Inhibition of PSAT1 affected EV secretion in multiple types of cancer, suggesting that the miR-891b/PSAT1 axis shares a common mechanism of EV secretion from cancer cells. Interestingly, aberrant PSAT1 expression also regulated cancer metastasis via EV secretion. Our data link the PSAT1-controlled EV secretion mechanism and cancer metastasis and show the potential of this mechanism as a therapeutic target in multiple types of cancer.
    Keywords:  CP: Neuroscience; exosomes; extracellular vesicles; metabolism; metastasis; serine
  11. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2024 Jul 16.
      Phenotypic changes to endometrial epithelial cells underpin receptivity to embryo implantation at the onset of pregnancy but the effect of hyperglycaemia on these processes remains poorly understood. Here we show that physiological levels of glucose (5mM) abolished receptivity in the endometrial epithelial cell line, Ishikawa. However, embryo attachment was supported by 17mM glucose as a result of glucose flux through the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway (HBP) and modulation of cell function via protein O-GlcNAcylation. Pharmacological inhibition of HBP or protein O-GlcNAcylation reduced embryo attachment in co-cultures at 17mM glucose. Mass spectrometry analysis of the O-GlcNAcylated proteome in Ishikawa cells revealed that myosin phosphatase target subunit 1 (MYPT1) is more highly O-GlcNAcylated in 17mM glucose, correlating with loss of its target protein, phospho-myosin light chain 2, from apical cell junctions of polarised epithelium. 2D and 3D morphologic analysis demonstrated that the higher glucose level attenuates epithelial polarity through O-GlcNAcylation. Inhibition of RhoA-associated kinase (ROCK) or myosin II led to reduced polarity and enhanced receptivity in cells cultured in 5mM glucose, consistent with data showing that MYPT1 acts downstream of ROCK signalling. These data implicate regulation of endometrial epithelial polarity through RhoA signaling upstream of actomyosin contractility in the acquisition of endometrial receptivity. Glucose levels impinge on this pathway through O-GlcNAcylation of MYPT1, which may impact endometrial receptivity to an implanting embryo in women with diabetes.
    Keywords:  O-GlcNAcylation; diabetes; implantation; polarity; post-translational modification